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129756262731250000_25Google Android Market changed its name to Google Play Store this name change take effect from Tuesday Google Play Sina Tech News News Beijing time on March 7, Google's official Android app store Android Market changed its name to Play StOre, come into effect starting on Tuesday. This is Google to improve the image of e-content sales on the market, better with Apple and Amazon (micro-blogging) competition and the introduction of new measures. p .contentPlayer{margin-top:10px;} .contentPlayer{float:left;width:336px;height:322px;background:url(http://i0.sinaimg.cn/cj/video_bg.png) no-repeat 0 0;margin:0 10px 10px -10px;*margin-right:7px;padding:1px 10px;_display:inline} .contentPlayer a{text-decoration:underline;font-size:12px!important;}.cp_player{padding:14px 0 0;text-align:center;height:249px;display:block;} .cp_tit{padding:10px 0 0 18px;font-size:12px!important;line-height:20px!important;display:block;} .cp_from{padding:0 0 0 18px;font-size:12px!important;line-height:20px!important;display:block;} Introducing Google Play media sources: SINA technology var sinaBokePlayerConfig_o={container: "p_player",//ID of the Div container playerWidth:298,//wide and playerHeight:250,//high autoLoad:1,//automatically loads the auto-play as:1 autoPlay:0,//,//Advertising recommended TJ:0//}; //Player initialization code "SinaBokePlayer_o.showFlashPlayer ();" On this callback method which ensures that asynchronous initialization problem. //NoteCallback method name is fixed, are: __onloadFun__, namespace for top-level objects window, that there was no other coverage. //This method declared the best introduction to detectbrowserplayer.js above, guaranteed call without problems. (See the following line of script filesIn) window.__onloadFun__=function () {sinaBokePlayerConfig_o.autoLoad=0;sinaBokePlayerConfig_o.autoPlay=0; SinaBokePlayer_o.addVars("vid", 72443064); SinaBokePlayer_o.addVars("as" tera gold, 0); SinaBokePlayer_o.addVars("logo", 0); SinaBokePlayer_o.addVars("pid", 2); SinaBokePlayer_o.addVars("head", 0); SinaBokePlayer_o.addVars("tj", 0); SinaBokePlayer_o.addVars("tjAD", 0); SinaBokePlayer_o.addVars("vblog", 2); SinaBokePlayer_o.addVars("singleRss", "http://video.sina.com.cn/iframe/fourlists/v/b/72443064-1255813677.xml"); SinaBokePlayer_o.addVars('HTML5Player_autoChangeBGColor' diablo 3 gold, false); //You can join this line, playerDoes not automatically modify the background color of the container, and the consistent Flash Player. This line of code does not affect Flash Player. SinaBokePlayer_o.showFlashPlayer(); } This is to let consumers know that Google provides a wide range of content more clearly, and not just for aNDroid Smartphone and Tablet PC applications. Google engineering Director kelisi��yeerjia (Chris Yerga) interview on Monday, said: "some users think, on their Android mobile phone home screen icon represents the application can be downloaded. "In 3.5 years ago Google released Android Market,Download Android for consumer Smartphone Application Center channel. Android is now the world's largest Smartphone OS, Motorola (micro-blogging), Samsung (micro-blogging) and manufactured by companies such as HTC Smartphone. At present, comes from third-party software developers to Android-compatible application has more than 450,000 of the total;Compared to Apple iOS mobile devices such as iPhone and iPad applications a total of 550,000. In the past 1.5 years diablo 3 gold, Google has broadened the scope provided by the Android Market content, digital books, music, and videos covering, which occupy a dominant position of market is Apple and Amazon. Apple said in October last year, IDownloads songs Tunes Store has over 16 billion.����Amazon also said last year, the company sold digital books more than the printed book. Yerga says, Google--through different channels to sell various types of digital content consumers to buy e-books in Google Books Web site, also available in Android MarkeT purchased through the website �C consumer might feel confused. In addition, consumers are used to play music and video applications of buy or read a book or you have a different name, which leads to more confusion.����Starting from Tuesday, Google's various media in the name of the application is identified with Play brand. Yerga said: "this is to allow more users toGo to our online store. This may let those users know that that keen on reading a book or listening to music: ' Hey, the original here or you can download the video and games. ' "(Tang Feng) Others:

