
guild wars 2 gold or from more more flexible mechanisms - XJJ

129742939272187500_182Chen Jing Ze with public fund involved in stock index futures, "lifted", used to complain about public placement fund managers of the Fund only unilateral action from this reason can no longer be used to excuse for the poor performance. However the business news reporter learned that, public fund on this carefully, substantive using stock index futures trading still needs time. Private equity performanceWell received. Public care on April 16, 2010, stock index futures launched, marking a-share market officially bid farewell to the single market. But as important players in the a-share markets, public fund involved in stock index futures in a formalized only after almost 2 years. Mature markets as an important hedging tool for a long time, public placement fund industry will often cause of poor performanceAttributed to lack of risk hedging mechanisms. In the futures market demonstration phase prior to the promulgation of regulations on administration of customer accounts the secret world gold, voice of the industry-but there have been many questions. A small fund company managers said in Shanghai rift plat, public fund into the stock index futures market of the time is not ripe because fund managers now have always been in the single market, on stock index futures hedging mechanism does notExperience. But the opposition did not prevent regulators for the a-share market new trading mechanisms to promote. Public placement Fund account was settled last week. Deputy General Manager of a large fund companies in Shanghai said on public funds, the stock index futures have important significance. It provides risk management tool, combination helps reduce systemic risk, improve tradingMechanisms, to attract more investors and investment funds. At the same time will help to optimize the structure of market investors, provide more profit with more models and hedging mechanisms. Long funds policy analyst Mao Nan also believes that public placement Fund official involved in stock index futures, you can reduce the impact fund transactions costs, increased risk in the market for uplink and downlink through stock-index futures in the context ofFlexible change of positions. In addition, funds are based on professional research, more bottom up stock selection to get excess return, relatively large fluctuations in the market, you can index futures to hedge risk at the same time get a share of the market excess return. However, because the Fund limit of the original contract, as well as for stock index futures are familiar with still need to go through a process, use unitSubstantive futures trade still needs time. Although the fund industry, respectively from the system, as well as the operational level have expressed different views of the new system, but they are of the view that public placement Fund is heavily involved in stock index futures will also need time to prepare. For example, stock index futures need to write background system with technical aspects, such as the Fund contract, Fund, and public fund investment and researchFactors such as stock index futures are familiar with, these will take time to complete. According to industry estimates, currently stated in contracts may be involved in stock index futures investment unit of the base only has more than 40 yuzhi. Private response relative to the public offering a prudent attitude, another important force on the a-share market--sunny private equity more enthusiastically. Sunshine private participation in stock index futures approval3 months earlier than public placement Fund. In November 2011, Warburg Trust became the first gain trust company that issued the stock index futures product licence. Beijing General Manager of a private equity fund in an interview with the business news reporter said that his company is actively contact trust company, want to be able to issue the first sunshine of stock index futures-only private equity products�� General Manager of the private equity believes that although he was born in the single market of the a-share market, serving in brokerage and researcher for many years, but in more than 10 years of business process, have been engaged in trading in the futures markets. "I'm not alone, many brokers, Fund of practitioners involved in the futures market. Said the public is not used to hedge fund manager of the Fund mechanismKinds of excuses. "The private equity Manager believes from personal ability, many fund managers for hedging mechanisms are not strangers, they were more or less involved in futures, foreign exchange, or in overseas markets. Manages only a share of the huge funds, engaged in a-shares to hedge, there is a process of adaptation. And the General Manager of private equity, from one of Shanghai's private equityFund Manager is also full of interest for participation in stock index futures. In his view, the private-equity firms wishing to participate in the stock index futures, or from more more flexible mechanisms, in the entire market homogenization serious at the same time, establish a difference of stock index futures products can be formed at once. Such developments have come to a single company has advantage. However guild wars 2 gold, General Manager of two private equity ultimately failed to get what they want. 2End of 011, Warburg trust and cooperation office location close to another private equity firm established the country's first stock index futures products. Warburg trust insiders, throughout the course of private participation in the demonstration of stock index futures, Warburg prepared is very strong, while seeking to invest in Warburg's strengths, this should be the regulators end important reasons for selecting Warburg. NowWarburg is a product, products are not in a hurry to develop later. "After all, is a new thing. Stock index futures are coming out with less than 2 years, investment advisory capacity also need the test of time. "Online statement Gold: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk��

