
tera power leveling XYM - ATY

129773810149687500_101"Cold moon like Frost/text" people often place the x chromosomes and "female" character associated with, and speaking of the y chromosome, then always towards males wanted to. Practice, however, the effect of x, y on animal behavior, far from being as simple as put a label of a male or female. According to a recent study, scientists found out that more than one x chromosome in miceAnd in terms of more bravely than retreat. Figure 2. Relationship between number of x chromosomes and male behavior. A. FCG ejaculation rate the amount of time to achieve 50% in mice.   B. repeated ejaculation in Y* mice (modified from original papers). In addition to male behavior, poems by Li Man found female x chromosome can also change the number ofSexual conduct.   In the action of testosterone, whether FCG is a female Y* female mice or small rats have shown similar to the male mating behavior (saddle and TIC), while females have two x chromosomes in mice on the number of times to twitch that saddle is significantly more than only one x chromosome in female rats. Caution Li Mann tera power leveling, Professor of poetry at the discussion of findingsBold man x chromosome number and full contact with, and she was in discussion papers showed a more cautious. First she discusses the credibility of his experiments: study objects are manually adding testosterone in mice after castration, but their level of androgen in the body are very stable; other factors in order to exclude sexual hormone action in the way videoWhen her test the expression of sex hormone receptor, and found that they don't have any change. Professor Li poetry man, however is not to say that the y chromosomes and male behavior has nothing to do. If mice FCG and Y*, with data, will be found to contain a y chromosome (XYM,1XM,2XM) completed in mice 50% ejaculation time rate in 35 minutesAround the clock. On this she also acknowledged the lack of expression of y chromosome genes can cause XYM FCG mouse faster ejaculation. In addition, in some of the experiments, she could not explain why only with the y-chromosomes of mouse shows on their own territory to defend, and revealed the attack time and not because of dramatic changes in the number of x chromosomes.If the number of x chromosomes linked to the true and typical male behavior, why is this? Li poetry Professor Mann to speculate that in the normal biological tera power leveling, androgen levels in males and females is different.   In order to make up for these differences tera gold, some of the genes on the x chromosome may pass control to act as a "compensation". Author PS: If youA male friend style mother of the usual guns, can not just say that he has a x yo ~ references: [1]Bonthuis, P.J., et al., X-chromosome dosage affects male sexual behavior,Horm. Behav. (2012), doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2012.02.003   [2] Effects of sex chromosome aneuploidy on male sexual behaviorThis shell network (Guokr.com) authorized to reproduce "author: cold moon like Frost" (Editor: Xu Jing) Others:

