
the current selling prices geared towards 5.29 minutes/kWh

129667837334365392_70Wang Xiu emphasize, or not to control? Published in the official price before adjustment programmes, market expectations have been hot.   At present, there are several price version in there spread, a loss of face constantly scratching his head thermal power enterprises keen price hike information. But even if the development and Reform Commission that is to adjust prices, can only be a stopgap measures, Home and lack of market-oriented price formation mechanisms, prices of administrative intervention processes and coal prices, still a long way.   Current tariff, power transmission and distribution and sales price are mainly by the Government. Feng Fei, Minister of industry of the State Council Development Research Center recommends: "electricity price reform and promote electric power system reform should be synchronized. Establish a market-led, reflecting supply and demand,Resource scarcity and environmental cost price formation mechanism. The Government should quit from the price management.   "Industry also in an interview with respect, remission coal contradictions of market reform is the ideal path. But a study of power industry not to be named said: "there are no signs, the State will give up power price management rights, to the market price. Stop electric power system reform in a halfThe road, after the separation of grid, bidding has not implemented; main industry and auxiliary industry separation, separation of primary and incomplete, transmission and distribution price approved approach does not have.   "In front of the marketization of unfinished business, to a rise in electricity prices make up for the loss in power plants, became urgent. "If the purchase price does not adjust, scale thermal power losses downtime will be expanded to electric power fell for the initiative. Instead, there is tension 'Electricity shortage ' situation, insufficient 3 April next year hydropower generation, ' electricity shortage ' will add "such concerns.   Price controls have "Executive" on the drip "pricing proposal" version of price adjustments or not is still full of mist. Prior to this, media quoted officials of the national development and Reform Commission, said national programme for raising electricity prices will be announced in the near future, market priceExpect much stronger later development and Reform Commission, the price Department officials came forward to refute rumors, saying there was no programme report. Nevertheless, the electric power company, expects no abatement of public opinion and institutions to the price adjustment.   Who confirmed to reporters close to the State electricity regulatory Commission, electricity regulatory Commission price adjustment programmes agreed with the relevant departments indeed, adjusting the timing and magnitude, are subject to final approval of the State Council. In the officialBefore version available, various adjustment programmes has been circulated in the market. Those in Huaneng hydropower development, told reporters: "spread pricing per unit in the industry will rise 4 min to clearing history Jiuzhang. "There are other electric power industry said," on December 1, the purchase price per unit increased 2.7 points. "Shanxi electric power Association, told this newspaper:" in Shanxi power plant electricity pricingPer unit by 6 cents to break even. Grid electricity prices generally higher in the South, an increase of 2-3 money to break even. "CEC industry believe that factors such as rising costs due to thermal power, hydroelectric power generation," Twelve-Five "national tariff and price overall was a rising trend in sales, expects" Twelve-Five, "coal-electricity costs an average of about 5 minutes;KWh. This person said, the reference "Eleven-Five" price growth is expected to "Twelve-Five" average grid electricity prices could reach $ 0.44/kWh, average selling prices could reach $ 0.64 Yuan/kWh.   In 2010, the average national tariff 0.38 Yuan/kWh, average selling prices of $ 0.57/kWh. In November24th, investment bank Citigroup released reports that "the development and Reform Commission, is expected to raise electricity prices in the near future, to improve the status of thermal power generating enterprises business losses.   "The same day, the 13 heads of power plant in Beijing reflect the price adjustment in Shanxi province demands without flew back. Let them scratch one ' s head thermal power loss has become an industry consensus. Recent investment and transfer of ownership, in zhangze power, the electric power industryLoss-making on behalf of the event.   November 25, Huaneng middle-level manager told reporters because of losses and concerns according to performance evaluation cannot be completed. 1, the national electric power engineering construction investment 533.4 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, but thermal power fell 17.9%. The same period, the power started in scale compared with the same period reduced 1443Million kilowatts, down 49.4%. Under the declining popularity, including five major electric power of electric power enterprise through adjusting electricity price, ease contradictions.   A person familiar with the recently confirmed that recently SASAC has sent a working group on research on power single huge losses and reported to the State Council. Game coal "limit order" before the opening of the electricity price adjustment programmes eventually confirmed and, national development and Reform CommissionStart controlling coal prices.   Recently, the development and Reform Commission, in conjunction with Shenhua, coal and other key corporate meeting, requested 2012 annual focus on contract coal price increases to a maximum of 5%; Northern port 5,500 kcal of heat spot thermal coal prices shall not be higher than 800 Yuan/ton. Bohai power coal price index shows that since April 20, 2011, the ringComprehensive average 5,500 kcal energy coal prices were in the Bohai Sea at more than 800 Yuan/ton, the highest price at more than $ 850/ton.   This means that, if coal enterprises performing limit policy, coal prices will be lower than the current market price. Development and Reform Commission in the hope of Shenhua, an example of large coal enterprises such as coal, "lead in stabilizing coal price stability, commitment to social responsibility". At the local, Coal price restrictions in Guizhou, and Xinjiang one after another.   However such a regulation, the market will pay? One of Inner Mongolia coal broker present straight: "now to impose price caps would only disrupt the present coal market, damage will be the buyer and seller. Coal price realization needs to see economic growth next year, if the economic slowdown, prices declineCoal prices will fall. "And before" coal "limit order" may not achieve the desired. In June 2008 and in August, the national development and Reform Commission has twice in a row limit coal sales price; the end of 2010, 2011 coal development and Reform Commission issued a notice requirements focus on the contract price shall not be higher than levels by 2010. In effect, limits policy has failed to curb rising coal prices.Coal prices in the two-track system, plus administrative intervention for coal companies to complain. Rough estimates, 2010 National about 1.7 billion tons of raw coal used in power generation, of which about 30% about plans to focus on contract coal, lower prices than the market price of coal from 100 to 200 Yuan. Basis, by the implementation of key thermal coal contracts, loss of at least $ 50 billion worth of coal enterprises.Administrative interventions create market confusion clearly, "due to the planned coal prices at below-market, low rate of coal enterprises contract fulfilled and an adulteration Act, bring down the coal.   "A fuel in electric power industry executives said. Coal enterprises, through various channels to reflect their own aspirations. China coal industry association in the "Twelve-Five" to promote restructuring of the coal industry guidanceRecommended that countries should deepen the reform of marketization reform of coal and coal traffic, implementation of the railway market allocation for phasing out taken focus on thermal coal contracts.   Unfinished business of the coal and electric power linkage to power to the market transition, calls for more around the "coal-interaction". Coal and electricity linkage policy began in late 2004. Regulations of the State at that time, not less than 6 monthsFor a coal and electricity price linkage cycle, if the average coal price change compared with the previous cycle in the cycle rate meets or exceeds 5%, adjusting the appropriate tariff. A senior power research said: "the transition programme of the coal and electric power linkage is the electric power system reform, has developed for coal enterprises, enterprises and users a clear game rules. But in the process of implementation to be slashed, with coalPrices soar diablo 3 power leveling, decision-making due to various concerns suspension linkage policy, resulting in successive years of losses in coal enterprises, and missed by price guide electric power consumption diablo 3 gold, promote the coordinated development of coal-fired power opportunities.   "Reflected on the prices, electricity prices in recent years and can not be timely and flexible reflect changes in the price of coal. Reporter gets information from an authoritative power research institutions, according toCoal prices rise and coal-fired electricity linkage mechanism and calculation of transmission and distribution costs and other factors, the current selling prices geared towards 5.29 minutes/kWh, of which, coal and electricity tariff contain provisions dealing with 3.38 min/kWh, power transmission and distribution prices geared towards the 2.41/kWh. Experts pointed out that, in the long run, accelerate the reform of energy economy is easing coal method of fundamental contradictions. This in mindFrom participation in the energy "Twelve-Five" people Planning Department was informed that the plan highlighted reform of system and mechanism innovation, reform was using market instruments to solve resource and environmental constraints, the Government reduced administrative regulation. CEC in the research report on China's power industry development plan mentioned in 2011, to play the role of market-regulated electricity prices, from benchmarking power price managementTransition to identify investors through public bidding in power market and generation capacity in electricity prices, in short, the formation of market competition power electricity prices.   Both the coal enterprises and the enterprise, market-oriented reforms are the ultimate direction, but commitment still needs to be honed in a repeated game. Experts pointed out that "Twelve-Five" during can finally introduce effective measures yet to be observed some experiencedPower people pessimistic: "the Government will not let go of power project approval, price controls, power for at least five years does not fully market-oriented. ”

