

129614873018750000_889SINA technology hearing Beijing time on September 25, United States Space Agency said diablo 3 power leveling, in the Atlantic dive trips to the asteroid for astronauts performing the first human task of providing the necessary practice. A by the United States, and Japan and Canada international research group consisting of the cosmonauts intend to begin on October 17This 13-day underwater expeditions. The Council in the description of the extreme environment mission operations (NEEMO) diablo 3 gold, said: "on an asteroid's gravity is negligible, and therefore cannot be in a random walk on such a celestial body. "Asteroid will help astronauts in the scheme simulation environmentPractice, they use a submarine as "spacecraft", located in United States coastal waters of Florida as an underwater laboratory "asteroids".  Visit asteroid idea faced many logistical challenges, this extreme environment task action first needs to address problems. United States NASA says because they lack gravity, YuAirlines need to throw a series of anchor to fixing them. Surface of the asteroid with the Earth are very different, they are made of solid rock or dust, so to fixed anchor is not easy. Expedition staff must put these anchors connected in a network so that you can walk around. Extreme environment mission operations programManager Bill Todd said: "the NEEMO 15 tasks of complex skills needed to move through the submarine, divers must be able to live and work in their undersea home of clever. "NEEMO 15 mission directive is strong-Walker, he was United States NASA astronaut, he worked in the countryWorked on the international space station. Crew members including the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Onishi Zhuo Zai (Takuya Onishi) and the Canada Space Agency astronaut David-Saint Jacques. Steven-Squiers, head of the Mars Exploration Rover program is also the a member of the scientific research group.In addition, the Group of experts from the Aquarius undersea laboratory with astronauts James-Talak and Knut-Bonder from the University of Washington, North Carolina. The University together with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration business Aquarius undersea laboratory, it is the only such laboratory in the world. The laboratory is a national seaOcean and Atmospheric Administration all. The harbour watch Key Largo, Florida, located offshore about 4.5 km, beginning in 1993 for scientists under the water in the area provide shelter and life support systems. Experienced spacewalk Stein-La dimension, Richard Arnold-Mike Gernhardt were toSelf United States NASA, they are aboard a submarine "DeepWorker" perform this task,, the yacht as deep space ship underwater alternatives. Whole research group from May work for initially first near Earth asteroids exercises prepare task--NEEMO 15. 2001Year United States NASA has located 19 metres underwater into Aquarius undersea laboratory, used for space exploration practice tasks up to several weeks. First human exploration of the asteroid mission is expected to commence in 2025. (Qiu ling)

