
eq2 platinum soufun and 58 with the city and other medium on the class Web site - AFD

129742915535000000_323"Chinese entrepreneurs network" following the low-price purchase 3 years ago triggered after questioning, PetroChina "group buying" recently set off waves. According to media reports, with more than 8,000 yuan/m compared to the purchase price, at this House of Sun Star City, Chaoyang District, Beijing, prices have soared more than 4 times today, PetroChina has therefore been friends jokingly called "most real". The Beijing NewsChapter disclosure, recently, appears on the Web site of the company that the House sale information, and special marking of "China cadres." Reporters the Chinese entrepreneurs through searched found that homes, soufun and 58 with the city and other medium on the class Web site, second-hand information Sun Star City complex, marked "China" or "China cadre building" houses have several sets of words,Are large scale stock room, price per square metre of more than 30,000. Trade journalists, who asked not to be named accounts: in a 90 square meter of housing, for example tor credits, if the price of less than $ 9,000/m to buy, to sell for no less than 30,000 yuan, after deducting tax, personal income tax after tax and the cost of the purchase by the seller, brought about by the housingNet income of at least $ 1.9 million. Persons involved in PetroChina purchase to enjoy "treatment" much more than this. According to media reports, in March 2009, the oil services company group-owned by CNPC Beijing China Sun Star City 1480 House and two commercial buildings of the time, the real estate sale price is about $ 23,000 per sq m. In other words, ChinaIs equivalent to 30 percent of the purchase price to buy. After media reported that the housing area is not less than 90 square meters. However, even this area a minimum of shelter eq2 platinum, basic deductions after taxes and fees, can help buyers save at least 1 million. CNPC purchases triggered another dispute, is the purpose of the housing. In response, oil-related peopleSaid the House is prepared for the free room staff. The Beijing morning news revealed that age of conan gold, from the type area, listed features such as time limits, the House has a clear "fulifang" features. The weekly newspaper the times reported, in that round of buying surge, grass-roots workers is not eligible to participate. Analysts said that "fulifang" is a large number of vacant rooms behind, is the CentralEnterprises use the monopolistic advantages to obtain portrayal of group interests. In this regard, the securities journal article points out, this borrowed "group purchase" wind in the name of, to hot real estate to buy low and sell high essentially in the form of speculative property, driving up prices in disguise. Articles at the same time, special interest group of the predatory development, is likely to lead the sound development of the economy, "black hand".

