
finance and Administration Department

129667864333740392_54Resolutely correct illegal securities and futures trading activities to ensure that investors financial security and social stability of the State Council demanded to straighten up all kinds of trading venues all over the establishment of a joint meeting of departments led by SFC system reported to the programme of work before the end-Wen Qing Southern State Council recently issued by the State Council on rectifying various trading sites effectively guard against financial risks of the decision,Requires the provincial people's Government in accordance with the principles of dependency management, to various trading venues the local area to conduct a centralized rectification, and rectification work programme before the end of December the State for the record. To strengthen rectification work exchanges, and standardize the market order of organization and leadership, formed both Division and coordination of the monitoring mechanism, the decision clear, established by the cardIPCC focal points, relevant departments take part in the "straighten up all kinds of exchanges, the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference" (hereinafter referred to as the joint meeting) system.����Joint meeting of the daily Office is located in the SFC. The decision clearly, with the exception established by law or approved by the State Council of the stock exchange trading venues outside of the financial products transaction, any transactions shall not split any interest parityShare public offering shall not adopt a centralized price bidding, market makers, and other centralized trading means transactions; interest shall not be in accordance with the standard trading unit begin trading, any selling after investors buy or sell after buying the same interval of not less than 5 trading days of trades, except otherwise provided by law, administrative regulations, rights holder Trojan and not more than 200 people.In accordance with the decision, with the exception of futures regulators according to law by the State Council or the State Council approved the establishment of futures trading venues outside, any units prohibited in centralized price bidding, electronic broker, anonymous trading, market makers, and other centralized trading standardized contracts. Financial products such as insurance, credit, gold trading exchange, must be approved by the Department of State financial controlApproval to set up. In order to regulate the Exchange name, use "Exchange" trading venues, except with the approval of the State or the State Council, finance and Administration Department, it must be reported to the provincial people's Government; provincial prior permission, you should seek the views of the joint meeting. Not according to the above provisions approved for the establishment or in violation of the foregoing used in the name "Exchange"Easy to place diablo 3 gold, the trade and Industry Department will be the processing business registration. The decision states that concentrated focus of rectification is resolutely correct illegal securities and futures trading activities, and to take effective measures to ensure that investors financial security and social stability. Engaged in illegal trading of stock futures trading activity places, is strictly prohibited in any way expand the business scope, no added transaction diablo 3 power leveling, no newIncrease investor, and deadline to cancel or close the deal activity; unauthorised trading place names used in the "Exchange" Exchange of words, you should cleanup code for the period.����During the reorganization, shall not establish a new standardized product or exchange of contracts. The decision called, under the Ministry of Commerce in the work of the joint mechanisms responsible for commodity forward tradingReorganization of supervision, inspection and direction of the market, step up the formulation of measures for administration of commodity trading markets, ensure the orderly return of forward trading of commodities market spot market. Financial institutions shall not be unlawful for securities and futures trading activities to provide underwriting, account setup, hosting, money transfer, sale, investment advice, insurance agent services; has been providing services of financial institutions, to timelyCarry out self-examination since Qing dynasty, and effectively deal with the aftermath.

