
wot power leveling deliberately making malicious action application for a court seized property - Q

129749238856406250_0Channel Home News News commenting on hot Wen of China Youth daily domestic and international education society of rule of law economy topic picture video interview with Home->> Home->> News Channel News->>Print the body font size: share: 14:52:49.0 mortgage 2012-02-28 exposes hidden rules see how banks to homebuyers buried Lei Qian rule mortgage-mortgage registration 210,005/enpproperty--> Bank loan registration failure to meet domestic news correctionRecover all principal and interest disputes after buyers apply for mortgages, banks often delayed registration of mortgage for their own interests wot power leveling, while once buyers encounter disputes real estate is closed, losing the collateral the Bank will sue buyers, requires a one-time pay off huge amounts of loan principal and interest wot power leveling, which will no doubt make buyers into economic "catastrophe". In reality, the loanAfter buying large amounts of mortgage registration delays do not exist world of tanks power leveling, ordinary buyers do not know.   Since the beginning of 2008, at least 12 such cases have occurred in this city. Experts said that banks ' failure to apply for a registration of mortgage, no doubt to homebuyers "mine-laying" will bring tremendous risks to buyers, this "hidden rules" once being exploited, deliberately making malicious action application for a court seized property, closely followed by banks who made purchases "pants".

