
tera power leveling officials are in a better position to try and test reform. Their ruling party -

129756711696250000_1086Let's start off a piece. There are two snack bars in town, selling sweets, a selling Siu Mei and lo mei, business is booming. Follow follow, started various snack bars. Competition more than a number, will have a crooked, fake brand, Jerry, shoddy. Eat politicians quit, requested Mayor pipes. Adviser to the Mayor out of the mind, control the number of shops, strict examination and approval, where to shop,All certificates. Loyal sons became mayor reliable certificates, do not have to spend money on "shop card", due to short supply and price soaring. Wise men discovered a new way, bribe registration officers, sell permits. See a paper proof is hidden in the gold and silver, Adviser to persuade the Mayor, where you want to do business in the future, in the town of "access", both to increase revenue, and ease of management. Then, whenWhen approving readership rendered ineffectual by recalcitrant subordinates, Mayor wants to change, those deep-pocketed registration officer, has helped him cope. Plight of the Government reform, some see. Not know where problems and issues--beginning in the market economy, the Government's role and position in the transition process, is, on the one hand, and limitations and restrictions of power itself is difficult on the other, enjoy rightsThe benefits, to abandon a vested interest, associations are not willing. Slang, a person not pulling her hair made up himself. Our Government has had to do it yet. Paradox crane do? Is not. The present reality tera power leveling, outside forces totally inadequate to constrain Government action, must have the power inside and top down, to drive change. In other words,Power check power is inevitable. Yiqian, some changes occur, often seen this kind of evaluation: "leather for his life". Although many dismissed this, thinking that was not put on airs, if not blind to reality, you'll find, which one of the few social change and just rely on the underlying (or external power) to complete. Reforming power must rely on rightForce promote, this sounds like a paradox diablo 3 gold, but is now a reality. Why called "top design", in fact, powers realizes the importance of change and drive change. Guangdong Provincial Governor Zhu xiaodan said at two sessions: "revolution of leather on his head is a test for the Government". I note, special reference is made in the report detail: on the press gallery, and some journalists held a recordingPen, stood, bowed his head and rustling in a notebook to remember, under the fear of missing a Word. Journalist quietly muttered the words: fun! Rarely heard the Chief Executive so that its reform! Governor this Zhu, but basic common sense judgment. Reporter was more for the demands of public opinion, and look for a "component" advocate. People have been on the reform front in Guangdong high hopes, Hope it can in terms of government reform, making demonstration. When "leather in your own life" is difficult, and when may stagnate tera gold, people want to see a transition and vigorous; hope holds the power in the hands of administrators, to have knowledge about this, to have time and a sense of urgency. In fact, our deputies, local sheriff. Their competence and politicalSensitive, does not know the hidden crisis behind the change, not to mention public opinion to their popularity and political common sense. Their dual capacity as officials and representatives, and reform "in the power paradox" is rather similar. So, in a sense, they must reform their own lives--as representatives, efforts to monitor and restrict government powers; those in, to hand power to pushDynamic changes. Different from other deputies, officials are in a better position to try and test reform. Their ruling party, won the primary, in charge. When the system is not yet perfect, could not effectively constrained powers, those do need to deal with the ideal of reform, to break established patterns of interests, for the reform of the new road. Although, leather in your own life is not easy. (Editor: Liu Jin) Others:

