
tera gold 210 - AMQ

129764786825625000_121Contract: IF1204 date: 20,120,316 sell orders pay turnover ranking ranking ranking ranking ranking member turnover ratio for short sessions to increase or decrease the Member paid than for short sessions to increase or decrease ranking member on short selling volume than the previous trading day to increase or decrease 10,001--56,619,897,710,001 guotai Junan securities, guotai Junan securities, 405,672,810,018-card-China Great Wall 53,441,358,420 diablo 3 power leveling,007-bright futures 975,950,520,011 futures 3056-31320133-haitong futures-haitong futures-haitong futures 52,822,483,830,133-Cathay Pacific June46,406,427,440,011 on 4893103940016-GF futures-the China Great Wall industrial futures of 276,045,340,007-bright futures cent-43485-117350016-GF futures cent-China wheel great wall 3,296,606,0007-27,038,146 diablo 3 gold,460,002-South China Everbright futures futures futures three-grain futures 2077-35160010-Galaxy 26,986,663,070,018-card-GF futures 177,210,170,016 futures 18,799,680,002-Nanhua futures cent80,109-Galaxy card futures in the futures 1720-5080131-shenyin wanguo cent-23,686,131,090,003-166,915,090,002-South China Zhejiang yongan futures cent-208,992,530,100,006-Lu Zheng Lu Zheng futures futures 147CITIC building investment 1315-36110009-6,257,100,115-20,648,961,110,131-shenyin wanguo cent zheshang futures-1,021,112,120,131-shenyin wanguo cent-Zhejiang Galaxy futures futures 13,512,441,20102-industrial 996-123130156-futures-futures 171,372,038,130,017, Topix Shanghai East China Sea-165,941,606,140,156-Shanghai-Zhejiang yongan futures 909,190,140,003 1272-66140006-Lu Zheng Topix futures 818-42150126-Bohai three-grain futures 163,593,469,150,010 Futures-National Futures 75,736,160,168 futures 14,937,498,160,136-investment futures cent-Kiki-day day futures 574,325,170,170 Kiki-Rodda149,101,915,170,102-92,322,170,116-Yangtze River industrial futures futures futures 554,100,180,136 132,873,268,180,150-credit-investment futures futures cent-Zhejiang yongan 542-402190145-great China futures cent90,159-cm 879,146,190,136-China International Futures-futures 117,673,500,200 tera gold,019-jinrui futures-futures 460,113 total 5.,355,696,056,734,63E,+28Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

