
swtor credits apparently is not unreasonable. For this - XLJ

129770919874843750_79Fashion industry company limited number of illegal evictions of eight elderly homeless just after two sessions, laishan days Bay overnight by evictions Shandong news network, March 20, user "re Xun Zhengyi" claimed: "two sessions had just ended, the Premier also repeatedly stressed that improve the people's livelihood as the quality of life for the elderly. , Laishan district, Yantai, Shandong Tian Wan a 80 years old great grandmother whose roomHomeless child is strong split and blacked out several times and admission. Fashion industry company limited number of illegal evictions eight elderly people to cry no tears things generally go through: March 18, 2012, new industrial company limited (hereinafter referred to as new wave industries, stock code: 600,777) while the heads of the family go out, carrying several forced demolition equipment and more personnel forcibly YantaiLaishan district in days Bay (formerly noble city) demolition of houses, heads of 261 square meters of the House instantly disappear, in the room all of the necessities and amenities of life are not known, and a mess. Heads of households did not receive any notification in advance, but the fashion industry be so accurate grasp of time, all are clearly pre-planned well, after hearing the message of the head of household the mother, a 8More than 0 kind and a wonderful old man crying Halo in the hospital more than once, the whole family was greatly grieved. It's hard to imagine, an advocacy and national harmonious society in two sessions, just at the end, in the beautiful coastal city of Shandong province, it happens so shady, completely crushing the common people on the community better. Similar events removal only on top is not alone as a profit-making in disguise, as early as the 2010 the night of November 19, fashion industry has implemented a strong resolution, Yantai Marina near the middle of the day, the Bay area (the noble city) four Villa forcibly removed. Four Villa furniture home appliances and other household articles of all buried in them. Jiaodong online (Twitter), Peninsula networks, public networks, Jining real estate network respectively, reports on the matter. This event class,For the fashion industry is not alone. According to the netizens revealed, were forcibly removed by the House area of 261.16 square meters, and fashion industries high Toe Aung made their so-called condition, real area ratio of 1:1 to (only replacement not a penny of compensation) replacement Villa, but the extra area recharge them at market value. But the villas area of at least a 386Square metres, so that heads of House area in the form of equivalent to fill the post after 125 square metres of difference to them, and up to $ 21,000 per square, we produced more than 2.6 million to them, before you can get a House. It is clearly unacceptable for the heads can't resist. According to China's laws, discussing housing units should be builtStanding among the parties on a voluntary basis tera gold, and not on the provisions of the King of the demolition party. Listed on the fashion industry are relying on their own background and deep personal connections force the houses demolished, the victim does not accept its shangtang Huang as the basis of the provisions of the King, in the final analysis is to profit in disguise. Through this demolition, heads agree to their terms to pay 2.6 million non-illegal constructionWhat the fashion industry forced demolition energy according to the survey, the ownership of housing and land titles in the Department of housing management has on record, you can query at any time, does not belong to any forms of illegal construction. And the fashion industry is not in accordance with the legal provisions according to law, is not headed for any compensation, houses demolished, apparently is not unreasonable. For this, many users publish theirLaw swtor credits, as a listed company, such behavior is detrimental to the reputation and image of the company? In Central repeatedly issued a ban against evictions, why you work with central directives relative resistance? In the SEF emphasized on many occasions not you turn a blind eye on the issue of evictions, a deaf ear to demolish and time and again, you as the central authority for that? ViewWhat the law? Depending on what the Government of Yantai? When you are dealing with ordinary people, and your disregard for laws and regulations swtor credits, right to despise people? And what lines do you converse the who can only discredit to the harmonious society, to smear on the face of Yantai City Government. Here, we advise the ongoing evictions and real estate developer who is about to demolish immediately stop your uglyAct, you ignore the law, will be severely punished by the law because it is unjust is doomed! Finally, the "re Xun Zhengyi" contact to the head, according to their requirements as long as its in-situ remediation of housing, housing property in return, reserves the right to append complaints. "Re Xun Zhengyi" said any human enterprise, no matter how hard it back, regardless of the backgroundDeep in the present legal system of society, must not be lawless! () Others:

