
tera gold is 55. I have been stressing - PDD

129773900560937500_74Jerry Ma: the fourth war or determines the champions belonging Beijing's Canton 55 Yeah sporting March 27: this afternoon, first as a guest of Chinese men's basketball national champion Jerry Ma yeah sporting of the Yi Yantang, analyzed the movements of the CBA finals this season. When talking about the overall winner of belonging, said Jerry Ma, is forecasting total champion was too early, however, who won his fourth game, who want maximum. Jerry Ma believed that arena combat and is clearly the more dominant team in Beijing. OnIn Guangdong, Marbury is their biggest threat, the first three games, although targeted for ' layout ' defence of Guangdong, but Marbury scored two game break 30 minutes tera gold, second in the fourth section semi-divine 17 tide. Speaking of Zhou Peng on Marbury's defense, and Jerry Ma Zhou Peng zhizhao says: "Zhou Peng faced pressure, he is the key nowHow to use his height and long arms to control ', rather than let Marbury scored. If out of my defensive strategy, ' ball, let him, but do not give him suddenly to the right, and Marbury's all competitions tera gold, may 70% opportunity is suddenly right, 30% are suddenly left, but now he is pure pitcher, asked him to cast, if Marbury can't afford to pass the thread through the eye of a needleRole of limited help to the whole team. And the greatest threat is he helping to defend, Guangdong should be extremely careful prevention and tackling of Marbury, if they can limit the sections, Zhou Peng is also have some advantages, which other locations have some advantages. "Three finals, teams have been faced with a very serious problem in Beijing-inner-too many fouls,In the end, no one available. Extension when it comes to how to avoid fouls too much Jerry Ma said: "defense strategy will be adjusted for the coaching arrangement, cards in advance, marking wheel control, Defense coordination should be strengthened, so that you can solve one of pressure and players themselves will also be adjusted. Sometimes want to adapt in the match referee, if the referee does not change, what angle he blewThis action, players should know. Players on the field not only in competitors, with referee "give the runaround" Marbury is scolded by Guangdong team, he is a kind of performance? Players on the pitch adjustment how to adjust their pace, their mindset, how to adapt to the opponents, how to strengthen the inclined-and complement-proof, this is critical. "Finals opener, wideEast coach Li Chunjiang "last leg" caused a stir, despite the Guangdong side had been explained, but many people do not buy it. Li Chunjiang guidance and "last leg", Jerry Ma said: "he is when players from before, and now coach, no major changes, so many years Li Chunjiang, is on the pitch by a domineering, overbearing, sometimes even a little muddyFeel, may be some coach style it is. As for the legs on, interpretation of the Club, nor do I know who is in the explanation, I felt, on the pitch, any language, any excitement, are all part of the game on the pitch. If the people on the pitch really useless, except for rules, and sports morals. Li Chunjiang at that time when the words, Just the camera there, as down as a whole, it is with the game on the pitch are not well coordinated. "At present, the final score was 2:1, team leader in Beijing tomorrow will take on the fourth round between the two sides. Referring to the final overall winner of belonging, Jerry Ma said, "predicts the final overall winner a little earlier, I think they should predict the next, who can win, who will takeTo the overall winner of the strength. "" Now, is 55. I have been stressing tera power leveling, the ups and downs of the CBA is too big, now sees progress in Beijing, I vaguely felt that if the Beijing team to perfect the ' replace these fine Web defense, next home, Beijing would have the advantage, "said Jerry Ma," now the whole Guangdong's State of mind is particularly uneasy, tangled, what does�� Li Chunjiang for three different lineups, prepared in Guangdong Beijing, may not be as strong, I think Beijing will have the advantage. �� Others:

