
Karen Mok

129667716794677892_66Karen Mok on married life: marriage so good everybody go and marry Karen Mok. (A) ocean excursions, the Guangzhou daily reported on November 26 the night of 21st of this month, the film of the East into West 2011 held a grand opening ceremony in Beijing, directed by Jeffrey Lau company with seven creative Eason Chan, Karen Mok, Kenny Bee, Yi Huang (blog) (Twitter) (blog) (microblogging) also attended. Married Karen Mok showed up in the Mainland for the first time, and our staffAn exclusive interview. Guangzhou daily: married life how does it feel? Karen Mok: life is not the same, feels is possible practical point. Married well, everyone is going to get married. Also never married before working life was too exaggerated, it's going too far, like a robot. The mood now is not the same, there was a choice, do you want to do what you love. Guangzhou daily: whyRound all these years you still choose to first love? Karen Mok: I was myself the decision startled, feel that this plot occurs only in fiction and film, did not think should happen to them, is incredible. Guangzhou daily: I hear you and several of his children normally get along very well? Karen Mok: this is nothing special, because we do not haveLiving with, kids nowadays are already very mature, each with their own lives. They just are curious about my work, like my clothes, shoes swtor power leveling, are particularly nice. Guangzhou daily: ready to do you want children? Karen Mok: no yay! I'm too busy! And after having children build turn from bad to worse. Guangzhou daily: does not require you to have a baby, please? Karen Mok:He did not request, but said that depends on my decision, and I currently have too many things to do, on a time too late! Guangzhou daily: where are you charm? Karen Mok: if he had so many years you had to keep the letters he wrote, there is that feeling, that I feel that without saying it, which is sufficient. Guangzhou daily: the life you have to spendTime to go to Europe, will feel that they pay more? Karen Mok: no, if you really want to do the old republic power leveling, it will not hold the view that paid the price and sacrifice, that if you feel that they are "paid to give up", then prove that you don't want to go to do this thing, would think so. Guangzhou daily: get married next month to celebrate Western wedding party with you what's notThe same? Karen Mok: in fact, held the ball just to talk to friends of the Hong Kong side and celebrate.

