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129742939247500000_417In Asia on Monday, gold prices in the near future fluctuation range narrow near the upper shock, before the Conference on euro-zone finance ministers late Monday, investors remain cautious.   But good news continue to increase in the near future, if the Finance Ministers meeting again this evening to benefit gold price to break the dull, hit highs in early 1763 dollars an ounce. Currently onGold prices are favourable factors include: 1 high, dollar index down; 2, crude oil prices continued to rise, NYMEX crude oil prices to us $ 104/barrel, 3, the tension in the Middle East, Iran Islamic revolution guards held military exercises again; 4, on the euro-zone finance ministers to reach Greece optimism in the second round of assistance agreements. In February20th, eurozone finance ministers will hold a meeting to decide whether Greece second round of assistance provided.   However, investors should pay attention to is that even today assistance Greece reached agreement, Greece still faces many difficult problems to be solved, European debt crisis is not fundamentally resolved, situation of the euro area is still not optimistic, gold prices rose last. Now, Greece was anxiouslyThis "help" because after a month cheap runescape items, Greece must repay a $ 14.5 billion euro debt, defaults and bankruptcies of otherwise you will encounter bad luck. Fortunately is, "the troika" (European Commission, European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund) and Greece negotiating deadlock in recent days the Government turn, releasing various signs, both on theFinance Ministers finalised in principle on Greece's second round of bailout agreement were "cautiously optimistic".   In addition runescape items, the European Central Bank Exchange over the weekend held by Greece debt, a move that is seen as Greece indirect evidence of the breakthroughs in the negotiations with its creditors runescape items for sale, confidence in the markets is encouraging. Once the 20th meeting of euro-zone finance ministers will approve the aid-Greek agreement, Greece debtGroups programme will enter a substantive phase of implementation, the private creditors will writedowns on bonds and an extension in the 10th, final March 20 Greece 14.5 billion euro notes before expiry of the debt restructuring. After reaching Greece debt restructuring plan, held by private creditors will Greece debt writedowns on face value 50%, and through a debt moratorium, Greece reduce debt burden of 1000 euros, overall private creditors would suffer loss of 70%. Others:

