
diablo 3 gold from trade and economic - BEM

129731262620166727_29Information: US troops stationed in Japan F-15C fighter group. Zhongxinwang, February 6 Hong Kong Wen Wei Po, posted 4th comment says, United States military strategic focus to Asia-Pacific, enhanced military presence in the Asia-Pacific region swtor power leveling, particularly in the case of heavy cuts in military spending, also ensures that the Asia-Pacific military strategy is not affected, shows the United States fight military "maintain" leadership in Asia-PacificStrategic objectives and strategic approach, also reinforced the United States wishes to rely on a strong military pressure and containment, deterrence strategy of China's strategic objectives and tasks. Article excerpts are as follows: United States military strategic focus to Asia-Pacific, enhanced military presence in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly in the case of heavy cuts in military spending, also ensures that the Asia-Pacific military strategy is not affected, shows the United States fight"Maintaining" strategic goals of the Asia-Pacific leadership and strategic approach, also reinforced the United States wishes to rely on a strong military pressure and containment, deterrence strategy of China's strategic objectives and tasks. After several months of careful preparation, United States finally launched the new military strategy. The naming for the maintenance of United States global leadership: the new military strategy of the 21st century defense prioritiesWill announce immediately caused strong reaction in the world, particularly the us new military strategy the US global strategic focus in the Asia-Pacific region, targeting military strategy in China and Iran. To Asia-Pacific security situation, Sino-US relations, the United States and Iraq overshadowed by tension between the haze. People cannot help but ask: United States new military strategies and means China will achieve the desired effect?United States new military strategy introduced of strategy environment and strategy purposes is: a, and United States domestic economic failure we, debt crisis, budget sharply cut; II, and Asia-Pacific area economic rise, China, and India rise; three, and United States deeply led status hard, especially worry is extrusion Asia; four, and United States economic of recovery hope in Asia-Pacific, outlet in Asia-Pacific; five, and United States to "maintained" globalLeadership, but "maintenance" in the Asia-Pacific leadership; six and the United States for "maintenance" in the Asia-Pacific leadership, they have to "strong military" suppress potential threats, or that the potential enemy, elimination of threats and current enemies of reality. Sword means China is the core of the new US strategy, United States new military strategy subject to the strategic environment and background, strategyGoals and strategic tasks, and showing two distinguishing characteristics: one is to reduce and maintain diablo 3 gold, is increasing and the second sword. Ten years of the Afghanistan war and the Iraq war, has the United States sapped, historical turning point occurs diablo 3 power leveling, start without any irreversible decline of course, unilateralism has to go to the end of history, hegemony has been declining, global leadership difficult to sustain�� Asia and the emerging economies, in particular �C the rise of five, in particular, the rise of China is unstoppable. The United States of a unipolar world order form a tough challenge and impact.����United States to "maintain" global leadership, on the economic and political abilities, only relying on superior military strength can also be "maintained". However, the result of the debt crisis, the financial crisisBudget cuts, growth makes us military power to make ends meet, not to have enough money to cover the expenses. The Obama administration has announced cuts in military spending US $ 487 billion within a decade, if democracy, the Republican party could not reach agreement on Government to reduce red, military expenditure will be automatically cut $ 600 billion in ten years. This is destined to the new US military strategy highlights the cut feature. Reduction of militaryExpenditure reduced following a series of military scale: one is to reduce the size of the army and Marine Corps; the second is reducing its military presence in Europe; three is the "fighting two wars simultaneously" is reduced to "fighting a war while dealing with second enemy and deterrence". At the same time, to "maintain" global leadership, first make sure that the "maintenance" in the Asia-Pacific leadership,Military strategy towards the Asia-Pacific region, reinforced its military presence in Asia, became United States global strategy, the inevitable choice of the Asia-Pacific strategy. This is a particularly notable feature of the new US military strategy.����Or it can be said that this is both a strategic starting point for the new military strategy, as well as its strategic base. Actually, the United States also knows, today its leadership position in the global decline in the Asia-Pacific GuideStatus is precarious, so we tried to use its "strong military" to "maintain". United States or "maintain", "maintain" life is difficult.����Also be sure that, United States leadership in a unipolar world, will end as the formation of a multipolar world condominium pattern. Strategy of China done enough preparations for China, swordChina's new military strategy of the United States should not be overlooked, be alert, need to be taken seriously, ready to do strategy and strategic response in a timely manner as soon as possible. While the country time and again declaring that China will absolutely not for hegemony, never seek hegemony, China welcomed the United States presence in Asia, Asian regional issues can only rely on the peace negotiations to solve against resorting to force and threats to use force against externalForces to meddle in the South China Sea dispute. But the United States maintains its dominance of the world on China's rise as a "threat".����Therefore, as early as before the introduction of new military strategy, from trade and economic, political, diplomatic, and military deployments and exercises deterrence, intensify the enhanced compression strategies of China space and room for development. Asia's rise, and the rise of China, India's rise, wasHistorical laws, not to the people's will as to transfer, is any person, any military alliance, to any United States military strategy can stop. Development and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region is the trend, peace and stability is the common aspiration and end the United States power and dominate, development of peace in a multipolar world pattern is the trend of the times. United States maintain a 21st century "global leadership" of the "new military strategy", With Obama's self-styled "first President of the Pacific" and Hillary Clinton advocates "the 21st century is the United States's Pacific century", is just wishful thinking, is doomed to backfire, come to end of a sieve. (Kuai zhe Yuan) Others:

