
wot power leveling Terry Myerson - KLU

129748908917031250_563Beijing time on February 27, according to foreign media reports, Microsoft's head of mobile Teli·maiersen (Terry Myerson) said in an interview last week, Microsoft's operating system for Windows Phone soon publish a Skype video call, aims to help the $ 8.5 billion purchase last year SkYpe, to enhance the company's Windows Phone's popularity. Myerson, the Skype application for Windows Phone operating system planned for release in April of this year. This week in Spain Barcelona, 2012, Mobile World Congress (MWC), Microsoft released to testers of the SkyPE test version of the application. Microsoft to buy Skype, aims to increase new users and enhance the user experience of existing products, these products include Windows Phone Mobile, Xbox video game machine, and so on. Sidifu·baoermo, Chief Executive of Microsoft (Steve Ballmer) in January of this year world of tanks power leveling, Skype usersLast year more than 3 billion minutes of call time. Windows Phone operating system currently only take 2% of the worldwide Smartphone OS market share world of tanks power leveling, far behind Apple and Google's operating system. Currently wot power leveling, Skype for iOS and Android to launch the corresponding application. (Editors: Sun Libin)

