
tsw gold 5 - FNC

129732242352658750_357Depart No. 2012030, 982 tsw gold, considerably smaller, even and odd combination, set of 6 patterns, and 19, span 7. Views: hundred: out of the code on the odd-numbered 9, 0 yards out, nearly 10 size ratio, 7:3, edge of large numbers, odd and even than 5:5, odd-even big balance, even digital is expected to cover. This issue's priorityBig, grade: 026 against 35. Ten: out of the code on even-numbered 8, 2 yards out. During nearly 10 size ratio 5:5, size code big balance tsw power leveling, even and odd 4:6, even code big advantage.  This issue focuses on large yards big, recommend: anti-16 of 257. Single digit: out of the small yards on even-numbered 2, 2 yards out. During nearly 10 size ratio 5:5 tsw power leveling, Big size code balanced, even and odd 7:3, odd has an advantage, this issue concerns the digital big, grade: 678 against 34. Selection of 026//257//678 (warm reminder: personal views are for reference only) Others:

