
the market remains weak

129667864323427892_27Securities times journalists craft Shen port for iron ore stocks reached another all-time high, iron ore prices alone plunged, a series of changes to push the domestic market of imported iron ore to the forefront.  To size up the latest supply and demand of iron ore market dynamics as well as future trends, the securities times first in-depth visit of China's iron ore port---Rizhao port (600,017). Premium inventoryStranded in Rizhao port, Shandong province is located in the South-East, Yellow Sea shore, by virtue of 2010 year 130 million tons of iron ore throughput continued stable number one position in the domestic iron ore port. Came into the port area, heavy iron ore terminal remains the same, port workers is a two hundred thousand or three hundred thousand tons of ore ship unloading. Behind deep red iron ore mountains, around the corners of port storage yardDowns, with a special mineral powder in the air. "Port iron ore stocks have a certain level of growth since September, combined with inventory from Lanshan port area, totals about 17 million tons. Ship arriving in these two days, no less, ore ship pressure over more than 40 large and small.  "Rizhao port security YEUNG Kwong told reporters. It is understood that in 2008, withThe international iron ore price rising imported iron ore stocks continued to climb in domestic ports.  CISA in the near future iron ore inventory mapping survey to major ports throughout the country, domestic yagang inventories more than 98 million tons of iron ore, combined with all kinds of hidden stocks, the current total inventory ultra billion tons of iron ore has become the consensus of the industry. Cargo ship yagang, for iron ore market, is not whatNothing new.  Domestic ports a large shortage of berths on the one hand, it is difficult to deal with a short and intensive imports; on the other hand, yard capacity is limited, in the event of stock remaining, cargo loading and unloading speeds will inevitably slow. Board Secretary Yu Huifang, Rizhao port said, in October, the imported iron ore prices have plunged low shipping charges, mills at this stage the traditional "winter supplement" season, attractingPart of the centralized purchase of domestic steel mills and traders. Mills insufficient willingness to pick up, in turn caused yard slow inventory turnover.  The interaction, the port there have been some yagang. "The current port iron ore inventories of steel mills and traders had, Mills accounted for the majority, largely pre-premium inventory.  "Yu Huifang said. Iron ore prices in the first round of the sharp slide in high inventoryNow the hot potato. Baichuan information according to the end of October, 63.5 India powder CFR China main port prices hit to 129 USD/ton in September, representing a plunge in 30%.  Although the recent rebound in iron ore prices, but the downward trend has not changed.  Go to inventory, has become today the main theme of the entire industry. To inventory how difficult but, Weak demand in the lower reaches, to inventory and how hard. As we all know, is mainly used for steel smelting of iron ore, steel final consumption in real estate, automobile and other related industries.  Terminal industry downturn has been, is being forced to upstream through the chain. National Bureau of statistics data showed that in October 2011, the accumulated amount of domestic real estate investment rose 31.1%, per cent per cent in July markedly down.  Cars, to October cumulative yield per cent domestic growth of only 4.2%, representing an early growth more than half. "Demand is not good, prices fall, Mills only production. "Chuanwei Group Vice President Yang Nengzhong said the steel industry production in October had begun. Most enterprises in a State of meager profit or loss,Stock is a priority for more digestive. Baichuan information Su Yanbo metallurgical industry analysts said that steel prices fell sharply in early, the market remains weak, steel plant poor earnings, but selecting production of insured. Theory of steel billet costs about 4,000 yuan/tons, but the current price of about 3,800 Yuan/ton steel market. Visible, steel plant profitability slumped.CISA data shows that in early November, the national daily mean production of 1.6641 million metric tons of crude steel, link 52,900 tons of old or 3.08%, its lowest for the year.  From the terminal into steel, and then by steel production eventually reverse influence iron ore raw materials consumption, is also a marked decline in iron ore demand. "Eat two bowls of rice, eat half a bowl of rice now, at leastDo not extinguish the oven. "Sunshine local iron ore traders introduced a large steel mill to some recent practices, because the material purchase cost of steel production to accounts, in order to not paper losses, some steel mills Protocol for more early mines in the port, turning to imports of lower-priced trade mine. A drop in demand, low prices part mine detained port, so iron oresKeep recent high. Permit futures analyst Chen Bo said that because of iron ore import requires a lot of money, typically large steelworks agreements mine business traders involved in, that is, the industry said "trays" concept. Large traders provide financial intermediation for iron ore imports of steel mill, and small and medium traders do trade mine agent and price speculation, some willInvolving letters of credit and financing. "Steel prices have been unable to get on, steel mill that very few goods or simply do not. A single two months we have done.  "Sunshine huanuo trade officials said currently traders overall inventory is relatively large, more and more difficult to do business. Mineral prices rebound continue provoking is, in the lower reaches remained in the doldrums under the environment of early NovemberIron ore price there was backlash, some minerals rebounded closer to 20%.  Yet for the oversold rebound diablo 3 power leveling, most industry insiders do not look good. "Recent mineral prices has many causes, on the one hand some Mills burden are low in stock, replenishment stock to market. There were rumours some traders for speculation, pushing up prices. But on most of the view that this waveRose continued however in November.  "Su Yanbo said. Chen Bo said that mills are more pessimistic Outlook see at this stage, previously reduced demand in the first half of next year is a foregone conclusion.  Behind market face inventory pressures, high probability of iron ore price swings down. Yu Huifang also believes that within half a year of iron ore prices it is difficult to substantially warmer. "Most of the steel used in automobiles,Shipbuilding, civil construction industry. Now the real economy did not come, limited affordable housing steel consumption, demand and real estate mass starts are two. Coupled with the construction of railways, roads and other infrastructure compression, decline in demand as a whole is very large. "In fact, from global supply and demand pattern dynamic change of view, it seems, does not support the price of iron ore on crazy againGo up.  Slowdown in Chinese demand, makes the market inflection point for iron ore supply and demand will have to call up. Released in early November, the iron and steel industry "Twelve-Five" programme points out that, by 2015, iron and steel industry and strive to establish benefit-sharing of iron ore, coal, iron and steel industry in the original fuel system, domestic self-sufficiency rate of iron ore in 45%, foreign iron oreResource control volume of imported iron ore part of more than 50%. Late last month diablo 3 power leveling, General Manager of Baosteel Ma Guoqiang said at a three quarterly performance description, October spot prices decreased markedly this year, is determined by supply and demand price return. From the perspective of the current international environment and domestic policy orientations, iron ore price turning points have emerged. He predicts that in 2012Or at the end in 2013, the iron ore supply tension will be slowed, or even reversed.

