
tera power leveling opening up - QIF

129764484657656250_47"" Financial report "on March 15 the qiushi journal, published the comrade XI on March 1, 2012 in a speech at the opening ceremony of the Central Party school's spring semester. Full text of the speech is as follows: do well to maintain the party's purity of all work-related news: Yifan Hu: westward Hu visited the United States to open a new chapter XI Jinping: ChinaXI Jinping, indeed developing rapidly but the environment and the air quality problem: cadre do their own to take the lead in XI Jinping: China does not deliberately pursue XI Jinping, to any of the country's trade surplus this year, we held the 18th National Congress of the party. This year was the implementation of "Twelve-Five" planning important for connecting a year, we will be in a complexChanging international environment and the arduous tasks of reform and development in China under the dual challenge of efforts to achieve steady progress. Mission of the glorious and arduous task, to strengthen and improve party building, maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity of the work put forward new demands. Hu Jintao comrade 17 seven delivered an important speech at the plenary session of the Central discipline Inspection Commission, highlighted in the party under the new situationPurity issues is of great and far-reaching significance, we must profoundly study and understand, conscientiously implement the. First, maintain the party's purity is the essential requirement of a Marxist political party gongchanzhuyizhetongmeng founded by Marx and Engels, was the first political party of the working class in the world. In the early League was founded, Charter of the Alliance is to maintain the party's purity made strict rules, Requires that each branch on which it is accepted by the Member responsible for the pure quality of. Lenin's in the process of creating a political party of the working class of Russia also pays special attention to the purity of the party, stressed that "our task is to maintain the party's purity and steadfastness, and thoroughness. We should strive to improve, increase tera power leveling, and the title role of the party members and improving ". Height is a Marxist political partyTo maintain the party's purity, and is fundamentally in order to keep the party's political character, and always maintain the party's vitality, so as to better shoulder their historical mission. Chinese Communist Party as a Marxist political party, in the various historical periods of revolution, construction, and reform in China, and always maintain the party's purity as a fundamental and important issues in party building goals. Comrade Mao Zedong's earlyClear that we want to build is "a disciplined, ideologically pure, an organization of pure party, out of uniform standards of party." The party's purity, reflected in the party's ideological, political, organizational, and work style in all its aspects. Reflected in the mind, is the party organizations at all levels and the broad masses of party members and cadres must adhere to the party's theory of Marxism in ChinaAs a guiding principle, adhere to the fight for socialism and communism as an ideal and belief, adhere to Marxism ideological line of seeking truth from facts, resist the erosion of various anti-Marxist thought, a resolute fight against the errors of Marxist thought; embodied in political, is the party organizations at all levels and the broad masses of party members and party cadres must firmly the practiceLines, articles of Association and in the programme of the party line, principles and policies, in the initial stage of socialism we must uphold economic construction as the central task, adhere to the four cardinal principles, adhere to the basic line of reform and opening up, resolutely resist and oppose all contrary to the party's basic line error of political affiliation; embodied in the Organization, is the party organizations at all levels and the vast number of party members and party cadres must adhere to the party'sRequirements of the principles of democratic centralism, and abide by the party discipline, and consciously uphold the unity of the party, resolutely oppose any act of harm and split the party, strictly adhere to the criteria prescribed by the Constitution of the Communist Party members and leading cadres ' conditions, strongly deviated from the platform of the party Constitution, harms, has lost the advanced qualifications of the party's cause degenerate and corrupt elements to clear out the party; in the styleShang, is the party organizations at all levels and the broad masses of party members and leading cadres of the party must persistently carry forward the party's theory with practice, close ties with the masses, criticism and criticism as well as a modest and cautious, the fine style of hard struggle, adhere to the party's route from the masses to the masses and investigation on the methods of work, resolutely against subjectivism, bureaucracy,Formalism, abuse, fraud and personal malpractices such as arbitrariness, the pursuit of luxury. Always maintain the party's purity, is determined by the nature and purpose of our party. Our party is the vanguard of the Chinese working class and at the same time is the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, in addition to the interests of the working class and the broad masses of the party do not have their own special interests, the party at any timeWaiting to put the interests of the people first, serve the people wholeheartedly. The nature and purpose of the party, which determined the advanced nature of the party, also determine the purity of the party. Complement the purity of party's advanced nature of the party, closely related. Purity is a prerequisite and basis for advancement, advancement is purity embodied, and guaranteed, is essentially no difference between the two. Our partyState in more than 90 years of history has proven that the party has a strong and career development depends on many factors, party purity of the creativity, cohesiveness, and combat strength of the party have a fundamental impact. When purity of party holds up well, the party is even more powerful, the healthy development of the party's cause; when the party's purity is affected and weakened, the combat strength of the party will fall, the partyCause will suffer. Currently, China is at a critical stage of overall construction of comparatively well-off society and deepening of reform and opening up, speeding up the transformation of mode of economic development during the storming, facing the party in power tests, tests, tests of market economy reform and opening up, external environmental tests become more prominent, faced danger, lack of capacity of the spirit to go before the risk of danger, divorced from the masses, Passive corruption risks more prominent. Maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, is in the process of reform, opening up, and socialist modernization building our party and withstand various tests, resolve and overcome various dangers and important magic weapon. Now, our party team in General, is pure, unity, and combat effectiveness, this is the root of great achievements in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristicsThis guarantee. But it should be noted, in the profound changes in the domestic and international environment, manage the party the Party of the more arduous tasks, how to maintain the party's purity is also facing many new situations and new problems. In particular, Hu Jintao pointed out in his speech, Comrade's ideal and belief is not determined, strong style is not, does not in principle, political issues not cheap, which do not meet the purity requirements of the party, in a number of party members and partyExists in varying degrees in the Department, this will certainly affect the party's prestige among the masses and undermine the party's combat strength. We need to ensure that the party never change color, height guarantee long-term peace and stability of the State, from dealing with risks and challenges faced by the party under the new situation, and fully understand the extreme importance and urgency of maintain the party's purity, continuously enhance party consciousness and political awareness, crisis awareness and responsibilityConsciousness, tireless efforts to maintain the party's purity. Second, always maintaining the party's ideological purity on the organizational style in new situations to maintain the party's purity, according to Hu Jintao speech made by Comrade requirements, adhere to the party must manage the party, strictly administer the party, insisting on strengthening the contingent of ideological and theoretical arms and strict management, carry forward the party's fine work style of combining and strengthening the party spiritCultivation and the combination of party spirit, resolutely punishing corruption and effective combination of prevention of corruption, combining play an oversight role and strictly enforce the party discipline, constantly enhance the self cleaning, self-improvement, self empowerment, self-innovation, and always maintain the party's ideological purity, organize, pure, style and pure. Maintain the party's purity of thought, is to guarantee the correct political direction of the party and partyIdeological basis of unity. Thought is directed, is the soul. If our party members and leading cadres of the party's ideology is not pure, ideals and beliefs cannot be determined, awareness is necessarily fuzzy, political position is easily shaken. Under the new historical conditions, we must keep up the thought of our party pay attention to the fine tradition of the founding, insist on party members and cadres to strengthen the party's ideological and political educationIs socialism with Chinese characteristic theoretical system of education, helping them do really really really really understand, firmly embrace the correct world view, Outlook on power, career, take the lead in practicing the Socialist core value system, the cardinal maintain a sober understanding, adhering to the correct position in front of wind and waves, build a strong ideological defense line in front of various temptations. Maintain ideological purity, the most important thing isMaintain their strong belief in communism, steadfast belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics. We are both down to Earth to do good things today, and must not forget the lofty goals. Party members and cadres of the party with this kind of ideal and belief, no matter what kind of work will have a high sense of mission and sense of the sacred. Revolutionary War, success of the Communist revolution in the numerous,Levy, bloodshed, it is a firm and correct political beliefs. Peace-building period, hundreds of Communists to the Socialist cause, hard work, dedication, and also is a firm and correct political beliefs. Since the beginning of reform and opening up, hundreds of Communists for the prosperity of the country and national rejuvenation, tenacious struggle, go forward, continues to be a firm and correct political beliefs.Faith is the power of infinite. Purity of faith is the most fundamental pure Communist. Now, some party members and leading cadres of the party in the Halo Halo in the spring tide of market economy, brain fever, does not properly understand the value, does not properly deal with personal interest, lead to spiritual pillar collapses, life lost, and some even couldn't keep line of party discipline and State law, the ultimate corruption and degeneration,Lessons are extremely profound. In the country, the people and the social and personal multi-layered interest structure, party members and cadres of the party, of course, also have the individual's legitimate interests, realize their own value should be respected. However, we Communists ' best interests and core values is serving the people wholeheartedly, sincerely seeking benefits for the people. As a party member and cadre of the party, always thinkingAnd resolve the party for what, what does when cadre, leaving behind what problems could never be for personal gain or a few, you should always stick to serve the spiritual home of the Communists '. To maintain the party's purity of an organization, is to keep the pace of the whole party and enhance the creativity, rallying power, and combat capability of the party organization guarantee. The party nowIs a big party with more than 80 million party members and 380duowange organization, also in the over and under the environment of reform and opening up, keep the purity of the ranks of party members and cadres of the party, is more difficult and more important than ever. Party organizations at all levels should strictly managing party members and party cadres, strictly, step up education, strengthen supervision, free entryMouth. Now some people join the party, when the cadres, and not because of the belief in Marxism, is not to be determined to fight for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, Communist for life, but considers the party, when leaders are able to benefit yourself,, when party cadres as an individual or family, gets the benefit of relatives of political capital. Lenin had pointed out that "kind of party members, is to give away free of charge, IAlso do not ". Development of new party members, must be careful analysis of motives, strict control standards and procedures to ensure the quality and avoid "sick party". Training, appointment and promotion of party cadres, must also be strictly, persistently act according to all corners, the principle of meritocracy and both ability and political integrity, to Germany for employment criteria before selecting good cadres to equip the squads. To seriously implement the Central Organization Department publishedStrengthening the assessment of cadres de views, focusing on people, honesty and self-discipline of party loyalty, service, enhance the political quality of cadres and the assessment of moral fiber and avoid "disease promoting." In recent years, some localities and departments in the management ranks of party members and cadres of the party exists in varying degrees too lenient on issues of wide, soft-lost, leading to unhealthy tendencies are not correct,Small problem turned out to be big problems, small things lead to a big event, the party's image among the masses. The saying goes, "small holes we don't, suffer big hole". Regular education awareness is the best preventive measure. Signs and new tendencies of problems that arise on early detection, early warning, early correction, in order to provide against possible trouble. To establish and perfect the party system of periodic analyses, comments of party members。   For party members and cadres of the party despite repeated education is still not of contrition and correction in person, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and other laws within the party to be dealt with, and those hopelessly degenerate, corrupt elements must be purged from the party ranks. To maintain the party's purity of style, is to maintain the party's flesh-and-blood ties with the masses and continually from the practice of the massesLessons learned, wisdom and strength to reinforce road. Strengthening and improving the party's work style, insist on carrying forward the party's fine work style of keeping party style pure, the core is in close touch with the masses, always with the masses of respiration, common destiny, always represent the will and interests of the masses, always rely on the masses to push history forward. This is where the party never tarnish. Under constructionSet up socialism with Chinese characteristics in the whole process, to constantly enhance the party's purpose of education and education of the mass line and guide party members and party cadres to firmly establish the concept of working for the public and assuming power for the people, upholding Marxism mass viewpoint, to realize, safeguard diablo 3 gold, and develop the fundamental interests of the broadest masses as a touchstone testing the purity of style, and doing publicity and masses, organize the masses,Service, unite and lead the masses of the people, resolutely oppose all divorced from the masses, show concern for their weal and woe of the negative phenomena. If our party members and leading cadres of the party above, don't care about production and living of the masses, does not understand the needs and wishes of the masses, not to learn from people with an open mind, not summary created by the practice of the masses of experience, behind closed doors to think, to make a decisionUsed to "take for granted" shots, committed errors of subjectivism, bureaucracy, formalism, it will cause great losses to the cause of the party and the people. Keeping party style and purity, must be timely treatment of outstanding problems existing in the construction of the style, with mediocre lazy to pay great attention to governance and sundry at the unhealthy. Sundry at Vogue, has not pointing out that, there have beenWrong not criticize, prevalence of such vulgar style, often are lax with the party organizations and leading political weakness, and working on, is a problem in many of the party members and cadres.   Criticism and the self is our party's fine traditions and work style, must combined the new long term, continue to flourish, to constantly enhance the party life of the political and principled. Third, theLeading cadres should set an example by taking the lead to maintain purity maintain the party's purity, key cadres of the party's leading cadres at all levels. Leading cadres of the party is maintaining the purity of the organizer and leader of the party and maintain the party's purity of performer and practitioner. Leadership positions for leading cadres in the party and the people, which decided to maintain the party's purity has a very heavyResponsibility, this decision must be always and everywhere with the purity of the party demands control and guard themselves, amend and improve themselves tera power leveling, require people to do their own lead, request others do not do themselves take the lead does not do with their purity of Action fully embody the party's lead. Purity with all of the party is fundamentally opposite to the phenomenon of corruption, anti-corruption initiativesCheap is to fight against corruption, safeguarding the party's body health, maintain the party's purity. As the leading cadres of the party, must to correct the World Foundation, to correct Outlook on power, to the right of the right things, lead in compliance with the provisions of honesty and self-discipline, to heart of indifferent attitude to personal fame and positions, to fear of treats the cause of the responsibilities shouldered and peopleAnd to stabilize the mind under any circumstances, acts of control, keep clean, spotless, and righteous, noble character and integrity of the Communists ' image at all times. Some leading cadres towards the abyss of indiscipline, and become corrupt and degenerate, fundamentally is a world view, view of the "switch" is a problem, the loss of the ability to resist corruption. The lesson,Each leading cadre to draw. No matter which one is which level posts of leading cadres, should strengthen the party spirit and the party spirit, right to fair, honest, and enhance the spirit of the Chinese nation and the fine work style of our party thrift and hard work, conscientiously resist money worship, hedonism, extreme individualism, do for a development side,Being upright and honest at all times. Strict surveillance is to prevent party members and party cadres become morally degenerate and important way to maintain the party's purity. Superior to the lower level, the lower level to the upper-level leading cadres, and the masses and between the cadres, should have the courage to conduct effective oversight. Leading cadres at all levels to correct the concept that authority is not trusted, enhance their sense of initiative to accept supervision by law and in accordance withBoard protection and supervision, consciously place themselves required under the supervision of the cause of the party and the people. All major decisions on matters, we must strictly implement the party's principles of democratic centralism, and engage in "one person lays down the law", not from personal or minority has the final say, but should be "let everyone have his" rely on the collective wisdom and strict procedures to decide; all those closely linked to the interests of the masses of significantMatters are to be in accordance with the laws and regulations of the public exposed to the masses, fully listening to the opinions of the masses. In exercise of the right of the selection and appointment of cadres in particular, the right of administrative examination and approval and the economic use of fiscal funds, fixed operations, financial capital, land, and other major powers, and consciously accept the supervision, prevent the power out, missteps and misconducts.Strict discipline is the powerful guarantee to maintain the party's purity. Leading cadres at all levels must enhance the sense of discipline and economic work of the party's political discipline, discipline, discipline, discipline and disciplinary provisions of the ICAC of the masses into their code of conduct. Especially to strictly abide by the party's political discipline, enhance political sensitivity and distinguishing ability, and unswervingly adhere to the party'sLeadership and unswervingly persist in taking the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, unswervingly persist in pushing forward reform and opening up, in their thoughts and consciously maintain highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee political action. Party leading cadres at all levels must take upon itself the responsibility of strengthening discipline construction and severely deal with disciplinary actions including all kinds of corruption cases, and equality before the discipline, compliance withDiscipline does not have privilege, enforce discipline without exception, to make the party discipline to truly become comrades of the whole party, at any time and under any circumstances are subject to unified iron discipline. Our country is in the great process of reform, opening up, and socialist modernization, opportunities and challenges, difficulties and hopes to engage in, any way to go. Many new issues to be exploring solutionsAgreed, lots of important work to development through innovation. This requires that the party's leading cadres at all levels must always carry out their leadership responsibilities seriously, always consciously assume leadership of the work of reform, development and stability, there should be no slack and swing. Play spirit, loyalty to assume responsibility, due diligence and the courage to take responsibility, which is to test each and every leading cadreReally reflects on important aspects of the Communist advanced nature and purity. If you are a current, is not the first thought that they should take responsibility for what, what kind of contribution, instead of just consideration and care about personal gains and losses and encounters contradictions make a detour, encounter problems not caught, face the risks not break if keen made a fuss, keen on playing and chasingPersonal utility if no progress, then not only the cause of the party and the people is difficult to move forward, and would damage the party's image, will let people down and then lose our trust. To take, is both the cause of the party and the people's request, also should have the mental state of the Communists '. We need to advance in the construction of the contingent of cadres and personnel vigorously advocate the spirit of play, hardForm courage to play and responsible guidance for personnel employment.   To comprehensively implement the party's cadre policy, comprehensive investigation cadre de performance, practice exercises, special attention to the selection of those principles, and to the deep feelings of the masses, righteous, dare caught good pipe work and ideas, passion, tenacity and a good performance of the cadres. As the purity of the party's advanced nature of the party, are notStill, it is impossible to once and for all. Its content and requirements, are as forward, as in the time of development and the development of the cause of the party and people. Strengthen the construction of the party itself, maintain the party's purity, is an endless, in practice often do new articles. Party organizations at all levels must conscientiously implement the Hu Jintao spirit of the important speech by Comrade and ceaseless efforts to maintain the party's purityThis article, doing deep well, and continue to hand over the party and people are satisfied with the answer sheet. (End) "author: the magazine Roundup" (Editor: Enami) Others:

