
culture and management of the precipitation

129667677901240392_23In 2011, has become the world's second-largest computer manufacturer Lenovo Group.   In the past 10 years, Legend Holdings companies include not only the legend group, digital, also including real estate development enterprise roko Chi and Hony, legend of two investment companies. Entrepreneurship for 27 years, Lenovo Group successful gene is what, in the legend behind the transitionWhat general lessons about?   On November 22, on the 2011 annual meeting of the competitiveness of enterprises in China, Lenovo Chairman LIU Chuanzhi, Lenovo's founder and CEO, Lenovo Group success boil down to four points: organizational structure of the building; picked the right person, to the stage; brand, culture and management of the precipitation; reform of property right mechanism. LIU Chuanzhi, special emphasis, enterprises must haveA good set of mechanisms and incentive mechanism of property rights, for head masters of enterprise platforms, in order to ensure a successful business transformation. Two transformation: building structure Mr Liu said, Lenovo transition fall into two categories swtor power leveling, one which in the original PC within the industry through technology and innovation, business model innovation, optimizing their business in a manner for; the other whichIs cross-industry restructuring. In 2000, legend group market share declining, one of the most important reason, that is, by virtue of international PC giant Dell direct model into China. For three consecutive years, Lenovo all defeats. In 2004, Lenovo's business model for large-scale breakthrough, using two business models compete with Dell finally Lenovo win in Chinese marketsFirst, take the 30% market share. "With this Foundation, Lenovo IBM PC in 2005, mergers and acquisitions business.   "Mr Liu said. After seven years of fusion, 2011 zhengguo. Lenovo PC shipments surpassed Dell, leapt to second place in the world. Lenovo PC 2.4% per cent of global market share from before the acquisition, increased toNow 13.7%. At the same time, Lenovo Group performance an increase of amazing.   In the three months ending in September, Lenovo Group net profits rose 88%, to $ 144 million; 35% sales growth, to $ 7.8 billion.   Emergence of new products such as mobile Internet, Lenovo has faced new challenges. Liu ChuanRecords revealed that the "Lenovo will have more action, to our intended goal.   "After following the launch of mobile phones, Tablet PCs, Lenovo will release the latest mobile Internet strategy in the near future.   Driving legend listing is Liu's core work, Lenovo Lenovo Group's largest shareholder. 10 years ago, LIU Chuanzhi, Lenovo is the splitting of the said associationsSuccessful practice of cross-industry restructuring. In 2001, the Lenovo Lenovo computer business into two pieces and digital.   At the same time carry out investment business (VC/PE), and the real estate business. Liu said modestly, these 10 years, legend holdings on the investment done more successful, also has laid a very solid foundation in the real estate industry.However, LIU Chuanzhi, industry is the heart of the most fundamental idea of the reunification, therefore, legend holdings have proposed a new strategy for return to industrial strategies, the goal is to achieve legend holdings, listed as a whole by 2014. "The listing will further raise funds, investing in our future to do business. At the same time to make the principal responsible persons of various business truly become mainPeople.   "Mr Liu believes that build organizational structure is Lenovo's first critical success factors. "We are not to do the Division, but under the legend, set up subsidiaries to operate.   "This is to ensure that the benefits of" each unit was very professional. " Picked the right person, to the stage: from matter to spirit when the Organization buildingWell after Liu have to do the second thing, that is, for each industry selection of a leader. "Elections are very important to people. "Talk about how we select people, how" selected people "?   Staff as the "Bole" Mr Liu said: this man is not only able to take charge as Chief, also have a broad vision and a very strong ability to learn. In long-term practice,LIU Chuanzhi, attaches great importance to not only work, but also to work through how to bring out people, develop people, he said, "this is my most important work. "In addition, it is necessary to give the stage to display their talent," the stage including from matter to spirit, making them in this industry swtor credits, is the real master in this stage, so that we can really make a big. ”LIU Chuanzhi, Lenovo's failure is often rival reflection. In his view, is that these enterprises do not have owners, companies are all independent directors, executives of interests with the interests of Directors, with the interests of the company at all.   In this case, the company can easily be attacked, management cannot develop of enterprise's long-term development strategy. Mr Liu said: "for aBased on the long-term development of enterprises, only guarantee the successor owner status, real people-oriented, will it be possible to let legend holdings according to their own goals of development. "In order for the company's strategic direction, the future fate of the core backbone of long-term incentives, LIU Chuanzhi, Lenovo holdings carried out shareholding system reform and adjustment, so that employees enjoy the equity incentive.Yang yuanqing, Lenovo Group shares held, a Liu "Lenovo core management has become the real masters" deployment.   In June this year, Legend Holdings was sold to Yang 8% of Lenovo Group shares, the shares acquired by Yang yuanqing, a personal loan, Yang yuanqing, Lenovo Group's largest individual shareholder. Mr Liu said that Yang bought sharesAfter the copy, you do not need he can worry about the long-term development objectives for the enterprise, because Yang yuanqing will end up in his own work as a real master of the group. According to Liu's design, and in the future legend new management will hold a part of legend's equity, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Zhiyuan (formerly employee stock ownership), China Sea, alongLegend's shareholders. Thus, the new management will become a legend in the management of the owner. Mr Liu said that even if future "after I retire, the new management would still like a master management throughout the company. Legend's future is a master always have. "

