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129770966844375000_393According to the anti-phishing Alliance of China in 2012, the latest data show that February finds number of phishing sites and up to 2,350, including online payment transaction sites up to 1819, and occupies a total of 77.4%. In fact, the site has long been a phishing Web site "disastrous", 2011 network payment transactionsSite 80% of the total by the number of phishing attacks are attacks. Phishing phishing website focused on payment transactions class, mostly because of the public's consumption gradually adapt to online shopping and familiar at the same time, lack of identification and authenticity of the information on the Web site awareness, tend to run away by QQ, MSN IM chat tool from the Web site, such as links, so that criminals canTo rely on a phishing site rampant fraud. In addition to the payment transactions outside the site, financial securities websites falling prey to the phishing site is also a high proportion of such phishing sites appeared frequently, page imitation is extremely pure and well-known broker identifies not only, false registration, ICP version information, a variety of certificate scans are also readily available. From the fishing siteActivities law Shang see, most are is followed Internet users of Internet habits of, such as most significantly of "holiday effect", in "may day", and "11" and Spring Festival during, large Internet users favored online shopping of convenient, while also plans arrangements tourism activities, large shopping, and tourism, and ticket class fishing website managed to activities, order Internet users is injured, online ordered fire tickets more is became crime minNew areas of study of phishing. In addition, Internet shopping has also become a high incidence of phishing sites during the peak period of the promotions. Seen from the fishing tools, criminals as "the times". Nearly two years of popular microblogging application at the same time, a large number of bogus lottery, winning the class through the micro-blogging platform for dissemination of information, tricking Internet users being taken. Head of secretariat of the anti-phishing Alliance of ChinaShows the majority of Internet users wary of phishing, prevention first, improving network fraud awareness is very important. First of all, don't run Web site links sent by strangers, secondly, because of the well-known formal phishing Web site generally is a phishing website, information to users on the network to search, try to check Web site domain names and other information on the one hand, and more click on the modules on the page, look at theNot open;. pl,. TK,. com,. Ms,. in domain names also have to pay attention to the end, this type of domain name is the favorite of the phishing Web site. It is understood that the anti-phishing Alliance of China by China Internet network information center (CNNIC) combined with domestic securities institutions diablo 3 gold, e-commerce Web sites, domain name registration services, such as jointly initiated the establishment of the StateOnly in coordinating organization set up to solve the phishing problem. At present tera gold, the Union members have more than 300 companies, involved in banking, securities diablo 3 power leveling, e-commerce and Internet security vendors, and many other companies and institutions. Once found a phishing site or Internet users suspected phishing Web site, may be reported to the Secretariat, Secretariat of the Union will be based on third-party technology finds body of final judgment,Fishing site for processing and to suspend its hazards. At the same time, in the "rule of total control, share, win" philosophy, anti-phishing Alliance of China also combined a number of browser vendors, network security vendors, search engine companies, to provide Internet users with phishing risk. (Editors: Yin Liang) Others:

