
swtor Warzone Commendation power leveling unit - XWX

129724958998519344_138Under the current macro-monetary conditions remained tight the old republic commendation power leveling, fine-tuning of policies began to realize, but we believe that the short term is difficult to reverse the downward trend of machinery industry profits. We believe that the mechanical breakdown of coal chemical industry energy coal machinery, hydraulic equipment, cold chain equipment, such as lower demand than stability or policy to support industries suffer smaller segments. At the same time we thinkEngineering machinery company valuations back to record-low range, easing had a real impact on investment, can reverse the downward trend, stocks will have a chance to rally, but opportunities to industry trends are still waiting. Recommended reading on January 31 illustrations: normal technical adjustment shocks to a-shares in local rally die auspicious start Outlook cautiousPick-up pattern of renewal of China a-shares in HKEx offering worry-start a shares opened weaker Outlook was langma several points of thinking on nuggets of information the man higher up "plans break unit" [Twitter] RMB appreciation and the a-share the mysterious relationship [shares] old shareholders to disclose on this location we believe that by the end of oil and gas exploration and development capital expenditures will maintain its steady growth, whileUnconventional gas development stimulated by high growth and high oil prices of oil and gas production trends, oil and gas development in equipment with expendable supplies will become the benefit on behalf of the characteristics of the product. We recommend fracturing equipment of leading enterprises of Jerry shares (002353 shares). At the same time, we are optimistic about Twelve-Five of equipment brought by coal chemical industry development opportunities, particularly power, air separation equipment�� Where "Twelve-Five" during the coal chemical industry demand for air separation equipment added more than $ 15 billion. ����We recommend and leading hangyang shares of air separation plant (002430, unit), and production of air separation core components axial turbine shrinking machine and Shaanxi to agitate (601,369, unit). Periodic fluctuation of construction machinery industry working closely with the national macro-control policies,Decline of railways, roads and other infrastructure investments, real estate investment context, the construction machinery industry sales growth is expected in 2012 is expected to be around 5%. From a valuation perspective, current engineering machinery plate at an appropriate interval, we believe that if the monthly sales data and changes in corporate profitability expected, sector valuation repair opportunities. We recommend sizesObvious advantages, technology research and development ability of industrial leading enterprise zoomlion (000157, unit). Future driving force for growth in demand for coal industry from new coal capacity investment tor Mercenary Commendation power leveling, existing renewal needs and the level of mechanized mining equipment upgrade needs. From the perspective of supply and domestic prosperity of enterprise of coal industry expansion, increased competition, notWith independent research and development ability of enterprise can result in higher profitability in the competition, we recommend having industry technology and scale advantages, with pricing power stand mixer Zhengzhou coal (601,717, unit). 2011 is the peak of the project of water conservancy investment swtor Warzone Commendation power leveling, peaks of investments is expected to appear in 2012-2013, starting in 2012A large number of key projects have been started construction, these projects will lead to the commencement of bidding opportunities for listed companies in real terms, taking into account the ability of listed companies with market expansion and horizontal integration capability, we think beyond industry requirements of expanded trade opportunities, will also get incremental market and, hence, market leading enterprises will enjoy the Super industry growth. We recommended restructuringWater pump mixer Leo shares (002131 shares). In the field of air compressor, although short term plagued by social fixed assets investment growth, but key parts to independent production, innovation capabilities of enterprises will remain a solid growth.

