
Market depressed

129668600999375000_90Today, the fund companies want to make money, needs to reach about $ 15 billion. However, is not set up this year of 5 new fund companies, asset size at less than $ 10 billion fund companies amounted to 17. Weak, weak brand Appeal Fund for small and medium-sized company can survive? The daily economic news reporter found that as the diversification of fund markets, FundCompanies to seek ways to differentiated competition are increasingly wide, there are many small and medium-sized firms with Weak Market by building core competitiveness to achieve a "track overtaking", however it is worth noting is that "overtaking" ultimately remains driving force performance. Dilemma main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden surgeGospel is not likely in a move investors: to entangle the stock saved! Five winter woes forced small and medium-sized fund company performance of polarization "want bigger and stronger, as if more and more difficult to find opportunities. "A Fund in Beijing who complained to the daily economic news reporter. Channels, and capital market environment, brand appeal, and investment and research on the strength of weakness so that small and medium-sized baseGold company in good timing, geographical convenience, as well as hard on both people and the dominant. Winter hit. Huaxia fund shares as problem solving, and its new Fund will begin next year on a normal Cabinet, small and medium-sized fund companies already have a narrow market space, will usher in a strong competitor. At the same time, according to industry sources, some large channels may reduce the number of new funds managed, but also in selectedOptional funds will focus on the fund company's brand, and the variety of funds and design characteristics and other factors, or on already weak fund companies a bigger blow. Multiple new products? Expanded product line? Innovation? Changed? Small and medium-sized firms in order to "change" policy. Facing pressure from more, small and medium-sized fund companies after the selection policy, Has begun to appear "overtaking" and "overturn" fire and ice situation where two different worlds.����Which can fund new pattern on the map changes, still needs to be stoking and evolution of the market. Winter policy to "fire and ice a two-day" each year with large management fees, fund industry has always been regarded as the gold industry, because the market cold start into a quagmire, in particular small and medium-sized fund publicSecretary to bear the brunt, survival is to mention it to the official correspondence [documents]. As of Friday, to the broader market from this year fell to less than 2,400 points above 2,800,-up to 15.24%. Rough statistics, has extended over more than 10 new funds raised this year, 2008 extended release period when only 14 of the new Fund, we can see new Fund distributors into the coldWinter campaign. Recent announcements, post Shanghai 380 index increased funds, day treatment in steady income debt Foundation chose the postponement. However, at a time when new fund issue is struggling, there are still tight encirclement of the new Fund, the first gold was gratifying. This week announced the creation of new funds, tianhong Fengli first scale 1.667 billion yuan Bond Fund, Fund for small and medium-sized company success; Increases in Bank ownership, livelihood and silver boom industry of people's livelihood fund raised $ 3.199 billion swtor credits, for most units based in the second half; scale in the first episode of the silver and Small-Cap Fund is also more than 3 billion. Even under stumbled over the market, still has Fund towards trend growth in the third quarter. Xinhua of which grows the highest gains amounted to $ 226 million and falling market net purchase, share BoardDie representing a 5.26 billion at the end of the second quarter increase 550 million, up 5.81 billion; excluding new development fund, implements favourably with 279 million net.����In terms of performance, there are funds doing well, many of whom are small and medium-sized fund the company's products. Eastern Dragon of the East arm Yu Xin led the Fund this year dropped slightly to NET 4.33%, in similar funds in theRanks, was featured this year net fell of the Oriental Department of the East 5.68%, East funds have become 2011 out dark horse Fund; this year another eye-catching Fund Bauhinia resource optimization, this year to the Fund's net decrease of 4.62%, Bauhinia funds past performance is not satisfactory, and now has "a snow earlier disgrace" trend. Industry analysis, Market depressed, many small firms "shiftless", while some fund companies fought a nice upswing, if this market continue, gap between small and medium-sized firms will be more obvious. Small firms face difficulties five days ago, the economic daily news reporter learned when a small company in Beijing, the currentFund companies face difficulties from at least 5: "first of all, due to the lack of brand influence, limited market appeal, in weak market, even if the product still make great efforts to design may not be recognized. "" Secondly, lingering long at the bottom of the market, investors ' willingness to invest is not strong, weather limited the small fund companies to expand their lineup on third, due to fundingThis limited capacity to take out bigger market funds are often difficult to match with the big fund company, has also created some impact on the product's release. "In the eyes of these people, the most important thing is, in recent years small talent fund companies tend to be large firms poaching," cultivating a researcher, a Fund Manager, the last were brothers, high salaries, light level SFG CGVSet off the fund company investment strength, deep-level effects are fund companies in the construction of the talents of enthusiasm and talent strategy, negative impact on the company management system can be invaluable. "V, as in the past two years the Fund quickly to Cabinet, growing pressure from channels, major may first to limit the number of new funds managed, perhaps the small and medium-sized fund companies would bear the brunt�� "To give Commission there will be no big corporate stinginess, but banks must also take into account the Fund brand of market appeal.����"The person said. But still, not all small and medium-sized firms are losing opportunities for expansion, in the context of Weak Market, individual small firms "curved overtaking" policy, still with significance to the fund industry. The dailyJI News reporter learned that, on the capital market has always been the happy few worries about several.����Despite the overall weakness, many fund companies can only be careful throughout plans struggle to get by, but some fund companies are outstanding, take the rise of the form, such as lion, Xinhua and Morgan Stanley, in the breakthrough of the weak to get better in the city. Fund for small and medium-sized companies seeking, weak: performance as "Super-"Driving market continues to weaken, brunt of size less than in the fund industry billions of dollars, earnings stumbled over, gradual marginalization of small firms. Frequent new product, do mass? Stopped products to save power? Cost a fortune digging angle change, money is King?����Placed in the fund company before a decision is temptation is also fraught with risks. A number of publicSecretary outlays down again this week, the market turbulence, the Shanghai composite fell again to wear 2,400 points. So, many institutional investors have no desire to continue fighting. Approaching close to fund annual performance competition is in full swing, but not the forefront, the poor performance of small and medium-sized fund companies swtor power leveling, away from the "I'm dying" they present the most important task.5 new funds company is not set up this year, at less than $ 10 billion in assets of the fund company reached 17, these is no tens of billions of Yuan of small fund companies are mostly failed to break even. Prior to 2009, generally agreed that the fund industry, size of 5 billion yuan can basically break even, and as the banking channels asking price promotion, fund companiesWant to make money, needs to reach about $ 15 billion, the scale of less than $ 10 billion fund company was carried out by small firms. The daily economic news reporter rough statistics found that a fund company operating costs at about $ 50 million a year, staff salaries, office rent, backstage operations, system cost, sustainable marketing, fund new FundIssue are "burning money" link. Backed by "Pocket" size, smaller fund management fees are increasingly shrinking.����Tighten belt, can save the province became the survival of small fund companies even always attaches great importance to the new fund company of the first episode, did not dare to spend money to advertise much fanfare. The first half of this year, Jin and Yuan dynasties than management fee income for 754. $ 80,000, Pu Yin AXA's management fee income was 11.377 million Yuan, plus silver management fees of $ 20.1871 million for the people's livelihood. "In accordance with the general funds of the company's operating costs, the fund company can break even there is a lot of questions", a third-party Fund analyst told reporters that "companies do not achieve a profit of the Fund, money sooner or eaten. "KBC: a case study of Jin, 2006 Gold securities, Belgium jointly owned pipe joint invested 150 million Yuan, the establishment of Jin and Yuan dynasties than the fund company. The Fund's inception, in charge of size never exceeded 5 billion yuan, according to its management costs, $ 5 billion annual management fee revenue less than $ 50 million. The management fee income in the first half of this year wasOnly $ 7.54 million.����People's livelihood is also optimistic of adding silver fund companies. Publicly available data showed that as at mid-2011, remaining capital of people's livelihood and silver for only $ 57 million. 2010 plus silver have spent more than $ 100 million cost of people's livelihood, only management fees of $ 45.1314 million recorded. And people's livelihood and silver boom industry issued the same burnMoney, capital, we can see that the people's livelihood and silver is not rich, but added about $ 3.2 billion the amount of capital will lead to more management fees on the assumption that people's livelihood and silver boom industries open Shen scale will not plunge after foreclosure. In fact, in addition to the two venture capital firms, other small fund companies such as Pu Yin AXA faces capital predicament is not sufficient.If the market continues weak, then with the holder redemption, will be more compact size of its management. Small funds change investment research team exchange transfusion, this year a number of small and medium-sized firms, "change" to start. The daily news reporter learned that, near the end of ' Iceman ', tianhong and Pu Yin AXA fund company in the new team under the management of certainPerformance results, is also rise first is quite satisfactory answer sheet along the way.����While it is possible to make the first new team and holder breathe water, however short-term results long term sustained performance effect can turn into economies of scale still needs some time observing. Tianhong Fund recently announced, tianhong Fengli grade bond fund, the first scale 1.667 billion yuan raised, the data inFunds in the winter issue was not easy.����This area benefited from the strong rebound in bonds since October, on the other hand, tianhong Fund and investor confidence returns also relevant for the new investment research team. As early as 2009 began to frequently drain tumbled tianhong Fund, and finally in May this year ushered in the original Chinese funding agencies Finance Director Guo Shuqiang, startingChange path.����Prior to that, this scale and performance have been few good performance Fund has almost faded out of view of market participants. Subsequently, the former Department for harvest fund marketing planning and product management and sales department director Zhou Xiaoming joined as Chief Marketing Officer, a few days ago had begun to debut new identities in a formal setting; original Chinese Zhou Keyan special account for the investment manager to act as General Manager of investment,Chen Gang of China asset as a fixed income, General Manager, investment and research frameworks to rebuild.����Tianhong change different fund shareholder intends to promote this, lived through the long stormy Pu Yin AXA fund managers are "compelled by the brain drain" on changes, trying to build a new system of investment and research. Close to Pu silver Axa Fund who told the economic daily newsReporters said the new investment and developed after the team formed, in investment decisions, investment research core team-building, as well as the ability to raise the level of investment and research and has done a lot of work on; market sector reconstructed the evaluation system for sales, adding sales staff, reformed the channel strategy, among Shanghai headquarters, this year, the company has also set up branches in Beijing and Guangzhou. Weak MarketMain achievements, however, data from the third quarter, the two funds still in shrunken whirlpool. Performance almost as a new team to prove to the market determined to mark the most important, has become the fund companies rely on Weak Market find "curved overtaking" the most direct driving force. Performance of the new team after the master view, two venture capital firmsResponses not be excellent, but there has been a noticeable improvement. Statistics show that as at the end of the third quarter, Xue Zheng Pu silver optimizing income bond fund management in the past year 55 similar funds within the top ten. Whirlpool one-second before the silver currency ahead of other similar funds. The year, the two funds have been one of the few veteran Zhou Wen�� headed in most Fund led by newcomersFund companies, future smooth currency still observation. Stock investment evaluation report released in accordance with Galaxy securities, tianhong Fund stock investment capacity to 61 in the third quarter in venture capital firms ranked fourth in the first half, the ranking on a 53-bit bottom; Pu Yinan Sheng active management of equity investments into third place, the first three quarters of active management of equity investments11th, overall progress is also evident. Although the Galaxy securities data does not appear to be sufficient proof of the two fund companies through investment and research team has "transformed", but can still be shown, single from the performance report view has been recovered. "Tianhong investment research to fund a new team could make a difference in the future. "A fund company executives in Beijing had on transformation of tianhong FundShow optimistic.����Samples of Morgan Stanley huaxin rise, Xinhua Fund, why weak?����In weak Municipal Fund for small and medium-sized companies in the quest for "overtaking in the curve", there are cases on the market. This year, Xinhua Fund by virtue of performance enhancing, the scale is expected to expand to more than 10 billion Yuan dynasty as a target, became one of the few contrarian expansion fund companies. Although by top-notch industryPerformance gain market rallying point is difficult to copy, but in recent years, the Xinhua Fund "stock selection ability of flexible" demonstrated core competencies, still merits some fund companies. Morgan Stanley huaxin devote sufficient efforts on quantitative investment, it becomes another idea of improve the core competitiveness, the economic daily news reporter learned that, and this year Morgan Stanley two issued by huaxin productsmdash;When interviewed by the daily economic news reporter said that next year is not prepared by multiple products to expand its product line, "are the costs of sale, it's better in the areas of expertise and stronger". Xinhua Fund: take advantage of talent, performance turned "development fund company, talent building, two performance boost. "A few days ago in Beijing when a Fund of persons interviewedSaid.����Xinhua funds have become a typical case of small and medium-sized Fund successful winter this year. Due to the decline of last year, noise as early as 2009 Xinhua fund investment director Wang Weidong is difficult to turn the Lake, its size has been unspeakable optimistic. This year its fund performance increase and align with marketing strategy continued to emerge, the company's weak city "bendingRoad overtaking "the probability of the event.����Near the end, the market fell again, however by virtue of the many excellent performance of the Fund this year, Xinhua on the marketing of the Fund market ushered in the early spring. Yesterday a channel to the reporter that Xinhua Fund whose products recently daily average net purchase of around 20 million, and institutions buy from time to time, make the data moreConsiderable.����For example, in one day last week, the company showed up hundreds of millions of dollars of the net purchase amount. According to people close to Xinhua Fund speculated that Xinhua Fund has now reached 7 billion after Xinhua Fund Marketing Department to receive the daily economic news reporter was revealed in an interview, the size of the target is more than 10 billion yuan this year, according to which growth rate this yearThis goal does not seem to be difficult to achieve. Reporters found that early in the third quarter, Xinhua Fund of trend upward momentum would have been quite clear. Statistics show that three quarters of this year, only Xinhua, BNY Mellon silver Agricole, KBC of Jin and agro 4, such as venture capital firms falling market growth in assets, Xinhua of which grew the largest from 5.26 billion at the end of the second quarter increased by 5.500 million, up 5.81 billion. 2009 achievement perhaps is Wang Weidong alone in the past, this year, much stronger funds are owned by Xinhua Xinhua fund investment and research was the backbone of the whole to the foreground.����Wang Weidong, Cui Jianbo, Zhou Yongsheng and Cao Mingchang constantly being dubbed "Xinhua four" or "four Musketeers" name. Public information displays, Wang Weidong,Cui Jianbo, Cao Mingchang and Zhou Yongsheng 4 fund managers the full "60hou", the average employed the 15, are counted in the industry was "old age". Statistics show that as of a few days ago, Xinhua managed by Cui Jianbo Pan-resources-4.48%, price came in second in the 125 similar funds; by Cao Mingchang run Xinhua optimization of dividends or 9.83%, at the sameClass ranked 14th in the Fund; in terms of equity funds, Wang Weidong, Zhou Yongsheng, Cao Mingchang take Xinhua optimum growth, Xinhua Xinhua quality industry rotation, respectively,-7.69%,-6.04% in the-238 yields only Fund of its kind was sixth, ninth and 13th. Morgan Stanley China Fortune: quantitative investment alternative breakScale doubles, leading performance, was renamed after Morgan Stanley huaxin 2010 ushered in the most celebrated one year. However, this scenery cast soul research Xiang Zhiqun leaving an abrupt end. Xiang Zhiqun after age, size of over $ Morgan Stanley huaxin Dim down. Market is in a slump this year, many small and medium-sized fund companies acting low profile and without too many highlights, and DamoHuaxin quantitative investment, owned by the market once again interested.����Morgan Stanley China Fortune also said that the quantitative investment is one of the fist of future development. Scale more than breakeven point of Morgan Stanley China fortune remains in positive change on the way. Morgan Stanley huaxin launched its quantitative Fund in the first half of this year Morgan Stanley huaxin multi-factor policy. Since the establishment of the Fund's performance was huaxin again by Morgan Stanley marketFocus of attention. Statistics show that Morgan Stanley China Fortune after the establishment of multi-factor is very prominent, set up within the first 5 months, becoming 11 common stock-Quant for first place, its first 5 months in the case of Shanghai composite index has dropped 11.32%, 2.4%, rose, inverse. Xin Liu Zhao, head of quantitative investment fund team, told the business daily news recordQuantitative team confidence in the investment model and the firm implementation of quantitative strategies has never changed, which is multi-factor of the Fund's excess return achieved an important guarantee for Morgan Stanley. And at the same time, Liu Zhao told reporters: "to encourage the development of quantitative investment, quantitative investment is one of the fist of the company's future development. "Morgan Stanley huaxin also said, after the company changed its name, drive pipeActing as a central strategy for the development of products and investments of the Fund. At present, the company management has more than 10 billion yuan, have gradually turned to development policy in terms of investment diversification. And in this context encourages the development of quantitative investing, and this year Morgan Stanley two issued by huaxin productsFall within the scope of Quant.����Quantitative investment in domestic a-share markets are not common, and use of this tool has caused a dispute of market participants, it was felt that the a-share market was not suitable for quantitative tools of the imported goods. On this issue, Liu Zhao explained to reporters: "some people may not really understand what its fundamental purpose is to buy stocks. From a quantitative point of view of investment,We buy stocks not because this is a good company fundamentals, is very famous to buy. But because the company's stock price will rise. Shares of good companies if it does not rise, then, can only be described as a good company, but not good stocks; if a difference going up shares in the company, it is a good stock. For example, some large enterprises are good companies, but on the stock price may not beRising, are you going to buy it? "Three quarterly reports show 2011 year, Morgan Stanley Fund huaxin factor in third quarter new bin double arrow shares (002381, closed at $ 14.62), end of the third quarter to hold 358,300 shares its sixth largest circulating stock shareholders.����Double arrow shares of underperforming investors had their stock picking abilities into question. Do notLiu Zhao explained: "to related data and statistics (discovery), from 2,800 fell to 2,400 points, we are making money on the investments in the stock. Model selection at a suitable point to buy stocks, selling stocks in a suitable point, profits can be achieved, I think that is enough. Quantitative investment, all stock is just a symbol, investment managementPersonnel is no feelings about it, as long as the buying model conditions are met, follow strict investment discipline, you can avoid the missteps of emotions. 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