
tera gold was convenedPE and PE fund managers sought the views of accounting discussion stage - GGT

129788422111718750_201Page 1th partnership PE can't play? 2nd page: industry's big brothers jokingly to "fields" in the 3rd page: review of PE in China in recent days, one private student pass by the training institution of a private equity investment. (Profile picture) Shenzhen commercial newspaper reporter Zhang Xiaoyu photography media reported yesterday, the State administration of taxation, theGroup companies and partners, of measures for the implementation of the income tax (hereinafter referred to as the way of) will be published, when PE (private equity) floating profit will be taxed 40%. Reports in the industry caused by vibration tera gold, head of PE institutions "because of unbearable tax burden", even considering the partnership to Corporation. Yesterday, the Executive Vice President and Secretary General of Shenzhen venture capital Association Wang shouren said in an interview in, Partnership PE float full of the tax law, General PE simply do not need to worry about, nor from a partnership to a corporation. Book profit tax 40% PE according to media reports, the State administration of taxation, of measures for the implementation of the partnership and the partner income tax-related Bill (hereinafter referred to as "the way") and local matching rules for the operating instructions, was convenedPE and PE fund managers sought the views of accounting discussion stage, May introduce the fastest. As the way of approaching tera gold, once in a fuzzy area partnership PE Fund book surplus tax equity investment, tend to become clear. People familiar with the matter said tera power leveling, in the draft, partnership PE book floating profit tax to fund investment company IPO for taxingBetween points, PE Fund pricing and investment projects IPO price difference as "value added section" of income tax at the 40% rate. Others:

