
tera power leveling "Zhuangao financial network" Huaxia Bank trainee Li Ya pigeon - NQY

129773810135625000_71"Zhuangao financial network" Huaxia Bank trainee Li Ya pigeon (600015.SH) results released on March 27 and fund data display of the four seasons, compared to the third quarter, banks increased in the last four quarters was 7 but Fund warehouse (25.6471 million shares), namely: huaan core optimization (300,000 units), when Bo emerging growth (2,057.490,000 units), when Bo credit bond a (320,000), policy development (1.5629 million shares), e policy, 2nd (2.255 million shares), huatai Bai Ruihong Lee ETF (504,300), Pu Yinan Shing bonus collection (130,000). Among them, emerging growth to 20.5749 million shares substantially when Bo Hua Xia Bank. SectionTo the four quarters of last year, to 65.6023 million shares of Huaxia Bank, in Bo, ranked in the top ten holdings of emerging growth, circulation of Huaxia Bank equity 1.31%.   Bo emerging growth Fund Manager is Li Pei-gang. In addition, Huaxia Bank released third-quarter earnings of ten current stockholders ' list and the list of the Fund's holdings in the third quarter as the base, Huaxia Bank last yearFour-quarter 4 star funds new entrants (total 22.4413 million shares) tera power leveling, namely UBS sdic solid growth (7.0536 million shares), Warburg industrial power Group (5.0999 million shares), naval advantage the Fortis style (9.9918 million shares), o silver essence (296 tera power leveling,000 units). UBS sdic solid growth Fund Manager for vermilionYu, the Fund for public raised Morningstar three years five star; China Po Societe Generale power combination of Fund Manager for Liu Ziqiang, the Fund for public raised Morningstar five years four star; sea rich pass style advantage of Fund Manager for mouyongning, the Fund for public raised Morningstar three years four star; letter up o silver essence of Fund Manager for Li Kunyuan, the Fund for public raised Morningstar three years four star. In addition, Hua Xia Bank last four quarters4 star funds jiancang (total:-16.1761 million unit), namely Cathay Pacific Taurus innovation growth (-2.8021 million unit), up to the value selected (-500,600), Peng Hua value advantage (-10.812 million shares) tera gold, earnings growth (-2.0614 million unit). Cathay Pacific Taurus innovation growth Fund ManagerFor Fan Dizhao, the Fund for public raised Morningstar three years five star; easy party up value featured of Fund Manager for Wu Xinrong, the Fund for public raised Morningstar five years four star; Peng China value advantage of Fund Manager for Cheng Shijie, the Fund for public raised Morningstar five years four star; agricultural silver meeting acting industry growth of Fund Manager for Cao Jianfei, the Fund for public raised Morningstar three years four star. Huaxia Bank on March 27th results according to the net profit attributable to the shareholders of listed companies last year 9.222 billion yuan, an increase of 53.97%; operating income $ 3.544 billion, an increase of 37.03%; operating profit 12.524 billion yuan, an increase of 56%, and revenues of $ 1.48 per share, an increase of 23.33%. 26th, Closing at $ 10.95/shares of Huaxia Bank, or 1.39%. (Securities market weekly Syndication) "author:" zhuangao financial network "trainee Li Ya pigeon" (editors: I am Su NA) Others:

