
"says the film's biggest selling points in Zhen Yu

129668659934687500_74Lines north of the Earth war fire preview wonderful audience laughter Tianjin 56,480 network-Tianjin daily reported on November 27 (reporter Ma Jingyu intern Shen Yuting) latest love stories of the war fire yesterday at Beijing University Centennial Hall hold large preview, Director Hu Dawei carried debut starring Mickey venue. The war fire as Hu Da as returning Chinese film directing debut love action blockbusters, combines goodBenefits of Bollywood movies and Hong Kong and the Mainland, Hu Dawei Director even clips of his best films into one "too nervous to make movies of asphyxia". Several big tough guy movie roles shape the film passion, full of male power. Director, "says the film's biggest selling points in Zhen Yu (microblogging) shake Visual impact star wars the old republic power leveling, all dangerous actions by membersStarring were completed in person. "In the movie" Xiao Wu "is played by Mickey by virtue of the film the war fire first set foot on film, to elegant literary norm sniper model appeared, rebuilding the image. And cold air in the television series Palace of brother four different, and this time the war fire in the role of Mickey and lively lot the old republic power leveling, wonderful lines was in the movie the audience laughter.

if the missed opportunity of reform

129667837434677892_327At present, the risk in a significant increase in the global economy, but on the whole a second recession is unlikely. In 2012, 2013, the global economy will face greater risks. Main problems in Europe 2012 swtor power leveling, 2013, the main issues are in the United States. 2012 European economic growth could be negative, which isBall's economic situation is a big challenge. United States economic growth in 2012 is expected to be around 2%, but in 2013 may drop to zero or even negative growth.   We need to pay close attention, even if the world does not appear a second recession, we still need to prepare for a crisis. United States economic recovery with setbacks United States economy is possible in the next few years to maintainLow-speed growth, does not exclude may 2013 into a recession. The global financial crisis caused by subprime mortgage crisis. Figure 1 shows the financial position of the major countries in the world, countries many of the problems, such as Greece, and Italy, and Portugal and the United States. Almost all developed countries have debt crisis could break out, and more vulnerable to the debt crisis erupted in public debt andPer cent deficit countries with higher proportion of GDP. United States economic recovery with setbacks is due to the nature of the crisis led to the balance sheet of the root causes of recessions, out of the process of the financial crisis is the process of gradually repair their balance sheets. An economy can usually be classified as Government, financial, other residents and enterprises in four departments. "Nature's balance sheetEconomic recession "refers to the balance sheets of all major sectors of the economy suffered a serious injury, so after the recession ends, each Department scrambling to repair their balance sheets and reduce leverage, unwilling to continue debt. Departments, including the enterprise is no longer with the goal of profit maximization, but rather to lower debt levels for critical tasks. Characterized by inadequate aggregate demand, traditional monetary policyUse is limited. United States to achieve economic recovery, enterprise that is relatively healthy balance sheet to support residents, Governments, financial institutions, three patches of the balance sheet, which will be a tortuous and protracted process.   United States economy is unlikely to be in 2012 and 2013, will be able to get better. United States economy faces a long deleveraging process the old republic power leveling, with a totalDemand subdued. United States Government's high deficit, debt, restricting flexibility for fiscal policy, is not conducive to supporting economic development. Currently lack of significant new economic growth points.   Therefore, began to appear in the first quarter of 2011, the marked slowdown in economic growth, is a corollary to macroeconomic factors reflected on economic growth. At present, the United States population gradually increasedPlus deposits, banks were also becoming deleveraging process, the debt ratio fell sharply, and the United States has fallen sharply on the balance sheet expansion of government departments. The so-called economic stimulus plan is in fact through the extent of the damage to an increase in Government balance sheet, to repair the balance sheet of the other three departments. United States will continue to bear the long-term pressure to reduce total debt. We made aInitial calculations, if the repair to healthier levels until 2018, which performed a one-term President under the ruling of the time to complete. Enterprise sector, United States business investment remains a key factor in driving economic recovery. But because of the companies holding large amounts of cash, and unclear expectations of future growth prospects, so enterprises did not further increase the investmentFunded plans, the United States economic growth process of a certain degree of inhibition. If confidence is to increase investment, improving job market. Even if the United States experienced a century of crises, but United States enterprises profit is unexpectedly well, this has not happened before. We predict 2011 p 500 earnings realized 15% of positive growth, 2012Is 12%, while China 2011, all a-share earnings growth may be 15% in 2012, only around 10%. The financial sector, has been effectively restored after the financial crisis on the balance sheet, risk-resistant ability. But because of the lack of corporate loan demand, resident and Enterprise deposits increasing United States commercial bank credits and depositsGap increased, and is not conducive to sustained economic recovery.   In addition, from the macro level, United States M2 increase the larger, but increasing the money supply does not cause inflation, because the corporate investment willingness is not strong, money multiplier fell, leading to failure of monetary transmission mechanism. The Government sector, United States Government debt and fiscal deficit will remain high over the next 10 yearsIssue bonds in need approximately $ 6 trillion.   The Obama administration's plan to cut the deficit in the next 10 years the total amount of approximately US $ 2.5 trillion, which could in the next 2 years on pulling down the GDP exceeds 2%.   In short, United States economy could maintain slow growth in the coming years, did not rule out 2013 into a recession. European debt crisis prolongedIf Italy, and France's problem from getting worse, may be banking system crisis. Outbreak of the debt crisis in Europe stems from the differences between the countries is too large, and lack of effective policy coordination mechanisms among the countries. Eurozone labour costs serious disagreement, fundamental theory of optimum currency areas conditions are not met. Differences in unemployment of the Member States norOften, may take a decade to reach a new equilibrium. These differences significant symbiosis between countries within the eurozone, on the importance of effective coordination mechanisms in policy, including fiscal transfers, but which is not be achieved under the present situation in Europe. When setting up the European Union at that time, Germany worried about excessive reliance on other countries than Germany, so intentionally made a tiny EU governments. The European UnionFinancial expenditure at their disposal only 1% per cent of EU GDP, and these 1% of GDP but also poverty alleviation in Africa, for missions, large translation teams, and so on, so there are not enough funds for the financial transfer payment. The European Central Bank is not a conventional Bank, for this we need to deeply understand. When the design of the European Central Bank, try copying the Germany Central BankMode, the target is a stable currency and stable inflation. Now Germany largest economies, economic growth is the best, face the problem of inflation, and for the other countries concerned were facing problems of deflation. If you want to take care of Germany the interests, the European Central Bank will raise interest rates, but taking care of other countries should cut interest rates. So, policy coordination mechanisms in the euro zone is very difficult to resolve.European Bank to "European pig five" has a huge exposure, tightening of funds, which recently received some attention.   If Italy, and France's problem from getting worse, risk is further increased, may be banking system crisis. If Germany pays now address the euro issue, there are three main disadvantages. The first is Germany pays too much. Second, the funeralLost opportunities to reform, such as Italy after World War II has been relying on devaluations, inflation came, no real reforms, Portugal, and Spain, too, the Greece problem is more serious. So much of the crisis do not reform, if the missed opportunity of reform, the problem may be bigger. Third, if Germany now resolved this issue, euro-dollar would significantlyAppreciation, this would damage Germany interests can also damage the euro-zone interests. If the eurozone collapse, also there are three main disadvantages. First, Germany as the heart of the eurozone countries, indifference, the political cost is very large. Secondly, Germany withdrew from the eurozone, Mark's hands, in the short term may be 30% per cent against the dollar, so that Germany cannot afford. Third, theOther EU country will Germany irresponsible practices of hostility, all countries are implementing protectionist, Germany's exports will be a great shock. Therefore, euro collapse or rely solely on Germany tide is unlikely to be a eurozone problem solving Germany's best option. What would be the end result? I think it will pump the bellows-like, when problems come to hangCliff edge when pulled back, and the problems of countries themselves.   Therefore, the European debt crisis will become a persistent problem.   2012: China preparing for crisis even in the absence of a second recession, China's environment is challenging next year. The future, United States, Europe's two largest developed economies will be extremely loose monetary policy, whichSample external environment will impact how emerging markets and China's economy, this is a very worthy of our attention. In 2012 there will be some emerging market countries twin deficits. 2011 currency has problems in some emerging market countries, such as India and Korea national currency exchange rate depreciation cent in September 2011. If emerging markets shuffleWords, higher than the 2011 2012 financial market risk. 2011 events three exceeded expectations in financial markets. Overall, 2011 overseas hedge funds are not easy to make money, except those that sang the air State funds and other emerging markets. Why not make money? First, the oil market 2011 there is a big adjustment, the United StatesAdoption of regulatory measures have been speculation in the oil market space. Second, the gold market in 2011, squeezed out the water. Third, the currency market speculation the high Swiss franc and Yen also unsustainable. Of course, overseas also does anyone really believe that China's economy is a big problem.   This shows that the market is still not optimistic for 2012. Overall, I thinkBall economic 2012 may not double dip. Compared to United States, Europe will face greater risks. Because of financial and political election-related reasons, United States 2013 will become more serious. Now markets to China's attention more and more, including some negative attention. Therefore, even in the absence of a second recession, China's environment is challenging in the next two years.We need to start preparing for the crisis.

5 samples of block-mounted microwave

129667634778271642_6Galanz shuaikang quality area microwave oven door: heating uniformity is not reaching the Brand-name appliances product quality problems have appeared. Yesterday, zhongxiaoxie published comparative experiment of microwave oven products on the market. Results showed that galanz, midea, shuaikang 3 brands of 5 sample heating uniformity project is not eligible the old republic power leveling, galanz G90W25MSP-WB (B0), microwave oven, heating uniformity of only 36%, well below the national standard60% requirements. Detection experts, heating uniformity reflected the various points of the product in the furnace cavity is heated evenly, food is uniformly heated. This item is not eligible, there will be food and some parts are still immature, and some parts have been well done. At present, as GB 24849-2010 microwave ovens for household and similar use of the limited values of energy efficiencyStandard basic requirements in the efficiency levels, microwave with turntable uniformity should be not less than 70%, not your microwave with turntable uniformity should be not less than 60%. Zhongxiaoxie said that this random sample of a total of 20 models of micro-wave oven. Among them, 5 samples of block-mounted microwave, involving galanz, the United States, shuaikang, Siemens, fotile 5Brand, extracted 1 specifications each brand value of $ 4 swtor power leveling,000 or so samples; 15 samples of portable microwave oven, involving the United States, galanz, Panasonic, Sanyo, the power of 5 brands. 15 portable microwave oven samples test, each brand has 3 different price range of sample to be taken. Test results showed that, except for certain products in question on the market micro-Furnace and the overall safety performance using the performance better, add more energy efficiency labeling of product performance and reliable.

volunteered to patrol more than more than 80 residents. In his hands has the tracking team

129668731580312500_2 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">swtor power leveling</a>Report from (reported by reporter Li Chuan) in Huairou district of Lakeside community located in Spring Street and river, although the majority of older persons in the community star wars the old republic power leveling, but we are willing to active ageing, actively participating in patrols, and persuasion.   More 10 retired old police initiative to submit a request for a military assignment, set up the tracking team play professional standard. In order to ensure the safety of communities, in 2009, the residents ' Committee to apply to the subdistrict office 50Over $ installed surveillance cameras and 66/f, replacing the security door.   But zero incidence of Lakeside community is not to rely on technical security, Community civil air defense building have done better. In 2008, more than 80 years old, Li Jinsheng became a community patrol captain, volunteered to patrol more than more than 80 residents. In his hands has the tracking team, which is a lakeside community of 10 retiredComposed of police officers, they all have rich professional experience, not only to identify problems in a timely manner, it can offer some good suggestions for community police.   Now, Li Jinsheng due to physical reasons is no longer as captain, but he is still the recognized General armies. Community head zhibao Yang Jindong: a particularly large number of retired veteran cadres in our communities, they have very high awareness, positiveContribute to the community, community peace and their dedication inseparable. Community people continue the Community Police Affairs Office Wang Lihu manifesto is a lakeside community stationed in areas of civilian police, usually no more police officers on the King of all things community are well known. "Dumb man eating the dumplings, know. "This is King lakeside residents in the evaluation of the community police officers. Resident transferSolution of contradictions, he felt particularly cause and effect, residents are a lie, by his prick. Residents feel more like a police officer Wang ICPO/Interpol, this was because he was in this year and last year respectively, combined with handling civilian police catch two fugitives. In mid-November, Wang Lihu information officer to find out that the community there is a more than 50 years old couple who live in, but always early eveningAnd not people-suspiciously. Wang Lihu door-to-door survey found that they are both Shanxi people, husband diversion of 5.5 million of public funds at large.   In this way, Wang Lihu civilian police caught them in assisting in the investigation. This year, Wang Lihu seen in the information officers at large ()

announced downgraded Portugal 3 banks ' credit ratings

129667545736875000_14(NYMEX crude oil closed) NYMEX crude oil closed up Friday, but cut after flash disk increases in cell phone free access www.cnfol.com-November 26 star wars the old republic power leveling, 2011 Gold network view comments summary: NYMEX crude oil price up $ 0.60 per cent to 96.77 dollars a barrel, or 0.62%. But because Fitch cut part Portuguese Bank rating and the Belgium rating is p downgraded after an increase in the Flash disk is cut. Friday (November 25) trends Description: Weir, United Kingdom's Central Bank will most likely need to implement more asset purchase program. Meanwhile, the international rating agency Fitch (FitchRatinGS) announced downgraded Portugal 3 bank credit rating. In addition, in Italy a weak new debt auction results, the country's 2-year Treasury yield breakthroughs in 8%. Kxiantu show, NYMEX1-month crude oil futures closed at Xiao Yang with a hatched line. Time to New York in early trading in Asia, lower oil price shocks. In midday trading in New York, low oil prices rebounded, ultimate collectionFrom 96.77 USD/barrel. NYMEX1-month crude oil futures intraday highest hit 97.47 USD/barrel, minimum hit to $ 94.99 per barrel, up $ 0.60 per cent from 96.77 USD/barrel, or 0.62% fundamentals of positive factors: 1. the United Kingdom's Central Bank (BOE) monetary policy Committee (MPC) member of Weir (MartinWeale), unless United Kingdom economy has improved, or the United Kingdom's Central Bank will most likely need to implement more asset purchase program. Fundamentals of bad factors: 1. the international rating agency Fitch (FitchRatings) announced downgraded Portugal 3 banks ' credit ratings, which distances the Agency downgraded Portugal sovereign rating to junk statusJust over a day. 2. the international ratings agency standard and poor's (StandardK-line diagram shows that the NYMEX1 month crude oil futures closed at today with upper and lower hatch little Yang lines. Oil prices lies near the 5th averages, MACD indicator green amplification of kinetic energy column swtor power leveling, KDJ indicators turn heads up. Future prospects: TetsuEmori AstmaxInvestments commodity fund managers said the situation in Europe is still full of uncertaintySex. European debt crisis continues to spread, Germany poor auction performance concerns. Focus next week: Monday Germany November consumer price index for initial United Kingdom November CBI retail sales difference United States October sales of new homes the total number of years of the United States in November manufacturing output to the Dallas Fed indexes week on 2nd October unemployment Japan October salary earnersHousehold spending Japan October all household spending Japan October retail sales Germany October real retail sales Canada third quarter current account Brussels-Eurogroup meeting Lisbon Portugal Parliament to end on 2012 budget vote on Wednesday, France October producer price index for Germany November quarter adjusted unemployment rate in Germany November quarter speedUnemployment total eurozone unemployment rate in October the euro zone in November after reconciling initial consumer price index for Canada in October industrial product price index for Canada October raw materials price index for Canada September GDP United States non-agricultural productivity in the third quarter final United States non-agricultural unit labour costs in the third quarter final United States in November, the Chicago purchasing managersUnited States October NAR quarter adjusted pending home sales index United States EIA crude inventories last week United States API crude stocks last week on Thursday United States quarter adjusted number of initial unemployment benefits last week United States November ISM purchasing managers ' index fed beige book released in Washington Friday the eurozone October producer price index for Canada 1Unemployment rate in January United States November quarter adjusted non-farm employment change United States manufacturing employment population changes after November quarter adjusted United States unemployment rate in November

online invoices taxpayers a total of 272. Among them

129668571668750000_55 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">the old republic power leveling</a>Building and selling real estate in the province since October 12 on the line, online invoicing, online invoicing across the network in Ankang city taxpayers up to 26, par totals $ 39.823 million, online invoices taxpayers a total of 272. Among them, issuing invoices in construction industry taxpayers 14 swtor power leveling, 94 made online invoices, par 4830700; $ issuing sales invoice of real estate taxpayers 12, obtaining network invoice 178, par a total of $ 34.9924 million.


Beijing University

129668571661562500_40Report from (reporter cycle) third national students ' e-commerce "innovative, creative, and entrepreneurial" challenge "Chengdu international trade City Cup" finals held yesterday in the South-the fiscal deficit. From Xian Jiaotong University, Tongji University, Beijing University, Chongqing University, over more than 100 universities such as University of international business and economics, from nearly 5,000 participating teamsStand out over more than 250 teams of student athletes participate in the finals swtor power leveling, and decide the country's top three. It is learnt that some 9 teams receive special prize, 48 teams won the first prize, 72 teams get second prize the old republic power leveling, 136 teams obtained third prize.

the euroNegative frequency

129667837391084142_215Analysts believe this week European and American debt crises deepen, global capital market dismal, pessimism spread, macroeconomic factors leading future investments or topic earlier this week, Moody's warned France at present AAA sovereign credit rating may be affected; United States Red reduction agreement negotiations break down, Germany blocked auction Treasury bonds, economic data show euroWeak economic growth, United States-than-expected third-quarter GDP data. Switzerland Credit Bank research report noted that due to the current debt crisis spreading to larger economies of trends, the euro has reached "final crisis", Germany's Central Bank released monthly, 2012 Germany growth forecast lowered to 0.5% per cent, and warned that ifSerious deterioration of the fruit of Europe's sovereign debt crisis, did not rule out its economy to "significantly weaker" possibilities.   Raised investors ' panic in Europe's debt crisis, stock markets in Europe and America the old republic power leveling, and lead to a global commodity futures market turmoil. Analysts believe that Europe's debt crisis could trigger a global recession, global financial markets has been to the brink of disaster, the euroNegative frequency swtor power leveling, high growing pessimism, fate and the future of the eurozone for some time the prospects for world stock markets, is likely to depend on whether Europe can reach a temporary agreement in the near future, win time for finding solution of the debt crisis. Europe debt crisis intensified for the moment, reached the Summit of EU and eurozone sovereign debt crisisPackage agreement, does not seem to play a substantive role in stabilizing the financial markets. European debt crisis to the impact of the growing global financial markets, but also seriously hindered the pace of economic recovery in Europe, and by the European debt crisis a domino effect caused by expanded bigger and bigger, showing trend of spreading to the eurozone core countries. France existing AAA ratings downgrade may, GermanyFailure of the 23rd issue of government bonds.   As Europe's leading economic powers Germany thermal holds the good assets of long-term government bonds has been a capital market, which suffered indifference reflected investors ' pessimistic Outlook for the eurozone economy. Fitch Ratings on Thursday announced a Portugal sovereign rating to junk level, and given a negative Outlook. In addition, the 10-year Italy national debtYields rose again Thursday to more than 7%; Spain bond yields continue to rise over the same period.   While Germany and France in the European Central Bank come to the rescue as well as the issuance of euro-bonds remain large differences on the issue. Recent debt crisis did not concern the United States began to emerge. On November 21, the United States Congress announced that failed to reach agreement on a reduction at Chek Lap Kok. Moody's said, taking into account theTo the United States further reduce the deficit, reversing the upward trend of debt for some time was needed, therefore maintaining United States "negative" ratings Outlook unchanged. Analysts believe that if both parties in Congress has been unable to reach agreement, means the United States will begin in 2013 deficit reduction mechanism automatically, and this large extent affected the United States Defense of people's livelihood, and the United States economic recovery have far-reaching implicationsEffect.   Political disputes delaying resolution of the crisis, and it's become increasingly pessimistic sentiment of important factors. According to the United States third-quarter GDP growth was revised down to 2%, below market expectations, United States in November, the University of Michigan consumer confidence index end value is 64.1 also fell short of expectations. Analysts pointed out that United States economic recovery very crispWeak, consumer confidence has been in a recession levels, talks reflected the serious differences between the two parties in Congress, but also reinforced the uncertainty in the minds of consumers, the Fed may consider implementing new policies, or the European debt crisis will bring new risks. High-volume, high deficits, high unemployment, sluggish economy is highly common situations faced by the debtor countries, there is no oneCountry willing to pay a long-term price for resolving Europe's debt crisis. Cuts in public spending, compress budget deficit, but also makes recovery more difficult. Analysts believe that because of the European economy in deep debt crisis embarrassed, United States debt problem there are signs of further deterioration, resulting in economic prospects in Europe and, held back from Europe and the economic downturn the trend of global economic growth has beenSlow as well.   Global capital market dismal recent capital market trends, UPS and downs of European debt crisis will undoubtedly affect the nerve of global stock markets, working on expectations about the investor's decision, endless delays in testing the resilience of markets. Since Black Monday this week, Europe is accelerating declining, while the Asia-PacificThe stock market, as well as the rest of the world has also been declining.   Road funds duolu escape escape risk, causing global stock markets, commodities, gold market declines. As of dispatch, the United States all the three major stock indexes decrease this week Super 4.3%, United Kingdom week or 4.39% the FTSE 100 index; Germany DAX index of 30 weeks fallsSite for 6.42%; France week CAC 40 index was down by 5.83%. Asia-Pacific stock markets Japan week or 2.56%, Australia week decrease of 4.45%, Korea-week decrease of 3.41%, the Singapore stock market week decrease of 3.16%, India stock market week or 4.13%.   This week the international commodity markets also fell. In view ofGrowing debt crisis in Europe, on Wednesday Germany failed in the Treasury bond auction, as well as sluggish economic data, eurozone policymakers at the slow progress in seeking a solution to the crisis on the way, the festering European debt problems will also continue in the period, the global capital market pessimism will become more concentrated, this is the reason that global markets this week was dismal. Analysts believe that the European debt crisisDrag the longer, the more difficult to solve, the more deep extent of the damage caused by the crisis, European debt crisis to prepare for worst case. In the middle of four quarters, analysts widely on 2012 capital market movements are expected. China Merchants securities (600,999), capital market trends for 2012 will be more by macroeconomic factorsLead, including the evolution of the European debt crisis, United States economic trend, the situation of China's economic growth and inflation, and the trend of macro-policy, which will to a large extent determine the mood swings of the capital market, as well as the possible investment topics.

addresses of manufacturers

129667837400771642_241Reporters found on 12th tea Expo, Pu was one of the protagonist of yield to nobody, prices rose by 20%~30%, 50% rally even some good tea the old republic power leveling, Puer tea market after the 2007 year of "Waterloo" after recovery. Recommended reading Qin Hailu cousin worthBillions of absolute earthlings 15 face collapse [photo] hit super model underwear advertisement film scene [photo] counting the world's top too wide [photo] Japan legends of ten most beautiful women in history [photos] United Kingdom temperament of men like make-up woman [PIC] counting charitable wealthy home [photos] [PU-]2007 years experience fallsAfter the storm, Pu-light for several years in the market. After some rest, tea merchants have launched new products, new concepts, exposed to the market concerned.   At the current session on the tea Expo, owned by haiwan tea factory launched two "electronic identity cards" Pu-new products attracted attention of many visitors. Tea also has "identity," reporter at the scene to see thisTwo new varieties are embedded electronic chips in the tea cake, records the origin of tea cakes and tea cakes of harvest day and repression.   More interesting is the tea cake can be in the collection of information is also recorded in the electronic chip.   A young man who strolled about tea Expo told reporters that the "electronic identity cards" will buy up more reassured some of tea cake. High-quality tea rose ultra50% of new variety diechu price also increases reporters understand from the many vendors found that average tea prices rose are about 10%, while those of CD new age introduced new varieties of bad comparison. Vice President of Guangzhou South China tea trade association of Liang Weide told reporters that so far this year prices generally rose 20%~30% of Pu-Erh tea, some CD new age, ancient teaHigh quality Pu-gain greater magnitude ranged from 50%~200%.   Fangcun district of Guangzhou tea market Chairman Chen Guochang also told reporters that the Pu market now is a rational, peaceful State, tea prices has maintained steady rising trend. Pu-"electronic identity cards" agree to launch received a lot of people in the industry. Guangdong teaAssociation Secretary General Zhang Liming, Pu-Erh "electronic identity cards" is the important role of security, consumer confidence consumer. But Liang Weide told reporters that for collectors, taste is still the distinguishing quality of tea is the most effective way. "Judge the quality of Puer tea fermentation technology and whether the flavor its origin, in accordance with their preferences. ”Liang Weide said. Pu-identification: see, the second hearing, three Chen Guochang told reporters that collectors identification Pu-to see, smell, and the second three. First of all, see packaging information, addresses of manufacturers, raw material production, production dates, etc. More popular collections on the market leading manufacturers, from several of the old well-known tea-tea tea, such as the menghai County, thinkingTall Fescue and other famous tea producing area; the second smell of tea is packaged, transported swtor power leveling, stored procedures are very important, so to open up the package did smell moldy; third grade is the taste of tea, tea is the most important is to see if they meet their preferences.

reality TV pioneer 3D action film speed limit will be officially released

129668659912187500_25The pioneer speed released December Momoe Yamaguchi appeared the premiere The pioneer speed stills NetEase entertainment on November 27, December 9, reality TV pioneer 3D action film speed limit will be officially released, starring as one of the three General of Pu Gui to Huawei movie release to build momentum. Miura to Beijing for the first time your large media attention, from captured media interview with fashion magazines such as circular brim. Retreat for many years Japan movie starsMomoe Yamaguchi is expected to son movies coming out China's premiere of the pioneers in the extreme swtor power leveling, return triggered heated debate. Miura your professional attitude of modesty film the running speed of pioneer cool clue under the background of the campaign tells the story a romantic youth, 3D full of solid film shot with the intention of creating a carefree dripping speed of pleasure. Starring one of the Japan quality new studentsFilm actor three Pu Gui than to Huawei warm-up campaign. From the aircraft to leave Beijing, within one day and a half, Miura your shot of the vivi fashion COSMO was the famous fashion health magazine, accepts a number of TV interviews and depth of the Chinese graphic reporter first interview. Magazine shoot process, Miura your full height, and from clothingProps to shooting mode of communication exchanges; in the course of an interview, Miura expensive sometimes seriously thinking sometimes laugh. Miura professional seriousness let reporters speak highly of you, in addition because Exchange is not very smooth, Miura has been modest in the translation process looked at reporters the old republic power leveling, journalists made a deep impression.

although the first day of the number of customers more information confirmation

129668652426718750_118Picture information yesterday, issued by the China gold coin Corporation Chinese new year of the Dragon gold bars dish Pai, the national first, the first to be notified pickup more than more than 100 consumers early in the shopping arcade lined up along a long queue. It is understood that issued from the RAM of the annual Chinese new year gold bars gold lunar new year on the market is currently the most popular products of concern to investors and collectors. This timeThe Dragon new year gold bars as in previous years, a total of 1000 the old republic power leveling, 500, 200 swtor power leveling, 100, and 50 grams of five specifications, condition of 99.99%, national issuing 3.98 tons total weight. On the circulation, Chinese new year Dragon gold bars are still flat with last year, the issuer wanted to limited sales each year to guarantee that the lunar new year in the form of gold bullion and rare and appreciation of space. It is also forSo, the lunar new year gold bar also has a number of loyal "fans", as of yesterday, booking information at dish Pak firm registered consumers reached more than 4,000 people. Recommended reading [hot] the dollar weaker gold slightly higher gold prices in qianqi continued correction pressure lower gold price market thinly easing still have to wait for a gold and silver shock-PortugueseHungarian bonds into garbage gold ready to rally four-quarter average price to $ 1875 international spot gold spot gold spot market Silver Gold prices rebounded slightly this reporter learned that, this year's Lunar New year gold bars currently on sale at $ 398 per gram, one after another delivery prices vary with changes in the international gold price adjusted accordingly. Dish Pak's first arrival yesterday 300 kg, but vegetable Pai, said it would continue to fight for more sources of supply as possible meet the needs of consumers in Beijing. It is understood that the vegetables hundreds this year's Lunar New year sales of gold bars took the form of telephone notification subscription customers in batches, most of the first batch of customers last year purchased the rabbit gold bars in advance at the time of registration. Customers buy the Dragon new year gold bars are also available in this yearRegistration book snake gold bars. Reporters from the sales field to see, although the first day of the number of customers more information confirmation, payment collection process orderly, customers can buy in the shortest time to look forward to a long time ago the Dragon new year gold bars. As of 2:30 P.M., about 1500 people "get" the Dragon new year gold bars, with sales of more than 50 million Yuan.

world's weirdest coins

129668631878281250_861th page: thousands of entrepreneurs and banks are expected to soon face to face on loan to the 2nd page: 3rd Bank to force page: experts say businesses could not asset-backed loan to?   Intangible assets can be exchanged for real money? Yesterday, the "growing power" of the Metro express micro-enterprise financing small and medium-sizedAnd Forum in Zhejiang World Trade Center opened on the first floor, thousands of business owners with a variety of questions came to the scene, through face-to-face communication with bank credit officer, and listen for policies of government departments, experts and scholars, are more satisfied with the answer. Only one day swtor power leveling, there are more than 10 companies and banks reached a preliminary loan of intent. Recommended readsRead Bank channel count of the day: counting the strange coin in the world (photo) inventory: world's weirdest coins (Group) 14 credit card security: deep bottom part of development banks first mortgage rates rose 10% custodial mothers deposit not be liable to pay interest in black men equal principal repayment was blatantly stealing money in the Bank passed one-third in advanceLoan? Enterprise change thousands of entrepreneurs on the butt butt activities are scheduled to start at 9 o'clock in the morning, many business owners earlier would have been waiting outside.   A butt organized specifically for business owners, have access to such a high popularity, and is a sponsor and the Bank did not expect. Incomplete statistics, yesterday there were thousands ofHead of the company came to the scene, only to attend afternoon Forum has over more than 300 business owners. Industrial and commercial bank of China, the agricultural Bank of China, Huaxia Bank, Guangdong Development Bank, CITIC Bank and Bank of East Asia in the field of docking points, staff from the beginning this morning busy communication comes to consult with the business owners, the day, each docking points receive hundreds of business ownersLoan consultation.   Lively atmosphere of Hangzhou branch of the Huaxia bank SME loan Marketing Director song Xiangyang call "never thought", only yesterday morning that he had received more than 50 companies. It is worth mentioning that, including import and export inspection and quarantine Association, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province the old republic power leveling, Hangzhou Association for treatment and recuperation of the lighting industry association has organized dozens of family members came to the sceneAnd docking; some also actively organizing professional markets Merchant Bank face-to-face, spin Center, in only four seasons came green garment market over more than 40 large and medium-sized businesses.


while dealers

129668731792812500_223 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">the old republic power leveling</a>Recently, the rich bird 2012 Summer fair in stone lion with a silver spoon group headquarters, it is learnt that the fair lasts from 18th to 23rd, from distributors and dealers, branches more than a total of more than 470 people to join the order. It is understood that Tennessee is rich bird new 2012 Summer theme, a series of retro flavor combined with pure eleganceHeels on using a variety of styles, materials, and with different heights, upper dominated by brightly colored cashmere, leather or patent leather, crisp colors not only nature's perfect combination of flavors and the city fashion, but also to create a fashion fresh pastoral poetry style. Rich bird in summer 2012 new model shows a brilliant fashion show interpreting the rich bird 2012 new summer luxury and elegant, comfortable and casual. Fresh Tennessee wind will cool in summer and the perfect combination of nature, revealed a noble grace and free and confident. Living in style, elegant luxury and special texture different MS distributed unique charm, men's fashion classic series is a continuation of, show elegant calm and able style, publication as well as fashion and vitality.Reporters at the fair site seen commentators are busy describes the features and all kinds of shoes for the crowd, while dealers, agents are models of their choosing shoes while listening record. According to the riches and heads of birds introduced, hit-color stitching, Leopard printing, glittering crystals, loose cake shoes, heavy crude is 2012 Summer distractions, or elegance, or neutral, or simple retro, interpreting the styleA variety of fashion style, to create a cool free and elegant alternative, this is the fair of shoes. Unique window design it is understood that the rich bird stores throughout the country there are more than more than 3 swtor power leveling,000, and layout various sales outlets throughout the country, rising Terminal influence. The beginning of this year, will order also opened group purchase area, provide for the forces and institutions specializedShoe and dress. As the rich bird brand Anywalk growing, fashion garment much younger consumers love, rich bird of "young front" has entered a new stage. Do fine fine, great and strong, rich bird in a robust way to implement across the reversal, not only has made remarkable achievements, while silver spoon brand strategy also opens up the marketing chapter of birds. KeyWord: rich bird products ordering meeting of Tennessee in the summer ()

benefiting United States shale gas development in large outbreaks in 2010

129667864369209142_144High international oil prices, stimulate oil company continued to expand production, increased exploration and development. From this influence, oilfield technologies service market economy to improve. Transformed from equipment suppliers of oil and gas development-related technical services Jerry shares (002353, closed at $ 71.77), haitong securities believes that it will benefit from the progressive prosperity of unconventional oil and gas development in domestic market and the seaOutside the expansion in the market for technical services. Short-term benefit from complete fracturing equipment orders for Jerry shares the long-term growth of logic, haitong securities believes that overall, from a transition to integrated technology service providers, equipment vendors from several product and service transformation integrated products and services, the market potential is huge. From the development of products and services provided by the company, the company provides a range of products from the mostEarly pressure pumps the old republic power leveling, natural gas compression equipment swtor power leveling, liquid nitrogen fixation of equipment to expand to coiled tubing operations to downhole tools, providing technical services from the initial pumping operations, cuttings for reinjection of expanded business to cementing services, fracturing and acidizing, coiled tubing operations services and radial drilling services. With the gradual expansion of product range, the company of technology services gradually increased and service capabilitiesGradually built its technology services business market is expected to gradually turn. In addition, since fracturing equipment is key to shale gas development equipment, benefiting United States shale gas development in large outbreaks in 2010, 2011, haitong securities company's estimated fracturing equipment orders after the dramatic growth in the first half of 2010 and 2011, equipment deliveries will peak in 2011 and 2012 years to come, this will also constitute a company's short-term earnings growth momentum. Transition services are the key highlights of haitong securities believes that transformation service is a key aspect of the company, which will share a progressive prosperity of unconventional oil and gas development in domestic markets, overseas expansion of the technical services market. Penglai, while related technical service business suspension technology in 19-3 oilfield service sector revenues affect the short-term, Radial drilling, but as fracturing and acidizing, coiled tubing and other new services fast, technical service sector revenues are expected to gradually expand. Young successfully won the bid of the company on October 6 announcement made underground working oil company service marks the end of overseas marketing technology services achieved initial progress. Share the progressive prosperity of unconventional oil and gas development of the domestic market. According to United States energy informationDepartment of the 2011 world shale gas resources in a preliminary assessment of the report shows that world shale gas of recoverable resources of more than 200 trillion cubic feet of State of a total of nine, China has 1275 trillion cubic feet of recoverable resources ranked first in the world, followed by United States, and Argentina, and Mexico, and Australia, and Canada, and Libya, and Algeria and Brazil;Tube of shale gas resources in China has great potential, but mostly of shale gas resources in China belong to the continental, and non-United States Marine shale gas, exploration and development and capacity-building is quite difficult. In addition of coalbed methane in the mining industry is seen as risk factors, but as a kind of vast reserves of clean energy, coal-bed methane has a huge potential for development; developed coal-bed gas exploration and development technology matures, domesticCoal-bed gas development has been under way for several years. According to media reports, led by the National Energy Board developing shale gas and coalbed methane-related planning is expected to be released during the year, and PetroChina have Weiyuan drilling in Sichuan China first evaluation shale gas wells, and was gas fracturing. Subparagraph horizontal drilling and fracturing techniques are unconventional oil and gas development and key core technologies from the country technical services market developmentPoint of view, coal-bed gas fracturing progressively increases in demand, and radial drilling for shale gas development and paragraph fracturing services has great potential, the company relies on equipment and services, in the first-mover advantages are expected to share the progressive prosperity of domestic unconventional oil and gas development. Haitong securities company expects 2011 ~2013 year EPS at $ 1.77, 2.6 per cent and $ 3.19,'S closing price of $ 72.3 estimate, corresponding 2011 PE ~2013 years 40.8 times times, 27.83 times times and three times respectively, maintained a "buy" rating, 2012 by 30 times year PE for 6-month price target of $ 77.95. Haitong securities

emergent signs of loosening credit gate"

129668688747031250_8Fine tuning of monetary policy, lending is naturally the Vanguards. According to the Bank's data, in four cases, 10 months before the new credit of $ 2,242,550,000,000, and contrast four all new standards developed by the beginning of lines, the last two months of the new credit line only to some $ 470 billion. Many bankers surveyed admits that lending is a two-way monitoring the old republic power leveling, not only by theScale control of the Central Bank, also from the CBRC loan than 75% red line limit. Even intends to ease liquidity on a policy level, in real difficulty level or keep. Banks are in a dilemma, under Central Bank "credit to fine-tune" policies of pressure, but are subject to their own money to make ends meet; side to comply with the banking regulator "loan than the red line" rules, deposit area and keep movingPlace, the Chinese new year is approaching, how difficult the banks will be how to deal with this situation? Four lines of credit line 470 billion left "began in late October, four rows of new credit started to surge, emergent signs of loosening credit gate", "in the context of monetary policy to fine-tune, the whole year is expected at about $ 7.5 trillion in new loans", "and 11 new credit or will be reachedTo the $ 700 billion "," Central Bank for 3 weeks after the net turns up in the open market, net for the first time put "have Loose credit ever seen signals of the media, "fine-tuning" adjustments into four quarter credit sensitive words. The problem is that despite repeated hints from regulators "fine", a joint-stock Bank will convey that in the third quarter was: "allowed on regulation indexes of qualifiedOn the basis of reasonable extent appropriate to relax their lending. "But in the eyes of bankers, this is just the difference of relaxed, not all banks all opened. As early as March reporter was informed that the 2011 four pre-increased loan size as follows: $ 880 billion, ICBC lines in the agricultural Bank of China Construction Bank $ 750 billion, $ 620 billion and $ 600 billion. Of whichICBC, CCB branch arrangement set to below $ 820 billion, $ 680 billion. According to the information released by the Central Bank, in four cases, 10 months before the new credit of $ 2,242,550,000,000, then four lines in the last two months of new lines of credit only about $ 470 billion. Seen from the above data, the State-owned banks are put on the schedule and set at the beginning ofAdded line to match. "In fact is not a large number of open lines of credit at the end. "China Construction Bank Beijing branch subordinate branch of the credit Department official told reporters. After the news that, in November, workers, farmers, and built the big four banks did not extend the radical trend in late October, 20 days ago, only about $ 100 billion in new loans. But banks in the last two monthsIs not without its willingness to lend: on the one hand, increased after the launch, in favour of bigger next year base, securing greater space for next year by structural adjustment; on the other hand, loans banks maintaining customer relationships is an important channel, as long as customer demand, the Bank will also seek to support. "The problem is that now a bad bank money. "These people confessed. Saving single month 4500 how bad money? Head of banks surveyed almost spontaneously ask our reporter road swtor power leveling, on the one hand are subject to loan ratio assessment, "banks even wanted to relax credit, the flesh is weak. "Industrial and commercial bank, said members of the credit Department approval. At the end of September this year, Bank and Societe Generale, Bank, merchants, and people's livelihood 5 bank loan ratio in excess of 75% supervisionThe red line, while other joint-stock Bank loan ratio in excess of 70%. According to CBRC set of differentiated regulatory objectives, industrial and commercial bank and China Construction Bank-loan ratio of the target value and 62%, respectively, and both were over, and that of trigger and 65%, respectively, once they reach the trigger value, will be subject to monitoring alerts. China Construction Bank as at the end of the third quarter, new depositsOnly more than 660 billion yuan, more than 10 billion yuan less than the new loans. The other is the Bank faced a "deposit moving". Reporter under the Central Bank reported a rough calculation, in four cases, only personal renminbi deposit, at the end of October than in September decreased by $ 488.76 billion. Data show that since July, saving move has become the norm. In July moreLast month decreased by $ 450.799 billion, a decrease of August. Overall, according to Central Bank statistics data show that October personal deposits falling 727.2 billion yuan. From a banking perspective, the first three quarters, Renminbi deposits in the banking sector incremental-by-quarter decline: first-quarter growth of 3.98 trillion yuan in the second quarter, an increase of 3.36 trillionYuan, only 770 billion yuan in the third quarter. While the first three quarters, Renminbi deposits only increase 8.11 trillion yuan, up less 2.09 trillion yuan. Dilemma of marketization of interest rates at this point, month-end, quarter-loan than examination are deposits growing war; deposit removal is highlighting the banks ' liquidity pressure, forcing the Bank and no money to lend. In this way, reciprocatingCycle, what are the causes? Its root cause is simple, it is renminbi deposit rate cap regulation. Prior to this, project group of PBC Secretary Cheng Songcheng survey statistics and suggest that the monetary authorities further lending rate floating range of lower limit. Path is: first, the relaxation of loan interest rates lower. Loan interest rates may be lower by 0.9 times the relaxation current benchmark lending rate toOf 0.8 times. Autonomous pricing space expands financial institutions on the one hand, on the other hand also prevent interest rate limits too low could cause irrational competition risk. Second, simplifying the loan interest rate level. By combining the loan interest rate level, and gradually relax controls on lending rates. But Central Bank Governor Zhou xiaochuan have expressed concern in public. In his view, the financial crisis, some financialBodies in the event of problems, often through high interest rates put storage or some higher-yielding products access to financial resources, to cover up the balance sheet problems, hopes that the future have the opportunity to have sustained breath. How do I prevent agency in desperation, is to advance the process of interest rate marketization in the problem. However, Zhou xiaochuan also said that financial restructuring and reform of commercial banks obtained-orderAfter the results, select some financial hard constraints laid the Foundation for financial institutions to promote market-oriented interest rate. (. China.. time.)

it managers respond to

129668659905625000_11 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">the old republic power leveling</a>Cecilia Cheung brokers accused the media talk of Lucas did not absent from school Cecilia Cheung questioned Lucas eat truancy. NetEase entertainment on November 27, according to media reports in Hong Kong, Cecilia Cheung and Lucas appeared in Shanghai a few days ago, there are media that Lucas truancy. Cecilia Cheung Manager yesterday was clarified by the micro-blogging Thanksgiving holidays together with their mothers. Cecilia Cheung Manager said on Twitter, obviously Lucas school holidays, and anti-Asked what is wrong with mother and Thanksgiving? More superficial speech accusing media freely published truancy, not truth swtor power leveling, is very unfair to Cecilia Cheung. Lucas scars on the nose, it managers respond to: "for several days, converting weather sensitive skin, gouging, not falls. ”

starred in the play is Jang Woo Hyuk in the Mainland

129667697111084142_129Report from (reported by reporter Zhao Nannan) yesterday, Xiaokang Wang directed Deng Xiaochuan screenwriter, cast Jerry, Korea appeared with the Lord of the dance Jang Woo Hyuk, of the memory loss my girlfriend power Conference. Jerry publicly begged Director says: "don't let Li Xiaolu analysis class the old republic power leveling, we secretly Kiss plays don't let her know. "Jang Woo Hyuk UCH in popularity, soon approaching, there are many fansScreaming spirits high he jumps in the field of dance. The memory loss my girlfriend under Network adaptation of the novel the amnesia would love you, starred in the play is Jang Woo Hyuk in the Mainland, and the first play. Jang Woo Hyuk played in the play's well-being is a bad word, always being left in the feelings swtor power leveling, but careful patient, desperate for the love of "natural" men of beauty. He said:"I want to learn Chinese, play if there is a need to say her lines in Chinese I will try to speak the language. "Jerry is playing tough and poor boy Jiang Minliang. ���� Jerry said that himself starting from junior high school was Jang Woo Hyuk's fans. ()


increase independent research and development efforts to improve all aspects of performance

129667593470156250_2[News Center] opened during the last few days of Guangzhou auto show, Golden Cup S30 (quoting picture parameters) appeared again. From the booth staff was informed by, the car will be listed in around January of next year, while its cost probably about $ 680,000. S30 is the second Gold Cup into the SUV market product. The car is a compact-class SUV, its position is slightly lower than the s50. Appearance: Golden Cup S30 belongs to the compact SUV the old republic power leveling, Prism-shaped front headlights and fog lamps front looks more dynamic. Car roof luggage rack and bottom skirt guard, such as design or for the car gives a certain amount of Cross element. Body size is 3995/1725/1644, wheelbase is 2500mm. Interiors: higher for large models of the LCD display, Multifunctional steering wheel, steering wheel control and center console, as well as air conditioning air outlet is also equipped with Silver trim. Power: S30 is used in the 1.5L gasoline engine. Probably will match 1.3L engines in future version, to provide consumers with richer product family and the wider price range selected. Current information on engine has not been released swtor power leveling, it isGuessing. Editing comments: brand brilliance would also like to have their place in the popular SUV market, the biggest challenge is to increase brand awareness, increase independent research and development efforts to improve all aspects of performance, making new cars from other competitors. Advantage is price no doubt, however, applauded the ability to see if the cars performance ban the market test. More information on concernsLatest reports. (Web)

careful users play yumo dug out

129668731965468750_359Recently, Zhang Yimou and directed by large tracts of the Jinling 13 hairpin will be shown swtor power leveling, has been highly anticipated heroine yumo although not revealing his face, but headlines. Recently the old republic power leveling, careful users play yumo dug out, saying yumo portrayed is South 07-Canton College of communication University of China Department of language and communication school beauty Ni Ni. ()

China Construction Bank

129668682361406250_3Yesterday the old republic power leveling, the Shenzhen successful tenders issued $ 2.2 billion worth of government bonds, the three-year bid in a five-year local debt and interest rates and 3.03% respectively. At this point, by the State Council approval Shanghai, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Shenzhen four local governments issue bonds in their own complete, interest rates stayed below their limit debt levels. Bond issuance rates continue to drop in Shenzhen in Shenzhen yesterday$ 2.2 billion local debt issued by tender, a three-year and accounted for half of the five-year period, there were three underwriters of, national development Bank, the industrial and commercial bank, China Construction Bank, respectively. The tender for a single price Netherlands, subject to interest rates, offering interest rates also fell, three-year and five-year bid in a local debt rate and 3.03%, respectively.Will be issued on November 28 and interest, issued on November 30 ending. Prior to this, on November 15, a three-year and five-year bid in a local debt rate and 3.1%, respectively, in accordance with the bond yield curve, two varieties of bid interest rate term bonds with some 3-4 basis points lower. Subsequently issued by the Guangdong provincial government bonds, a three-year and fiveYear the bid rate and 3.08%, respectively, interest rate bonds 6-8 basis points lower than the same period, over 6 times times of multiples. On November 21 in Zhejiang Province tenders issued $ 6.7 billion in government bonds, issued interest rates also fell. Three-year and five-year bid in a local debt rate and 3.01%, respectively, with the same period of interest rates hung upside down andThe play is extended to 12 basis points. This is the independent inaugural issue 4 local local debt, the successful tenderer has shown "unconventional, non-market" �C not only the successful rate is significantly lower than the same period of bonds ' interest rate buy multiples "fantastic" also goes far beyond the national debt. Local debt interest rate "unconventional" Reuters news that industry sources, Shenzhen local debts three years-And five-year multiple varieties of tender is 2.44 times and 2.27 times times, lower than the previous Zhejiang debts of 3.8 times and 3.7 times times. Local debt market concern about selling, although this phenomenon and the recent bond market warmed up, yields down related, "but winning rates below treasuries, what is not normal swtor power leveling, because local financial strength cannot be higher than the CentralFinances. "A market participants said. Last week, the net return for the open market and pay deposit, funds were affected, bond yields rose slightly. However, the bid in a local debt interest rates are generally lower, analysts said, although the Shanghai, Shenzhen, Zhejiang, Guangdong and four Government credit quality is fine, but limited bond interest rates lower than the same period was "non-standard". Multi-Market participants believe that the local "self issued" local debt, and early this year finance local debt, nature does not differ. And followed by the financial bid in a local debt interest rates higher than interest rates around 10 basis points. This year the Ministry of Finance has issued eight Deputy local debt, of which three-year bid in a local debt interest rate 3.67% per cent in five yearsLocal debt bid rate at 3.7% per cent in the period. Industry noted that theoretically impossible debt rating is higher than the national debt, liquidity is far less than the latter. Issuing rates than treasuries lower, instead of underwriting model has a great relationship. Local debt syndicate selected by the issuer, and for financial institutions with close ties to the local economy, forSoliciting financial deposits, attract more underwriting business purposes such as, underwriters or active or passive, has a lower tendency to issue interest rate. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.


129667750422177892_29Xinhuanet swtor power leveling, Kinshasa the old republic power leveling, November 25 (reporters Han Bing and Wang Minjie)-Congo (Kinshasa) media said on 25th, in Congo (Brazzaville) Intelligence Agency, with the assistance of the Congo (Kinshasa) setbacks against national Joseph * * Kabila Kabange, President of the coup plot. Congo (Kinshasa), the potential newspaper reported that the attempted coup of people stationed in Congo (Kinshasa) in Kinshasa, the capital is only oneSeparated by the River Congo (Brazzaville) in Brazzaville, the capital. Quoted anonymous "reliable sources" said, organizer of the coup d ' état attempted by the assassination of Kabila's destruction will be held in late November of the Congo (Kinshasa) presidential election as evidence that Congo (Kinshasa) people does not have the ability to lead the country. According to reports, not including assassination of Kabila, organizer of the coup d ' état also planned attacks on Kinshasa central prison3 prison, but the coup d ' état planned by two intelligence agencies intercept, some participants had been arrested.

Karen Mok

129667716794677892_66Karen Mok on married life: marriage so good everybody go and marry Karen Mok. (A) ocean excursions, the Guangzhou daily reported on November 26 the night of 21st of this month, the film of the East into West 2011 held a grand opening ceremony in Beijing, directed by Jeffrey Lau company with seven creative Eason Chan, Karen Mok, Kenny Bee, Yi Huang (blog) (Twitter) (blog) (microblogging) also attended. Married Karen Mok showed up in the Mainland for the first time, and our staffAn exclusive interview. Guangzhou daily: married life how does it feel? Karen Mok: life is not the same, feels is possible practical point. Married well, everyone is going to get married. Also never married before working life was too exaggerated, it's going too far, like a robot. The mood now is not the same, there was a choice, do you want to do what you love. Guangzhou daily: whyRound all these years you still choose to first love? Karen Mok: I was myself the decision startled, feel that this plot occurs only in fiction and film, did not think should happen to them, is incredible. Guangzhou daily: I hear you and several of his children normally get along very well? Karen Mok: this is nothing special, because we do not haveLiving with, kids nowadays are already very mature, each with their own lives. They just are curious about my work, like my clothes, shoes swtor power leveling, are particularly nice. Guangzhou daily: ready to do you want children? Karen Mok: no yay! I'm too busy! And after having children build turn from bad to worse. Guangzhou daily: does not require you to have a baby, please? Karen Mok:He did not request, but said that depends on my decision, and I currently have too many things to do, on a time too late! Guangzhou daily: where are you charm? Karen Mok: if he had so many years you had to keep the letters he wrote, there is that feeling, that I feel that without saying it, which is sufficient. Guangzhou daily: the life you have to spendTime to go to Europe, will feel that they pay more? Karen Mok: no, if you really want to do the old republic power leveling, it will not hold the view that paid the price and sacrifice, that if you feel that they are "paid to give up", then prove that you don't want to go to do this thing, would think so. Guangzhou daily: get married next month to celebrate Western wedding party with you what's notThe same? Karen Mok: in fact, held the ball just to talk to friends of the Hong Kong side and celebrate.


Sogndal-2 nine-twentiethsMaster 4

129615121165937500_2428September 26 (Monday) at 2 o'clock where: wulewaer Stadium, Oslo lerenga VS Rosenborg (Valerenga) ranking: 5 points: 35 (Rosenborg BK) ranking: 4 points: 36 Asia Cup: 0/0.5 pitch: Rosenborg sizes: 2:3 big ball-projectionNote Some lerenga upper whorl away 1:0 Lectra Lillestrom, only 18 years old, striker H · Nelson place winner. Midfielder Defender nuodaweike and Christopher both accumulated 3 yellow wheel suspension. Rosenborg arena of upper whorl 4:1 victory over Start, new midfielder qibuyike strength, midfielder HenreyDerksen also for 3 rounds to break. Defending champions Rosenborg are put on the return of the King's Theatre, lerenga rebound momentum is not bad swtor power leveling, but taking into account the Rosenborg attacking firepower superior to raise, past performance advantage is quite obvious star wars the old republic, when praised. Recent confrontation: lerenga 1 5, win 1 lose 5 11/04/260:2-Norwegian Super 0.5 negative moved Super 10/10/04 1:3 0.5 and gas 10/03/29 master 0:0-Norwegian Super 0/0.5 win 09/06/29 master 1:2-Norwegian Super 0/0.5 lose 09/03/16 0:3-Norwegian Super-1 transmission and negative moved Super 08/09/01 1:2 0.5/1 lose the home team: the trend nine-nineteenths 1:0 nine-fifteenths main cent Odd Grenland Lillestrom 0 win-1 transmissionHistory of nine-twelveths main cent -1.5 lose eight-twenty eighths main cent hougexinte-0.5 win eight-twentieths 2:0 sapusi -0/0.5 win disputed the trend: nine-twenty thirds main: Sogndal-2 nine-twentiethsMaster 4:1 Start nine-thirteenths 6:0 sapusi-1-2 win-win eight-twenty sixths 1:2 eight-thirtieths main cent Odd Grenland-1 to win AEK suralaya cards (combined) 0/0.5 lose the home team the next schedule ten-thirdsBrann Bergen moved Super ten-seventeenths the main Viking moving more disputed the future schedule ten-firsts Lillestrom moved Super ten-seventeenths Aalesund-Norwegian Super

the honorary plaques

129668652437500000_141In order to effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees, regulate the employer acts of participation in social basic old-age insurance swtor power leveling, strengthening the collection of endowment insurance management, first introduced in shangluo City Council endowment insurance fee credit rating. The Council in accordance with the local taxation of endowment insurance in shangluo payment integrity review provisions of the administrative measures, after collection unit of the TribunalCore recommendations, grants in shangluo of Shaanxi electric power supply companies, 26 enterprises for 2008-2010 level a payment integrity unit star wars the old republic, the honorary plaques, and shangluo journal shall be published. By integrity levels of uncertainty, not only enhancing the enterprise insurance's enthusiasm and sense of honor, but also for the land tax department laid the Foundation for strengthening collection of endowment insurance management.

Specific content please see annex

129667864384677892_183Company is a supplier of large integrated plastic pipes.  The company market share ranks the forefront of the industry, is currently the chemical building materials industry, production of the largest and most necessary ability strongest swtor power leveling, broadest market coverage of professional one of the major manufacturers. Plastic pipe industry competition remained fierce, industry demand in the future there is still room to grow. 2005-20105% annual growth in global output of plastic pipes, China has also become one of the plastic pipe production and application of power. Plastic pipe industry low barriers to entry, plastic pipe products in General serious oversupply, excessive competition in the market. But industry demand growth ahead ... business model effectively reduces operating costs, ensure profit. Company channel distribution of theDistribution mode, as well as in product rapid triage can be maintained with lower cost of sales operations and transferring projects accounts receivable risk, lower financial costs, partly to ensure a company's profitability. Raise the tender opening capacity bottlenecks star wars the old republic, but the focus remains in the low-margin traditional products in the future. This fundraising after the completion of investment projects, main products of the company's production capacity will be greatlySite growth, which will help solve the problem of companies at present there is insufficient capacity.  But the company's future development focus remained profitable traditional products of PVC pipe, plastic pipe industry has been very fierce competition, the company is the leader in the industry, are still more difficult. Firm performance and valuation. Projected EPS were 0.85 company 2011-2013,1.31, $ 2.16/share, at the current valuation of 15-20X shares 12.75-reasonable interval between $ 17. Investment advice.  Priced right may be involved in purchasing. (Specific content please see annex)

952 mobile free access www.cnfol.com-November 26

129667545732187500_2November 23, NYMEX crude oil in January are not contracts reduce 6,952 mobile free access www.cnfol.com-November 26, 2011 Gold network view comments by Beijing 04:20 star wars the old republic, November 25, the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) 20January 12 crude oil trading volumes in the period 112,309, 23rd open contracts with 6 swtor power leveling,952. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date commodity trading price yesterday closed 23rd open contracts open to increase or decrease in trading volume on November 25, January crude oil 96.7796.17171140328695-6952----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (单位:USD/barrel)

He Ping pigeon speaking at the Forum site

129668642054843750_2Panoramic network, November 27-guosen securities He Ping pigeon Sunday in the pharmaceutical star wars the old republic, biotechnology analyst "best Analyst Summit 2011 new wealth", said that the pharmaceutical industry is not worried about the future needs of the market swtor power leveling, and is a market of very strong demand. He Pingge team access to "the ninth best analyst in new wealth" pharmaceutical, biotechnology industry firstName. (Panoramic network/Yin Ji) He Ping pigeon speaking at the Forum site (photo: Lei)


direct quotes by the investors in listed companies

129668688797968750_117Editor's Note: in order to promote the healthy and steady development of China capital market, the Commission recently launched intensive six initiatives. This special launch series, each of these initiatives conducted in-depth analysis and interpretation. 22nd, 23rd and 24th respectively launched the bond market calling for chess policies are still needed at high speed, and the prevention and control of insider trading of capital market from the source "rodent" actions escalatedAnd the chaos-ridden under the State Council over more than 300 trading venues will straighten up, today published the change higher earnings to issue new shares of correlation analysis reports. High price-earnings ratio of new shares issued, why not? Has been discussed in the industry, regulators have been promoting. Recently, the regulators are clear means of gradually changing high earnings shares。 So swtor credits, how can this situation to crack? New stock issue "three highs" is complete with the introduction of initiatives to be changed? Everything is looking forward to. Since its launch in June 2009 in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets IPO deal, accelerated the pace of marketization of Chinese securities market, but, judging from the market for nearly two years of new shares issued, shares exposed seriousIssue. IPO has become high price issue, high earnings release, superb raised the issue of "three high" release. Particularly prominent are second board companies. According to statistics, the current gem company 275, the average price of about $ 35, nearly 68 times times issued on average earnings, average more raised than to 200%. A few days ago, the Commission launched six major regulatory reform measures, Which made it clear that, by means of gradually changing situation of high earnings shares. SFC official said, "as a regulator, we are not giving reasonable standards for price/earnings ratio. But the next Commission will continue efforts to increase the intensity of reforming and perfecting the issuing regulatory ". "Three-high" was dogged by criticism for a long time, the IPO "three high" phenomenon is the General investmentCriticized by users. However, recently, the IPO price generally lower, individual issue price-earnings ratio high became the focus of new shares. A few days ago, the largest of the traditional publishing industry IPO--Phoenix Media publishes online success rate and placement results under the net, issue price/earnings ratio as high as 63.4 times times, facing the stock higher issue price/earnings ratio, agency minimum bid is only 5.2Yuan per unit, this 1 time difference with the highest bid $ 10.88/unit more than doubled. Prior to this, Phoenix Media findings of a preliminary inquiry, Phoenix media this release issue price range of $ ~8.80 is $ 8/share/unit (including the lower and upper). This range corresponds to earnings before the 2010 issue of level of 46.11 times ~50.72 times,Earnings after 57.63 times ~63.40 times. Investor Roadshow platform directly questioning its price/earnings ratio is high. In response, the Phoenix Media Chairman Chen Haiyan says, if calculated according to the sustained viability of standards to the issue corresponds to 2010 year earnings level: 25.23 times ~27.76 times before the release, after the release of 31.54 times ~34.7 times, if further consideration on the basis of company earnings growth in 2011, the company of the a shares issue compared to comparable company earnings and major a-share, it is more reasonable. If Phoenix media in the whole publishing's leading position in the field, Phoenix media give investors the determination of the offering price is set aside a certain amount of space. However, thisQian, shenyin wanguo analysis report, 11, 12, 13 is fully diluted EPS of $ 0.28 and $ 0.33, $ 0.36, reasonable valuations $ 6.44 per cent. Combining similar valuations of listed companies, as well as the current market environment swtor power leveling, the 11-PE-26 times times, reasonable valuations $ 6.44--7.28Yuan. China Securities analyst Lin Hu Yu said that taking into account the price of more than 60 times the Phoenix Media PE, it is recommended that the "Beware of the risk of break, do not purchase". In addition, a recent listing of new shares is due to higher pricing very concerned about. On November 22, Dominion optical listed on the Shenzhen small and issuing valuation 67.65 times times, into a caps since NovemberNew stocks with the highest earnings. In the past half year junior in new shares to be listed, second only to release earnings for April tongda power 76 times times, appear more prominent. However, Dominion optical to beat 20% on the first day of gains on the day at $ 28.8 opened smoothly after shock, closing $ 28.76, exchange rate up to 88.63%. 2011 three quarterly reports shows that publicDivision specializing in 40% increase in revenue, net profit growth of up to 181%, diluted earnings per share of $ 0.544, researchers believe that dynamic watch company valuations are not too high. According to another study on Shenzhen Stock Exchange financial innovations laboratory data since October 30, 2009, on a small total of 528 new listings and gemMarket investors to buy shares on the first day of 5th loss of 61.23%, particularly since the beginning of this year, in Shenzhen a shares break phenomenon not uncommon over 70% shares have fallen below issue price. "Three high" causes diverse new "three-high" release was plagued in recent years priority issues for the development of China's stock markets. It not only severely overdrawn on shares in the secondary market value of investments,Increased investment risk. Many issuers raise funds ultimately can only be tied up in huge Super Bank, resulting in a huge waste of resources. The reason, analysts said, leading to high price issue, there are many reasons to raise more funds, existing distribution system is not perfect, the market mechanism is not perfect, and investment culture and atmosphere is not reason, do not attach importance to risk revealing and the blindHype has a larger relationship. And, for a long time, the a-share markets, "every new rose", therefore, we are "every new play", supply and demand leads to higher issue price of new shares, high earnings and a high proportion of Super-raising phenomena occur. In addition, the Investment Bank's IPO valuation report is often higher than the final offer price, even in the worst times, higher than the final pricing more than 1 time times the valuation reportDivisions are a minority. This further led to the inquiry does not trust relationship between agencies and investment banks, inquiry agencies offer also tended to be irrational State, affecting the healthy development of capital markets. And its ultimate result, investment banks lost their authority and influence of research on valuation, when the market is hype atmosphere lost control. However, the British Institute of securitiesLong Li Daxiao also said that this is a product of China towards market-oriented pricing of securities market, cannot be avoided. Li Daxiao believes that compared to mature markets, the a-share market is a product of a non-market starting immediately fully market-oriented issue may have unforeseen consequences. Progressive realization of market-oriented, progressive reform is the best choice. It is understood that in the mature markets, Secondary market pricing is a two-way trade system, and even naked short selling, stock market policy did not favour either, any company dare to unscrupulously pricing, because a great deal of reverse transactions and arbitrage disks poured out of at any time. Market-oriented pricing, market-oriented release, Enterprise IPO pricing will be free to, as long as people buy. So market upsurge, because of too high a price to attract a large number ofNew share issues, market downturn as shares was too low when few companies are willing to go public. However, subsequent financing very liberal. IPO has been ahead of the market in our country on the road, while on the way there yet to be room for improvement and perfection, General also are able to objectively reflect the prevailing relationship between supply and demand and of the corresponding stock market valuations. With the IPOInstitutional reforms, the gem IPO pricing starting rational return. Data show that since the beginning of this year, the gem IPO price/earnings ratio "-by-quarter" gem release earnings is clearly downward trend. The three quarter 2011 gem release earnings declining 73.88, 44.18, times. Among them, in June this year issuing and listing of the United StatesMorning tech 18.12 times times the issue price-earnings ratio is the lowest. But insiders said the IPO earnings fall, mostly because of gloomy market and fund this year under the environment of surface tension, if market conditions improve, does not rule out new share price-earnings ratio to rise again, securities and Futures Commission for the new shares higher earnings results also continue to watch the new deal. Address the high price-earnings ratioNeed to start with the high price-earnings ratio for new shares issued, regulators continue to take measures. SFC responsible person stressed that reform issued regulation system, requires sustained efforts. In recent years, the Securities and Futures Commission regulating the behavior of inquiries and pricing programs, on the one hand, on the other hand strengthen market discipline mechanisms. Issuing auditing, in addition to constantly raise the level of auditing, strengthening agency responsibilitiesEstablished intermediary asked the nuclear program, enhanced on-site examination; release link discovery issues, intensify efforts to investigate and; supervision on release process, increasing risk, efforts to increase transparency, improve predictability and so on. Industry sources said, to further changes of high earnings shares should be multifaceted approach. In the process of inquiry is necessary to strengthen inquiry quotationMarket supervision, to establish a reward the good and fine [punish] the bad control mechanism, eliminating inquiry objects offer poor quality; we should further improve the pricing mechanism, improving small and medium-sized investors to say in the valuations process. Many industry experts and scholars are also given his own proposal. Li Daxiao, available from the following address. First of all, you can control the total, dispersionListed as a centralized listing, that is, from eating less meals to set meal, so that you can implement control the listing price of new shares. At the same time the number of more than a, investors naturally there is not much interested in going to the hype. Followed by the first release, delayed for several months or longer listed after, with increased playing time for new risks, control its hype, at the same time can also have plenty of time to clearly understand thisCompanies ' investment value. Wuhan University of science and technology, Director of the Institute of finance and securities Dong Dengxin recommendations, IPO Netherlands auction pricing, that is, direct quotes by the investors in listed companies, and according to raise amount of shares issued and to determine exactly to what they will release, quoting higher than the final pricing of access to shares, corresponding to the high bidders get shares of the market principle。 Avoid stock boom collapsed in the first trades. Deputy Director, Institute of Southwest securities chief economist Wang Jianhui said that on the need for restraining the IPO "three high" in the system. Proposals of intermediaries such as inquiry agencies, securities underwriting agencies hard constraints, so that they can't quote, high price. Investment bankers believe that solving the IPO higher earningsIssues, investment bank has an unshirkable responsibility. Recommendations on the IPO risk, banks should shoulder more responsibility to guide institutional investors offer to give a more rational. Currently depressed market environment for banks provides a very good reflection on the opportunity to strengthen industry self-regulation, perfect IPO issue is imperative to link risk.

and Busquets

129667775687490392_63 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/star-wars-the-old-republic/">swtor power leveling</a>Liga 14 rounds are expected in first-episode: Macy's to offer a strong array of Real Madrid main return NetEase sports reported on November 26: Spanish Prime Division 14 rounds, Massey continued to lead Barcelona top guest at Getafe, Real Madrid achieved great victories in the week Central substitutes for Crown returned to the Madrid Derby in the League after World War, Mourinho sent the strongest attack to win victory. Real Madrid VS madelijingji Real Madrid (4,231) Casillas/raths '-Diarra, Ramos, Pepe, Marcelo/Alonso, Khedira/Ronaldo, UNMEE Cir, and keentelang/Bense Ma Majing (4,231): Courtois/Perea, and Miranda, and Domingos, and Felipe/Gabi, and Soares/Reyes, Diego, and GUNES, Turan/adelianhetafei VS Barcelona Getafe (4,231) Carlos Moya/Varela, Diaz, and haddock Lobo, MaInternal/Michelle, Lasan/casquero, Balada, Castrol/guyisabasa (433): Valdez/Alves, and Peake, and Jordi Pujol, and Abidal/Harvey, and Busquets, and CESC Fabregas/Villa, and Macy 's, and sangqiesibaliekanuo VS Valencia Rayo Vallecano (433) keweiniao/Quentin Tarantino, alibasi, Jodi, and card-SAMultiple/Miciu, and Fuego, Movila/raths ', Tamudo, and pedicle skin Valencia (4,231) Diego-Alves/Miguel, and Mr Lamy, and Ruiz, and Alba/Albelda, and Quentin Tarantino Costa/Fei Guli, and Honass, and Mathieu/Soldado huangjiabeidisi VS huangjiashehui Bettis (433) Castor/chittka, wusitalici, multipleLaetoli, and Nacho/Sevila, and iriney, Bainat, Santa Cruz, Monte/Castro law huangjiashehui (4,231) Bravo/c Martinez, Gonzalez and the Demidoff, la Vera/Mariga, and zulutuzha/Bella, and Prieto, and gelieziman/ajileiqielaiwante VS xihongjingji Levante (4,231), Gustavo munua/Venta, PalestineLesiteluosi, and nano, and Francisco juanfran/Torres, and Iborra/Bardo, and Jose Mari Bakero, and Hu Anlu/Caunet xihongjingji (4,231) Pablo/Lora, and Botia, and Julien Hernandez, and Caneglia/Caces, and Gabe Rivera/Oscar Trejo, Castrol, Nelson Cuevas/Balard Mallorca VS sangtandejingji Mallorca (4,231) Abbatte/SaeyFurlong, and Ramis, Nunez, Chico/tissone and the leather is satisfied that/Perera, Nsue, Castrol/hemeide de Santander (442) Togno/Frances, and Bernardo, and Torrejon, and Christian/Qiao Lisi, and Colsa/sapeiliao, and Munitis, and Adrian/Caunet Spanish VS Osasuna Spaniards (4,231) AlbaSuarez/Garland, Juan Carlos Amat, and Javi Moreno, di up grams/Marcos, Baena/HAP tivey, Berdou, and romaric, Christian Koffi n ' DRI/Sergio-Garcia Osasuna (433) Fernandez/Mesopotamia swtor credits, and Wen Lu, and Javier flano, and Laitala/Punal, and neikenan, and Raul Garcia/yibolaxinma, and El Ni?o, and Cejudo bierbaejingji VS GranadaBilbao (4,231) Iraizoz/Elora, and aiqizha, and San Jose, aoteneiqie/Marcos, and Iturraspe/susaaita, and Muniain, and Gabilondo/luoluntegelannada (442) Roberto fern/niaomu, and Mainz, and sikuila, and/Moises, and Forlan-Rico Lopez, Abel, Chamorro/Hayhoe, Uzbekistan trimming Zaragoza VSSevilla Zaragoza (4,231): Roberto/Ciudad Juarez, Maurizio lanzaro, Ma special Aass, Paredes/Mylar, Varela/Juan Carlos, and Luis Garcia, and Pang Qiao/Seville, Helder Postiga (442), Tinto Brass/Caceres, and Spahic, and Nicolas escude, and Navarro/Navas, and Antonio Fazio, and Piotr trochowski, and PerotPedicel/Kanoute and the Negredo VS Villarreal Malaga Malaga (442) Caballero/Gamez, Demichelis, Inner Mongolia, Mathijsen mined Asia/Casola, and tulalang, Duda, Isco/Londo, and Fernandez Villarreal (4,231)/Mario Lopez, and Marchena, and Musacchio, and Auriol/deguziman, and Bruno/m.pereyAnd the Borja Fern��ndez, and Lopez/Wen Lu

In accordance with the previous policy

129668682365781250_12Beijing's new policy about Realty to impose personal purchases to tax cuts exceeding 100,000, according to the legal evening reported, housing and urban-rural construction in Beijing announced 25th Convention on preferential treatment in Beijing average transaction prices notified to ordinary housing, relax prices in Beijing housing found in the standard. Implementation of the new standards will be held on December 10, the market set aside a certain amount of policyAdaptation period. Under the new definition, Beijing Super 80% housing is common, it not only helps to encourage home demand swtor power leveling, also reduces the burden on buyers. Therefore, involving the business tax, deed tax, tax relief under the different housing types ranging from tens of thousands of per cent. Seven houses benefit from the definition of new standards on houses in Beijing had been carried out in three years before adjustment, In accordance with the previous policy, five ring price over luxury. Do not underestimate "the Mansion" the word, this would mean that the purchase by the maximum pay the deed tax, business tax relief are not available. Then, there have been recent five rings home when being owners protested their resumption is 90 square rigid requirements of following standards is "luxury". YuIs that the Beijing municipal construction Committee of three departments in recent years prices have redefined the houses in a five-ring to Liu Huan: a case study in the southern region, such as the yizhuang buildings, only the price more than 21,600 mansion, for now, yizhuang new disc is around 16 swtor credits,000, second-hand housing about 15,000, far below luxury standard. Centaline property expectsNew standard effect of second-hand housing stock reaches a total market of more than 70%. Beijing has more than 80% of dwelling houses, in particular, the five rings, a 90% more than 140 square meters of residential houses. Luxury houses in personal purchases to tax cuts exceeding 100,000 and business tax, deed tax, paid by the two are totally different, outside the North of the five rings setSmall apartment previously owned homes of more than 5 years, for example, sold for the sum of the 2 million, the previous owners purchased for $ 1 million. Such as buyers, sellers for the first homes, in accordance with the preceding provisions, will have to pay taxes: tax 1%, tax paid, contract 3%, totals 135,000. And enforce the new requirements only need 1% later deed tax, personal income tax reductionExemption, tax relief, before and after the gap was 115,000. Chain home real estate analysis, there are four types of "pseudo-luxury" been liberated, House for a five-ring to Liu Huan, and area of 90 square metres to 140 square estate between the greatest impact. Past price standards, but in the context of high house prices, six housing area within the loop once over 90 square metres, Basic are classified as "non-home". Under the new standards, as long as not more regional price cap on improvements and some "one-step" rigid demand extends to a majority of 90 square meters-140 square metres of housing, taxes reduce the amount over $ 100,000. Five-six loops the loop of Daxing, Fangshan district and other places-just need among first-time home buyers focused areasDomain under the old standard, where the General House standard is a lump sum in the 1 million, while the actual average of the purchase price in the region nearly 500,000 Super old standards, are "non-home". Six rings most of the new standard is sufficient to "non-ordinary residence" redefined just reduced first-time home buyers tax burden more than more than 70,000, has greatly increased the need to purchase credits or chips. (Oriental Morning Post)Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.

in which selected value factor and small share

129668600997031250_85After nearly two years of development, as unique Quant fund categories increasing investor attention. 4 consecutive months of decline, the market rebounded strongly in October ushered in by the end of.  Quantitative camp under the sharp sudden stop market does not go hand in hand, serious performance and differentiation. According to the data swtor credits, a total of 13 quantitative funds currently on the market, which contains 11 common stockTicket Fund, 1 Index Fund and 1 partial stocks mixed fund. As of November 15, 11 common equity Quant Funds only the last 3 months, 4 months, 5 months difference between the first and last performance of more than 10%. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: tied up unitTicket saved! One of the most eye-catching is Morgan Stanley multi strategy Fund, in the last 3, 4, 5-month performance ranking are the first place. Since the Fund was established on May 17 this year, as of November 15, in the case of Shanghai composite index has dropped 11.32%, falling market rose 2.4%, during the same period the establishment of 18 common stock andStocks ranked 2nd in the mixed-type Fund. For outstanding performance, Morgan Stanley huaxin quantitative investment team leader Liu Zhao, said Morgan Stanley multi-factor stock selection and timing of the Fund's contribution to the excess profits in the near future about and 70%, in which selected value factor and small share, mainly due to market factors. He further explained that due to early cash-strapped SMEs shadowLarge, small stocks fell more deeply, but recent credit policy began to shift, SMEs are inclined.  Therefore, small and low valuation companies is the Fund's recent gains in the market value of the two major driving forces. In his view, after early sharp callback swtor power leveling, some small and medium enterprises valuation is relatively reasonable investment opportunities gradually get market recognition.