
main Board companies as 51.73%

129667648262334142_80 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/diablo-3-gold/">diablo 3 gold</a>Requires the gem of the SFC proposed dividend of listed companies committed to write a Constitution, made in the prospectus "significant matters tips" report from (reporter Wu min) SFC month dividends after the new rules introduced this week and follow-up measures. According to the Xinhua News Agency reported, detailed rules for the Securities and Futures Commission this week launched the gem company dividends, required gem be listed companiesDividends promised to write a Constitution, and in the prospectus to make "significant matters tips". Recommended reading hexun about City Hall: next week's a-shares or to five major gold stocks are now buying opportunity in consumption will burn at the passion 8 zhanchiyufei muddy water and focus: who discovered fresh black who now cannot wait shareholders profit 8 family of a 12-year player8 deep investments to realize the IPO a tiger 29 months "circle" approaching trillion [Twitter] Lao Sha: International Board will do before the path of a [Unit] under the strong signals do not imitate transparency are fools for enhanced dividends at the end of SFC announced in early November, will require all listed companies complete the dividend policy and its decision-making mechanism, a comprehensive analysis of corporate business development,Shareholders and will, social factors such as cost of capital, external financing environment, formulation of dividend policies, transparency enhanced dividends, and not free to adjust the dividend policy that have been identified. ����Securities and Futures Commission said at that time, new bonus requirements will be performed starting from the initial public offering of shares. And the gem became the first started refining the requirements of sections. Included in the articles addedThat cash dividend-related terms, related to issue shares to be listed after profit distribution policies, including the distribution of profits, cash dividends in the form of specific conditions, the amount or proportion, specific conditions of the payment of stock dividends, distribution of profits during the interval, such as distribution of profits shall perform the procedure for the consideration. In fact starting from mid-November, IPO companies have submitted material in the offer descriptionIn the book to "important matters tips" dividend policy in a way that makes clear, placed in its prospectus front location and promised dividends. ����But seen from the current IPO company promises, most firms promised dividends of the distributable profit of not less than 10%, this proportion is even lower than the current average level of a-shares. From the perspective of dividend policy of promoting, refining the bonus rule is not limited toThe gem. ����Following disclosure of small companies and boards of companies offering materials diablo 3 power leveling, also in accordance with the requirements on the dividend policy make obvious hints and commitments. ����Gem bonus than the motherboard but is worthy of investor awareness, from the dividend rate, the gem companies in the leading position in three major sections. Day companion lab studies have shown that 2010 data, for example, the total number of companies from the participating company quantity than watching, main Board companies as 51.73%, junior company of 77.08%, the gem companies reached 75.6%. Shenzhen Stock Exchange management personnel on early 2010 gem, the gem of 58 companies study showed that its cash dividend distribution is more than the market average. ThisYear in September the one given by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange financial innovation lab reports calculated in 2009 and 2010 second board company dividends ratio (ratio of the dividend amount profits of) and 35%, respectively. At present the Commission had not issued any dividends ratio requirements, but is widely believed that if a clear dividend policy, not free after making the changes,Gem overall dividend ratio is still rising. ����But some investors and researchers are not in favour of listed companies in particular second board companies increasing the dividend rate, previous studies suggest for growing companies, may reduce the growth of a large number of dividends. Analysis of the a-share dividend rate below the international level from the overall look, the a-share company dividend levelMature markets are not far away, on dividend yields, however the difference is large. ����Additionally Board narrower company dividends. ����Shenzhen Stock Exchange after the publication of a report from the unit rate, China's blue chips dividend rate lower than the dividend level in mature markets, overall market dividend rate gap is even greater. 2010 China stock market overall dividend level of 0.55%, CSI 300The dividend yield is 1.06%. From the overseas market, and United States (1.5%), the United Kingdom (2.73%), Japan (1.67%), China, Taiwan (2.27%), Hong Kong, China (2.35%) and other countries and regions compared to market index dividend yield, CSI 300 index constituent stock dividend rate below the international average, the market's overall dividend waterFlat with overseas markets gap even more. However subject to dividend dividend rate factor, still overvalued and listed companies are directly linked. ����Stock prices are too high cause the dividend return is too low, even more so for non-blue chip. Previously in Shenzhen Stock Exchange recommends dividend supervision should pay attention to guiding the blue-chip companies a reasonable dividend, because most of these companies paid the full market shareLee. ����(Wu min) new deal brought about investment opportunities with the Securities and Futures Commission to promote investment dividends of listed companies a clear bonus plan, dividends become focus of attention in the market, participating businesses brings investment opportunities for investors. After a-shares markets for the dividend is not sensitive, and converted into share capital companies-sensitive. Analysts believe that with theDividends of listed companies with a more clear and common dividend return better a-shares will be favored. ����From the a-share market, account for the number of 10% the absolute number of blue chip bonus account for a market of more than 90%, blue-chips are expected to gradually change the current valuation is in the bottom of the situation. From the perspective of investment products, there are some positioning in the a-share dividend investment products. Shanghai RedLee (510,880, Fund) ETF (510,880) is located in the "full and always invest in dividends of up to 50 stocks in Shanghai Stock Exchange", from the Shanghai Stock Exchange dividend 50 stock index, stocks undervalued, dividends, and means that its unit rates as in the market-leading level. In addition, the current domestic market also has some bonus active managementTheme funds, such as dividends, yimin dividend growth of the Chinese (560,002, funds), Golden Eagle bonuses and other mixed-type Fund. (Wu min)

