
diablo 3 gold Google has broadened the scope of content available on the Android Market - DTP

129756711479375000_561Google will sell its applications, videos, music, e-books and other digital products online store Android Market changed its name to Google Play Store, come into effect from Tuesday, this is Google to improve its image in the e-content sales market and to better compete with Apple and AmazonLaunch the latest measures. Move designed to give consumers more clearly know that Google provides a wide range of content, not just the application for Android smartphones and tablets. Google engineering Director kelisi·yeerjia (Chris Yerga) said in an interview on Monday: "some users thought that their mobile phones on the main screen of AndrOID icon represents the application to download only. "In 3.5 years ago Google released Android Market, as consumers download Android Smartphone Application Center channel. Android is now the world's largest smart phone operating system, manufactured by companies such as Motorola, Samsung and HTC smartphones. At present, theFrom the total number of compatible third-party software developers of Android applications has more than 450,000; in contrast, for Apple iOS mobile devices such as iPhone and iPad applications a total of 550,000. In the past 1.5 years, Google has broadened the scope of content available on the Android Market, digital books, music, andVideo cover tera power leveling, which occupy a dominant position of market is Apple and Amazon. Apple said in October last year, iTunes Store has more than 16 billion the amount of songs to download. Amazon also said last year, the company sold digital books more than the printed version of the book. Yerga says tera gold, Google sold through different channels of various types of digital content--Consumers can buy e-books in the Google Books site, can also be purchased on the Android Market site--this would confuse the consumer. In addition, consumers are used to play music and video or read a book bought the application also has a different name diablo 3 gold, so as to create more confusion. Starting from Tuesday, Google media applicationsWill Play in the name of the brand identity. Yerga said: "this is to allow more users to our online shop. This may let those users know that that keen on reading a book or listening to music: ' Hey, the original here or you can download the video and games. ' "(Editor: Hao Wang) Others:

