
tera gold for theHuman habitation - DKU

129774133126718750_87Yesterday, reporters learned from the housing Provident Fund Management Centre in Nanchang, Nanchang to extract policy making the appropriate adjustments of housing accumulation Fund, the staff at the field House, if the employee's spouse or immediate family census register directly at the House, extraction of provident fund schemes. At the same time, clear again, and spouses of staff and workers in this city are not owner-occupied housing, legal rental common housing (including affordable housing or social housing)I live, can also extract a provident fund to pay the rent. Extractor now, as an accurate, efficient and convenient way for employees to provide payment and settlement services, trade unions shall be joint card holder to complete the extraction procedure. Extraction agreement agree otherwise and subject to delegate outside the inheritance or bequest, extraction of workers housing fund account in the amount paid onto the card account jointly to staff I������Workers there was no joint card, first to the Provident Fund management centre of Nanchang Hall bank branches of bank counters or the specified bid receiving joint card. Purchase or repayment of the purchase can fund any of the following circumstances, I, spouses of staff and workers and their immediate family members (refers only to their parents and their children) can be applied to extract his housing Provident Fund accountStored balance employees ' purchases of owner-occupied housing; constructed, renovated, overhaul of owner-occupied housing; agriculture deposit account in buying or building their own farm house of origin of workers. In addition, reimbursement of housing accumulation Fund loan principal and interest, or other personal housing loan interest, staff himself, the property rights of spouses, as well as other common people (refers only to staff members and immediate family members of a total of owner) can alsoApplication when extract stored within its housing accumulation Fund account balances.����Under the current policy, decoration is not using the Provident Fund loans, Provident Fund or extract. At present, a number of university graduates in the field after graduation House, but want to extract parent Provident Fund, has been limited. In response to this situation, Nanchang Provident Fund policy, workers in the field to buyOwner-occupied housing or to repay foreign loans, comply with the principles of both, the seat of the housing for the location of the employee's spouse or immediate family member residence or housing Provident Fund deposit tera gold, in accordance with the requirement at the time of purchase or loan applications extracted Housing Fund. Extraction approach does not loan can be extracted within one year of the purchase of a Trade Union and does not apply to purchase housing of housing accumulation Fund loan,Within one year of the purchase (starting time is subject to the valid documents specified in our time) delegate extraction of the purchase agreement with the Management Center. Management Center 3 years according to the agreement of the corresponding month of the year as the principal agent of 3 extraction procedure, extract the amount transferred to the trade union agreement jointly in the card account. Extract amounts to hundred units, themselves, spouses of staff and workers and their immediate family membersCumulative extraction does not exceed the total amount actually paid purchase (excluding loans). In addition, staff overhaul since constructed, renovated, houses for the use of housing accumulation funds without loans, can extract a housing fund within one year. Extract the amount does not exceed the actual expenses.����Rural house building, extraction procedures within in 3 years for 1. Repay only at the start of repayment corresponding monthsExtraction workers to repay loans, repayment start date, each year of continuous repayment for a full 12 months to pay, each year can apply for a housing fund extraction procedures, processing times for the corresponding month the month of the year. Staff himself, the property rights of spouses, as well as other common people on the extraction does not exceed the total annual actual repayment of principal and interest and repayment. When the housing accumulation Fund account balance is insufficientShi, balance of accounts should be retained within a hundred after extraction.����Lee a handle made in time for June 2011, Provident Fund loan so he extracts the corresponding month in June, in June of each year can be handled after extraction of provident fund schemes. All settled in advance of loan principal and interest, to settle loans during the current month to the corresponding month of the year held a extraction procedure of housing accumulation Fund, vocationalExtraction of cost and property rights of spouses tera power leveling, as well as other common people does not exceed the total cumulative repayments and interest group, and when the corresponding month of the year to settle. Extraction workers retired leaving the field in full as long as any of the following circumstances, I can apply for the extraction of stored within its housing accumulation Fund account balances: off, retired; fully or partially lost his capacity to work, and units to end DrRelationship is not the reemployment; exit settlement; and termination of labor relations and account move out of the city or the account not the city; expiry of the imposition of the death penalty, life imprisonment or imprisonment sentence reached the statutory retirement age. At the same time, of the worker dies or is declared dead, their heirs or legatee extraction workers housing fund in the account store can apply for balance.Extraction approach under these circumstances, after the unit to workers for housing funds hold clearance, which can extract all principal and interest of the workers housing fund, at the same time to remove his personal account. No room and no housing provident funds are available to pay the rent and spouses of staff and workers in this city are not owner-occupied housing, legal rental common housing (including affordable housing or social housing) for theHuman habitation; enjoy the minimum subsistence guarantee for urban residents; staff himself tera power leveling, his spouse or children suffering from chronic kidney failure (uremia), malignant tumors, severe aplastic anemia, chronic hepatitis, heart valve replacement surgery, coronary artery bypass surgery, craniotomy with excision of intracranial tumor surgery, major organ transplant surgery, aortic surgery nine major disease; encounter emergenciesEspecially difficult family life, employee's spouse can apply for extraction and I stored within its housing accumulation Fund account balances. Extraction method extracts a provident fund these cases each year, employees and spouses to extract a stored within the housing accumulation Fund account balances every year.����Extract amount in $ 10 units. Where no room rental, extraction lineExtraction of Nanchang, in accordance with the implementation of certain provisions of the Housing Fund to pay the rent; enjoy the minimum subsistence guarantee for urban residents, after the extraction of accounts should retain balance of less than $ 10; staff person, spouse or child of nine kinds of major diseases, extraction total amount shall not exceed the actual liability of medical expenses; emergencies encountered particularly difficult family life, total extract does notExceed the actual expenses incurred. Loans overdue not Provident Fund, however, if the workers housing fund loans have not been settled, staff himself, the property rights of spouses, as well as other common people housing Provident Fund may only be used for the extraction of principal and interest repayment of housing accumulation Fund loan (including commercial loans in the portfolio loan principal and interest). Housing Fund loans are overdue, staff I,Property rights of spouses, as well as other common people may withdraw its balance of housing accumulation Fund account storage. Text/reporter Liu Yuan Others:

