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129774149442031250_32 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/tera/">tera power leveling</a>Review: personal type of obesity weight loss method. Obesity is the main cause of the disease in adults, so super "Diners" a lot less. However, there are still a lot of people never seem to harass, suggesting that, to a large extent, obesity and metabolism disorders, namely is easy to fat body mass may be a factor. Traditional Chinese medicine, to improve the physical fitness of this fat, elimination of obesity trouble playing an excellent therapyEffective slimming weight loss network rankings for all (http://www.renrenjianfei.com/) small series of obesity can be divided into several types, namely remedy. In General, obesity can be divided into the following five types of "binge eating obesity" or "stress fat", "obesity edema," "anemia in obesity", "fatigue of obesity"And so on.   According to the symptoms of obesity to judge which type they belong to, and then select a suitable weight loss method. Gluttony in obesity this fat classes can take wind St. This medicine can eliminate stomach fire suppressed excitement, and improve the metabolic function of the role, can accumulate in the body of the excess energy into the hot exhaust out. Normal diet, eat more vegetables andFruit, more aerobic exercise. Weight loss products on the treatment of obesity overeating are good. More of the most effective weight loss products at http://www.renrenjianfei.com/c/. Want to learn which diet pills work best reference: http://www.wowawowa.CN/jianfeiyao/。 Pressure-obesity due to environmental factors or private, are under too much pressure, cannot be improved through the above proposal of engorgement, or has been caused by excessive weight increase, you should seek professional weight loss doctor or psychiatrist to help, given appropriate treatment or through psychological consultative approach to achieve pressure ShuSolution and release, will be able to address the "mental" and "physical" heavy burden! and many outdoor aerobic exercises, diet. Edema in obese people diet for obese people with edema should not be too salty, treatment method of replenishing treatment, light point. At least 8 glasses of water a day (can be any fluid). Mineral water, grapefruit tea is the best choice. Although edemaNeed to drain, but to eliminate the edema, must maintain body water supply adequacy. Eat more vegetables. Also silent about the days of the abundant fish and meat rich food, eat more green vegetables, have a diuretic effect. In addition, celery, lettuce, tomato and melon are good help to eliminate edema. Movement can also eliminate edema. In addition to maintaining good eating habits and more exercise, a lymphatic massageRemoval of edema is very effective method. Anemia Anemia of obesity-obesity, scientific name as "deficiency of obesity". Due to lack of blood in the body, basic body functions decline, abnormal metabolic function, eventually leading to obesity.   Such people are characterized by: appetite is normal, but tummy is full highlights tera gold, hands and feet of fine body fat, which means "steal a fat". ShouldThe rationality of the diet, food from an extensive range will be able to better address the issues in this series. Wow I lose weight net weight-loss products ranking (http://www.wowawowa.CN/) xiaobian recommended to eat less fat, greasy food. Appropriate to eat lean meat, animal liver, blood of chickens, ducks and pigs, (they needed to have a lot of blood in the middle of iron, folic acid), fishShrimp. Eating a variety of fresh vegetables, many kinds of fruits. The body needs protein, vitamins, trace elements, fat, sugar tera power leveling, mix well and in accordance with the needs. Eat nutrition or weight. Improper diet can lead to anaemia cold fatigue of obesity obesity because of such "vitality" (simply put, that is,Life energy) less than, which results in reduced digestive function, metabolic disorders, there is loss of appetite, not decent to eat but loves snacking. Easily fatigue; love sweats, asthma; fear of cold love cold; times less urine; bug-eye, and so on. Such people normally rest, supply on diet, exercise, arranged schedule, don't be too fatigued after a period of time you will receiveGood weight loss results. Original: http://www.renrenjianfei.com/c/7068.html, welcome. () Others:

