
tera gold CER Research response to Abbott's first result - CLX

129773438646562500_251Hong Beijing, March 25 (reporter He Jingyu) research agencies announce Abbott products in Hong Kong after the test does not pass, Abbott countered quoted experts have denied that supported the conclusions of the report, how the truth? Shelling can shake the test conclusions of experts? CER Research and a research agency two days Hong Kong Abbott as AbbottFailed test reports played up war of words. Report refers to an expert today (25th) when interviewed by voice of the economy, without reference to a report's knowledge. Counsel submits that, even if the experts say it is true, will not shake the authenticity of the results. The research institution of CER on Abbott milk powder had been announced in the five test details。 Abbott was detection of infant formula milk powder purchased in Hong Kong in December 2011, and, with a world famous the Germany Institute of food inspection for detection. CER claimed that the domestic and foreign famous experts on the Abbott test results give a negative evaluation, that Abbott infant formula milk powder combo in the detection of two very bad and does not meetRelevant provisions of the standards. China PR Deputy Director Abbott Wei Wang subsequently questioned in an interview results. Wei Wang: expert public rumor on Twitter said that they never CER called the Agency, never reported data had contact with them tera gold, so they have not published any opinions on this report, those experts who think thatReferred to in this report include the data is invalid. Released the Twitter expert is Chen Yuming, a Professor of Sun Yat-sen University School of public health nutrition tera gold, he tweets posted his signature in a file photo, claimed the report knew. He told a press conference, when the research body to him on the phone, and did not give any background about the test, onlyWas asked some academic problems, he is also an academic reply. Chen Yuming: evaluation of the quality of a product or does not say do comment, he simply said, as said on the phone, there are two products are protein, these two proteins are like, what features it, just ask. Chen Yuming believes that since it is a scholarly discussion, finally said he supportedThis report, have a little too much. Too much is too much, reporters attempted to contact CER Research Beijing Office, but no one answered. Special commentator Li Guangyu counsel submits that the voice of economic, reference expertise has not been agreed does not, but it doesn't shake the authenticity of the results. Kwang Wook Lee: the professors themselves are, he said,It's just a case because he described only the truth, even if said Web sites on behalf of Professor, he has no indirect support, the website was an apology can solve this problem, but it has no effect, Abbott does not pass the truth. Reporters learned swtor credits, while supermarkets currently have not received a notice from Abbott products off the shelves, but XiaoPeople have real choice voting with their feet: no longer buy Abbott products. Consumers 1: so I think this is more to the public a true report, parent is also a guarantee of other brands. Customer 2: I think they should pay attention to this aspect, particularly in children on baby products, not just a business, many of these brands, The product itself should pay more attention to product quality problem, should be responsible for the majority of parents of infants and young children, and more. However, senior fellow at the productivity promotion center of circulation in Song Liang explained that laboratory samples are shipped from Hong Kong, usually of Hong Kong and the Mainland adopt different standards, products have different sources, general sales in Hong Kong are imported products, while sales in the Mainland of ChinaProducts, products may purchased in Hong Kong do not meet national standards. Song Liang: our national standard of the baby milk powder is actually higher than normal internationally accepted standards of baby milk powder, but where is our high, is high in our formula, in which on the content of trace elements and nutrients, we are higher than international standards, but we are productsOn the security of some hazardous substances standards, is actually a blank. Abbott is also apparently arguing with CER Research will continue. In addition, Abbott also questioned why sends 6 brands, Abbott released only one? CER Research response to Abbott's first result, other results will be announced. Economy will pay close attention to the sounds of thisDevelopments. Voice of economic reporters He Jingyu reported. (Editors: Cao Lu璠) Others:

