
swtor credits CPI and asset bubbleSince early 2010 - BAH

129742939308593750_259In the context of foreign exchange trend of reducing large, number of monetary policy to fine-tune the channel. It can be expected that banks will continue to lower the statutory reserve requirement ratio, sufficient funds in the interbank market, making bond financing and other non-loan financial instrument to maintain growth. Financial markets are expected to return to the weak "wide monetary tightening credit" pattern. Central Bank announced a few days ago, will take place in February24th, lowered deposit financial institutions renminbi deposit reserve rate 0.5%. According to RMB deposit balance of 80 in late January. $ 13 trillion estimate, this adjustment will release funds to about $ 400 billion. Trends in capital inflows reduced and strictly control the $ 8 trillion in new loans in the context of, to ensure that growth in M2 this year 14%, the Central Bank still need adjustingReduced deposit rate 3 to 4 times. In order to make the excess reserves of the banking sector as a whole rebounded, so ample funds in the interbank market, making non-loan financing instruments such as debt financing to grow. If capital inflow situation deteriorated, the m-2 down, cut its deposit rate of frequency may be higher. Central Bank according to the latest statistical data, in January 2012, socialFinancing scale 955.9 billion yuan, less 800.1 billion yuan over the same period. This is mainly because, Renminbi loans increased 738.1 billion yuan, per cent less 288.2 billion yuan, equivalent of foreign currency loans decreased by $ 14.8 billion, up less $ 101 billion; not discount of bank acceptance bills by $ 21.2 billion, $ 336.9 billion less per cent; corporate bonds NET meltingInvested $ 44.2 billion, up $ 57 billion less; non-financial companies stock financing within $ 8.1 billion swtor credits, up $ 65 billion less. This reporter has learned, less loans eq2 plat, partly because regulators of this year's unusually strict credit controls. Bankers reflect current credit control policy is the most stringent in recent years, many banks lending indicators on a monthly release, monthlyCheck at the end. Expected size of Bank lending in the $ 8 trillion this year, modest recovery trend, but more emphasis on structural adjustment and policy orientation of medium and long-term loans are "limited to old and new". Partly because loss of deposit, loan to deposit ratio of the Bank is 75% constraint. Last year, some after a small bank loan to deposit ratio close to the red line, 75% approximation, some red lines this year and the mainControl placement progress. At the same time, reduction in January, while foreign currency loans are weakening reflecting the enterprise of RMB appreciation is expected, this weakening is expected to lead to a slowdown in capital inflows. Weak and of other financial instruments, mainly because the market nervous. At present, this tense situation has not improved, on Thursday and on Friday (16, 17th) interbank market interestRate steep rise. Close February 17 5.39% 7-day repurchase rate, at one point up to 7%, near high before the Spring Festival. In 2011, a size of 2.78 trillion yuan. At present, the market expectations of a new Exchange account for this year at about $ 2 trillion, the most pessimistic expectations even as low as $ 1.5 trillion. If a Central Bank forecast growth of 14%About calculations, 2012 m-2 growth of $ 11.9 trillion. If the added loan through the 8 trillion yuan this year, banks this year to buy the non-financial corporate bonds derived deposits need more than $ 1.9 trillion of assets. But the ability to expand the supply of Bank funds, the Central Bank must be continuously lowered deposit rates. For liquidity, control, CPI and asset bubbleSince early 2010, banks 1.5 years (January 2010), 12 times in a row to increase the statutory reserve ratio, large banks peaked at 21.5%, this regulation makes financial markets by 2010 in the number of consecutive "wide monetary tightening credit" overall contraction for the 2011 "tight monetary tightening credit". Even if theExchange account for as much as $ 2.78 trillion last year, but m 2 per cent from the end of 2010, the 13.6% of the 19.7% to the end of 2011. Also, since the four quarters last year, domestic capital flows reversed, foreign exchange accounted for 3 consecutive months of negative growth. Official capital inflows expected for 2012 is not optimistic, Central Bank judgment, net inflow of overall maintained,Total inflow will be significantly lower than the average level of the past few years. In the policy emphasis on pre-after the fine tuning adjustment, central banks began on December 5, 2011 round of quantitative easing in the first drop, lowered its deposit rate 0.5%. Although markets generally expected in January this year the Exchange will resume growth, but that figure is far lower than last year's JanuarySize of $ 647 million, this is probably the Central Bank cut its deposit rate is one of the causes. "This is the last Friday (17th) extremely nervous market liquidity, interest rates soared in reaction, could herald a January Exchange is being lines failed to offset the financial deposits. "Chief Political Commissar of Shandong, an economist at Societe Generale Bank said to reporters of the economic information daily. Lion Fund believes thatDragon first falling savings rate is mainly meant to alleviate the present liquidity tensions diablo 3 gold, increase the banks ' ability to lend. February began to pick up in monetary and credit growth is expected. It also means that domestic policy began fine-tuning adjustment in response to 2012 economic boom cycles down. China Construction Bank senior researcher, Professor of the Institute of international business and Economics Finance Zhao Qingming of economic informationNewspaper reporters, the current deposit rate reduction, a January loan growth was well below expectations and the second is Exchange even if positive but increases may still be less, 3rd and most of all, the current economic Outlook not so rosy. "Central banks will m 2 in broad money supply growth target for this year is about 14%, up from 13.6% last year and January this year of gainsAlso means monetary growth was still a considerable space. "Mizuho Securities Asia Limited Managing Director, Chief Economist, Shen Jianguang judgment, reserve ratio cut frequency to 4 times in the first half, and lower interest rates in the short term is unlikely. Southern Chief policy analyst Yang Delong says January CPI exceeding expectations, but the decline of inflation trend has been formed, estimated 2CPI would fall to 4% within the month. ����Main contradiction was to prevent exceeding expectations of the current economic downturn, easing is necessary choice. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

