
the current selling prices geared towards 5.29 minutes/kWh

129667837334365392_70Wang Xiu emphasize, or not to control? Published in the official price before adjustment programmes, market expectations have been hot.   At present, there are several price version in there spread, a loss of face constantly scratching his head thermal power enterprises keen price hike information. But even if the development and Reform Commission that is to adjust prices, can only be a stopgap measures, Home and lack of market-oriented price formation mechanisms, prices of administrative intervention processes and coal prices, still a long way.   Current tariff, power transmission and distribution and sales price are mainly by the Government. Feng Fei, Minister of industry of the State Council Development Research Center recommends: "electricity price reform and promote electric power system reform should be synchronized. Establish a market-led, reflecting supply and demand,Resource scarcity and environmental cost price formation mechanism. The Government should quit from the price management.   "Industry also in an interview with respect, remission coal contradictions of market reform is the ideal path. But a study of power industry not to be named said: "there are no signs, the State will give up power price management rights, to the market price. Stop electric power system reform in a halfThe road, after the separation of grid, bidding has not implemented; main industry and auxiliary industry separation, separation of primary and incomplete, transmission and distribution price approved approach does not have.   "In front of the marketization of unfinished business, to a rise in electricity prices make up for the loss in power plants, became urgent. "If the purchase price does not adjust, scale thermal power losses downtime will be expanded to electric power fell for the initiative. Instead, there is tension 'Electricity shortage ' situation, insufficient 3 April next year hydropower generation, ' electricity shortage ' will add "such concerns.   Price controls have "Executive" on the drip "pricing proposal" version of price adjustments or not is still full of mist. Prior to this, media quoted officials of the national development and Reform Commission, said national programme for raising electricity prices will be announced in the near future, market priceExpect much stronger later development and Reform Commission, the price Department officials came forward to refute rumors, saying there was no programme report. Nevertheless, the electric power company, expects no abatement of public opinion and institutions to the price adjustment.   Who confirmed to reporters close to the State electricity regulatory Commission, electricity regulatory Commission price adjustment programmes agreed with the relevant departments indeed, adjusting the timing and magnitude, are subject to final approval of the State Council. In the officialBefore version available, various adjustment programmes has been circulated in the market. Those in Huaneng hydropower development, told reporters: "spread pricing per unit in the industry will rise 4 min to clearing history Jiuzhang. "There are other electric power industry said," on December 1, the purchase price per unit increased 2.7 points. "Shanxi electric power Association, told this newspaper:" in Shanxi power plant electricity pricingPer unit by 6 cents to break even. Grid electricity prices generally higher in the South, an increase of 2-3 money to break even. "CEC industry believe that factors such as rising costs due to thermal power, hydroelectric power generation," Twelve-Five "national tariff and price overall was a rising trend in sales, expects" Twelve-Five, "coal-electricity costs an average of about 5 minutes;KWh. This person said, the reference "Eleven-Five" price growth is expected to "Twelve-Five" average grid electricity prices could reach $ 0.44/kWh, average selling prices could reach $ 0.64 Yuan/kWh.   In 2010, the average national tariff 0.38 Yuan/kWh, average selling prices of $ 0.57/kWh. In November24th, investment bank Citigroup released reports that "the development and Reform Commission, is expected to raise electricity prices in the near future, to improve the status of thermal power generating enterprises business losses.   "The same day, the 13 heads of power plant in Beijing reflect the price adjustment in Shanxi province demands without flew back. Let them scratch one ' s head thermal power loss has become an industry consensus. Recent investment and transfer of ownership, in zhangze power, the electric power industryLoss-making on behalf of the event.   November 25, Huaneng middle-level manager told reporters because of losses and concerns according to performance evaluation cannot be completed. 1, the national electric power engineering construction investment 533.4 billion yuan, an increase of 8%, but thermal power fell 17.9%. The same period, the power started in scale compared with the same period reduced 1443Million kilowatts, down 49.4%. Under the declining popularity, including five major electric power of electric power enterprise through adjusting electricity price, ease contradictions.   A person familiar with the recently confirmed that recently SASAC has sent a working group on research on power single huge losses and reported to the State Council. Game coal "limit order" before the opening of the electricity price adjustment programmes eventually confirmed and, national development and Reform CommissionStart controlling coal prices.   Recently, the development and Reform Commission, in conjunction with Shenhua, coal and other key corporate meeting, requested 2012 annual focus on contract coal price increases to a maximum of 5%; Northern port 5,500 kcal of heat spot thermal coal prices shall not be higher than 800 Yuan/ton. Bohai power coal price index shows that since April 20, 2011, the ringComprehensive average 5,500 kcal energy coal prices were in the Bohai Sea at more than 800 Yuan/ton, the highest price at more than $ 850/ton.   This means that, if coal enterprises performing limit policy, coal prices will be lower than the current market price. Development and Reform Commission in the hope of Shenhua, an example of large coal enterprises such as coal, "lead in stabilizing coal price stability, commitment to social responsibility". At the local, Coal price restrictions in Guizhou, and Xinjiang one after another.   However such a regulation, the market will pay? One of Inner Mongolia coal broker present straight: "now to impose price caps would only disrupt the present coal market, damage will be the buyer and seller. Coal price realization needs to see economic growth next year, if the economic slowdown, prices declineCoal prices will fall. "And before" coal "limit order" may not achieve the desired. In June 2008 and in August, the national development and Reform Commission has twice in a row limit coal sales price; the end of 2010, 2011 coal development and Reform Commission issued a notice requirements focus on the contract price shall not be higher than levels by 2010. In effect, limits policy has failed to curb rising coal prices.Coal prices in the two-track system, plus administrative intervention for coal companies to complain. Rough estimates, 2010 National about 1.7 billion tons of raw coal used in power generation, of which about 30% about plans to focus on contract coal, lower prices than the market price of coal from 100 to 200 Yuan. Basis, by the implementation of key thermal coal contracts, loss of at least $ 50 billion worth of coal enterprises.Administrative interventions create market confusion clearly, "due to the planned coal prices at below-market, low rate of coal enterprises contract fulfilled and an adulteration Act, bring down the coal.   "A fuel in electric power industry executives said. Coal enterprises, through various channels to reflect their own aspirations. China coal industry association in the "Twelve-Five" to promote restructuring of the coal industry guidanceRecommended that countries should deepen the reform of marketization reform of coal and coal traffic, implementation of the railway market allocation for phasing out taken focus on thermal coal contracts.   Unfinished business of the coal and electric power linkage to power to the market transition, calls for more around the "coal-interaction". Coal and electricity linkage policy began in late 2004. Regulations of the State at that time, not less than 6 monthsFor a coal and electricity price linkage cycle, if the average coal price change compared with the previous cycle in the cycle rate meets or exceeds 5%, adjusting the appropriate tariff. A senior power research said: "the transition programme of the coal and electric power linkage is the electric power system reform, has developed for coal enterprises, enterprises and users a clear game rules. But in the process of implementation to be slashed, with coalPrices soar diablo 3 power leveling, decision-making due to various concerns suspension linkage policy, resulting in successive years of losses in coal enterprises, and missed by price guide electric power consumption diablo 3 gold, promote the coordinated development of coal-fired power opportunities.   "Reflected on the prices, electricity prices in recent years and can not be timely and flexible reflect changes in the price of coal. Reporter gets information from an authoritative power research institutions, according toCoal prices rise and coal-fired electricity linkage mechanism and calculation of transmission and distribution costs and other factors, the current selling prices geared towards 5.29 minutes/kWh, of which, coal and electricity tariff contain provisions dealing with 3.38 min/kWh, power transmission and distribution prices geared towards the 2.41/kWh. Experts pointed out that, in the long run, accelerate the reform of energy economy is easing coal method of fundamental contradictions. This in mindFrom participation in the energy "Twelve-Five" people Planning Department was informed that the plan highlighted reform of system and mechanism innovation, reform was using market instruments to solve resource and environmental constraints, the Government reduced administrative regulation. CEC in the research report on China's power industry development plan mentioned in 2011, to play the role of market-regulated electricity prices, from benchmarking power price managementTransition to identify investors through public bidding in power market and generation capacity in electricity prices, in short, the formation of market competition power electricity prices.   Both the coal enterprises and the enterprise, market-oriented reforms are the ultimate direction, but commitment still needs to be honed in a repeated game. Experts pointed out that "Twelve-Five" during can finally introduce effective measures yet to be observed some experiencedPower people pessimistic: "the Government will not let go of power project approval, price controls, power for at least five years does not fully market-oriented. ”

hardzone website editor recommendedNatural deserved award. ■

129668568831250000_34Famous Yuanyang blue shark hardzone website award Scolded baidu扯蛋loaded radiator channel November 27 as well-known domestic radiator brands, each player absolutely understand the heat sink is very familiar with the Kyushu Fengshen (DEEPCOOL), over the years has focused on the heat sink market they had too much with us suppress the CPU anger classic products. Not only in domestic, overseas Kyushu FENGSHEN reputation withSampling is very high. Recently in Spain hardzone website, Kyushu FENGSHEN under high pressure radiator blue shark won the site's editors ' choice award, its thermal performance must be very sturdy. The heat sink clip as a high-end heat sink, blue shark packaging is very delicate diablo 3 power leveling, attachment only partially separately by two separate rigid trays packaging protection, rich clipUse it enough to support mainstream platforms. Strong compatibility means that blue sharks more cost-effective, even later replaced platform compatible can continue to use. Radiator the appearance of Kyushu on FENGSHEN Bluebird shark uses a push-type structure, but ultra large radiation area make it comparable to the tower structure radiator, a 14cm fan perfect evidence that the blue shark is spacious body on the market can hold 14cm windPressing down absolute handful of radiator fan. Fin 6 heat pipes and heat pipe design and Tower radiator, blue shark used pure copper heat pipe heat to the top of the base passed large fins, as many as 6 thermal efficiency of the heat pipe configuration to ensure a strong and 14cm fan at the top you can ensure that the waste heat can be quickly discharged. We can see from the picture this heat sinkStyling is very beautiful, almost "s" graceful curve extending from the base to its "twin towers"-finned meet. Good compatibility with memory compatibility they have players now radiator headache, if you and your own memory conflict one of the things that would be very depressing. Thanks to 131mm height, blue shark, even with "red card" Chi Chi RipjAwsX perfect use of memory, so memory compatibility there is is no need to worry. Said height, hardzone also stated that it had insufficient blue shark, under huge pressure as a heat sink, unlike most HTPC chassis out of it, but no one would use such a high-end heat sink to mix low-power platforms. Temperature test Prime95 loadedIn the 20-minute test, i5 2500K shark blue by default with the assistance of frequency temperature 33 ° c, even overclocked to 4.5Ghz is 48 ° c, have the ability to meet the needs of most of overclocking enthusiasts. Fan speed award of standby 14cm fan speed 770RPM of blue shark, large fansThis low speed will not be you noticed. Overclocked to 4.4Ghz, its speed is up to 1240, until the 4.5GHz mining has improved significantly, 1350RPM. Compared to low-end radiator it can result in better thermal efficiency than the original fan, and muted effects diablo 3 gold, so powerful, hardzone website editor recommendedNatural deserved award. ■

it is proposed to increase or decrease theTotal assets

129667864314834142_9Securities and listed explicitly listed company restructuring of the Department intends to increase trade objects need to implement the related programs-Wen Qing-South Department of China Securities Regulatory Commission listed clearly a few days ago, listed companies proposed increasing the trading after restructuring plans in the notice, to restructuring programmes should be considered to constitute a major adjustment, need to carry out the relevant procedures. Listing Department also explicitly listed company for major assetsTransactions object in the restructuring plan, transactions subject to change, but does not amount to several cases of restructuring a major adjustment. Of the listed companies ' significant asset restructuring measures for the administration of the 27th article intends to trading of listed companies, transactions subject to changes, constitute restructuring plan a major adjustment, should carry out procedures such as Board of Directors, general meeting of shareholders to consider again. KnotAudit practice diablo 3 power leveling, how to identify whether restructuring programmes constitute major adjustment problems, the listing Division of the SFC clear: listed companies announcement after the restructuring plan is intended to strengthen the transaction object, to restructuring programmes should be considered to constitute major adjustments need to fulfill relevant procedures. Announcements of listed company after restructuring plan intended to reduce transaction object, if the parties agree to the transaction object andTheir share of the underlying assets held out of restructuring and related underlying assets are excluded in accordance with the provisions do not constitute a restructuring plan after a major adjustment, can be considered not to constitute a restructuring plan a major adjustment. Announcements of listed companies after restructuring plan intended to change the transaction object, if both of the two conditions can be considered not to constitute a restructuring plan major changes: it is proposed to increase or decrease theTotal assets, net assets of the underlying asset and revenue accounting for the proportion of the total assets of corresponding indicators are not more than 20%; change underlying assets a substantive impact on production and operation of the transaction object is not, included does not affect the transaction underlying asset and business integrity diablo 3 power leveling, and so on.

Belgium 2012 fiscal deficit should be controlled2.8% per cent of GDP

129667750421709142_28Brussels, November 25 Zhongguo (reporter Shen Chen) rating agency standard and poor's 25th Belgium's long-term sovereign credit ratings from "AA" lowered from "AA". Standard and poor's believes that diablo 3 power leveling, Belgium several times a Cabinet fail, more than 500 days is no official government status, responses to potential financial pressure and regulation capacity is limited.Poor's also pointed out that Belgium under the influence of European debt crisis, economic growth may slow diablo 3 gold, high government debt, financial market uncertainties increased. P on Belgium's credit rating Outlook to "negative", meaning that future is likely to cut Belgium's credit. Belgium caretaker Prime Minister laitemu pointed out that the annotations and poor's downgrade Belgium's creditRating is far from unexpected and Belgium all the political parties should take action now, with a view to sending a clear signal to the outside world as soon as possible. Belgium Minister of finance Didier * Wren Dyer said poor's downgrade Belgium after the sovereign credit ratings, the political parties must agree on 2012 budget as soon as possible. In accordance with the requirements of the European Union, Belgium 2012 fiscal deficit should be controlled2.8% per cent of GDP, at present its budget plan is EUR 11 billion shortfall. Prior to this, as the new Federal Government set up the negotiation of several political parties in the preparation of the 2012 year Belgium divided views on the issue of the national budget, Cabinet negotiations broken again. At present, King Albert Ii to entrust the President of the French Socialist Party dilubo continued to form the new Federal Government, as soon as possible withBeam of the country's more than 500 days of no official governmental status. On April 22 last year, as some of the political parties a strong call for reform of State institutions, laitemu led by the Prime Minister, cabinet resign. On June 13, Belgium ahead of general elections. Several political parties Gets the most votes is then caught in a marathon Cabinet negotiations. (End text)

main Board companies as 51.73%

129667648262334142_80 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/diablo-3-gold/">diablo 3 gold</a>Requires the gem of the SFC proposed dividend of listed companies committed to write a Constitution, made in the prospectus "significant matters tips" report from (reporter Wu min) SFC month dividends after the new rules introduced this week and follow-up measures. According to the Xinhua News Agency reported, detailed rules for the Securities and Futures Commission this week launched the gem company dividends, required gem be listed companiesDividends promised to write a Constitution, and in the prospectus to make "significant matters tips". Recommended reading hexun about City Hall: next week's a-shares or to five major gold stocks are now buying opportunity in consumption will burn at the passion 8 zhanchiyufei muddy water and focus: who discovered fresh black who now cannot wait shareholders profit 8 family of a 12-year player8 deep investments to realize the IPO a tiger 29 months "circle" approaching trillion [Twitter] Lao Sha: International Board will do before the path of a [Unit] under the strong signals do not imitate transparency are fools for enhanced dividends at the end of SFC announced in early November, will require all listed companies complete the dividend policy and its decision-making mechanism, a comprehensive analysis of corporate business development,Shareholders and will, social factors such as cost of capital, external financing environment, formulation of dividend policies, transparency enhanced dividends, and not free to adjust the dividend policy that have been identified. ����Securities and Futures Commission said at that time, new bonus requirements will be performed starting from the initial public offering of shares. And the gem became the first started refining the requirements of sections. Included in the articles addedThat cash dividend-related terms, related to issue shares to be listed after profit distribution policies, including the distribution of profits, cash dividends in the form of specific conditions, the amount or proportion, specific conditions of the payment of stock dividends, distribution of profits during the interval, such as distribution of profits shall perform the procedure for the consideration. In fact starting from mid-November, IPO companies have submitted material in the offer descriptionIn the book to "important matters tips" dividend policy in a way that makes clear, placed in its prospectus front location and promised dividends. ����But seen from the current IPO company promises, most firms promised dividends of the distributable profit of not less than 10%, this proportion is even lower than the current average level of a-shares. From the perspective of dividend policy of promoting, refining the bonus rule is not limited toThe gem. ����Following disclosure of small companies and boards of companies offering materials diablo 3 power leveling, also in accordance with the requirements on the dividend policy make obvious hints and commitments. ����Gem bonus than the motherboard but is worthy of investor awareness, from the dividend rate, the gem companies in the leading position in three major sections. Day companion lab studies have shown that 2010 data, for example, the total number of companies from the participating company quantity than watching, main Board companies as 51.73%, junior company of 77.08%, the gem companies reached 75.6%. Shenzhen Stock Exchange management personnel on early 2010 gem, the gem of 58 companies study showed that its cash dividend distribution is more than the market average. ThisYear in September the one given by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange financial innovation lab reports calculated in 2009 and 2010 second board company dividends ratio (ratio of the dividend amount profits of) and 35%, respectively. At present the Commission had not issued any dividends ratio requirements, but is widely believed that if a clear dividend policy, not free after making the changes,Gem overall dividend ratio is still rising. ����But some investors and researchers are not in favour of listed companies in particular second board companies increasing the dividend rate, previous studies suggest for growing companies, may reduce the growth of a large number of dividends. Analysis of the a-share dividend rate below the international level from the overall look, the a-share company dividend levelMature markets are not far away, on dividend yields, however the difference is large. ����Additionally Board narrower company dividends. ����Shenzhen Stock Exchange after the publication of a report from the unit rate, China's blue chips dividend rate lower than the dividend level in mature markets, overall market dividend rate gap is even greater. 2010 China stock market overall dividend level of 0.55%, CSI 300The dividend yield is 1.06%. From the overseas market, and United States (1.5%), the United Kingdom (2.73%), Japan (1.67%), China, Taiwan (2.27%), Hong Kong, China (2.35%) and other countries and regions compared to market index dividend yield, CSI 300 index constituent stock dividend rate below the international average, the market's overall dividend waterFlat with overseas markets gap even more. However subject to dividend dividend rate factor, still overvalued and listed companies are directly linked. ����Stock prices are too high cause the dividend return is too low, even more so for non-blue chip. Previously in Shenzhen Stock Exchange recommends dividend supervision should pay attention to guiding the blue-chip companies a reasonable dividend, because most of these companies paid the full market shareLee. ����(Wu min) new deal brought about investment opportunities with the Securities and Futures Commission to promote investment dividends of listed companies a clear bonus plan, dividends become focus of attention in the market, participating businesses brings investment opportunities for investors. After a-shares markets for the dividend is not sensitive, and converted into share capital companies-sensitive. Analysts believe that with theDividends of listed companies with a more clear and common dividend return better a-shares will be favored. ����From the a-share market, account for the number of 10% the absolute number of blue chip bonus account for a market of more than 90%, blue-chips are expected to gradually change the current valuation is in the bottom of the situation. From the perspective of investment products, there are some positioning in the a-share dividend investment products. Shanghai RedLee (510,880, Fund) ETF (510,880) is located in the "full and always invest in dividends of up to 50 stocks in Shanghai Stock Exchange", from the Shanghai Stock Exchange dividend 50 stock index, stocks undervalued, dividends, and means that its unit rates as in the market-leading level. In addition, the current domestic market also has some bonus active managementTheme funds, such as dividends, yimin dividend growth of the Chinese (560,002, funds), Golden Eagle bonuses and other mixed-type Fund. (Wu min)


not afraid to hurt and is willing to bear. More is backShould stop trying to infuriate her

129667697106396642_116Uncovering beauty upper anchor Willow Rock Road (one-thirty eighth one) she is a beautiful anchor, as well as strength actor, every time she showed up could always make eyes focused on her impressive career on the line, she is Liu Yan. She diablo 3 power leveling, by virtue of the painted walls of hard propaganda became a focus of concern to many users, each time she came dressed more is to get people's attention. Because Liu Yan with burst milk installedAnd couldn't become a focus of public opinion. Recent surge in popularity in popular anchorwoman Liu Yan diablo 3 power leveling, by virtue of large-scale sexy dress appeared publicly several times of concern. Previously in the propaganda of the painted wall, many sexy burst milk costume show up, Liu Yan by netizens called chicken, Liu Yan after responded that he was a rock, used to fight force with force, not afraid to hurt and is willing to bear. More is backShould stop trying to infuriate her, challenge her bottom line. ()

Poor's also pointed out that Belgium under the influence of European debt crisis

129667558698437500_14Brussels, November 25 Zhongguo (reporter Shen Chen) rating agency standard and poor's 25th Belgium's long-term sovereign credit ratings from "AA" lowered from "AA". Standard and poor's believes that, Belgium several times a Cabinet fail, more than 500 days is no official government status, responses to potential financial pressure and ability to regulate is limited。  Poor's also pointed out that Belgium under the influence of European debt crisis, economic growth may slow, high government debt, financial market uncertainties increased.  P on Belgium's credit rating Outlook to "negative", meaning that future is likely to cut Belgium's credit. Belgium laitemu guards the Prime Minister pointed out that tagging and poor's downgraded BillySovereign credit rating while not unexpected, Belgium that political parties should take action now in order to send a clear signal to the outside world as soon as possible. Belgium Finance Minister didiai·leiendaier said the poor's downgrade Belgium after the sovereign credit ratings, the political parties must agree on 2012 budget as soon as possible. In accordance with the requirements of the European Union, Belgium 2012Fiscal deficit should be controlled at 2.8% per cent of GDP, at present its budget plan is EUR 11 billion shortfall. Prior to this, as the new Federal Government set up the negotiation of several political parties in the preparation of the 2012 year Belgium divided views on the issue of the national budget, Cabinet negotiations broken again. At present, King Albert Ii to entrust the President of the French Socialist Party dilubo continued to set up new jointThe State Government, as soon as possible to end the country's more than 500 days of no official governmental status. On April 22 last year diablo 3 gold, as some of the political parties a strong call for reform of State institutions, laitemu led by the Prime Minister diablo 3 power leveling, cabinet resign. On June 13, Belgium ahead of general elections. Several political parties Gets the most votes is then caught in a marathon Cabinet negotiations. Source: IPR in China

finance and Administration Department

129667864333740392_54Resolutely correct illegal securities and futures trading activities to ensure that investors financial security and social stability of the State Council demanded to straighten up all kinds of trading venues all over the establishment of a joint meeting of departments led by SFC system reported to the programme of work before the end-Wen Qing Southern State Council recently issued by the State Council on rectifying various trading sites effectively guard against financial risks of the decision,Requires the provincial people's Government in accordance with the principles of dependency management, to various trading venues the local area to conduct a centralized rectification, and rectification work programme before the end of December the State for the record. To strengthen rectification work exchanges, and standardize the market order of organization and leadership, formed both Division and coordination of the monitoring mechanism, the decision clear, established by the cardIPCC focal points, relevant departments take part in the "straighten up all kinds of exchanges, the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference" (hereinafter referred to as the joint meeting) system.����Joint meeting of the daily Office is located in the SFC. The decision clearly, with the exception established by law or approved by the State Council of the stock exchange trading venues outside of the financial products transaction, any transactions shall not split any interest parityShare public offering shall not adopt a centralized price bidding, market makers, and other centralized trading means transactions; interest shall not be in accordance with the standard trading unit begin trading, any selling after investors buy or sell after buying the same interval of not less than 5 trading days of trades, except otherwise provided by law, administrative regulations, rights holder Trojan and not more than 200 people.In accordance with the decision, with the exception of futures regulators according to law by the State Council or the State Council approved the establishment of futures trading venues outside, any units prohibited in centralized price bidding, electronic broker, anonymous trading, market makers, and other centralized trading standardized contracts. Financial products such as insurance, credit, gold trading exchange, must be approved by the Department of State financial controlApproval to set up. In order to regulate the Exchange name, use "Exchange" trading venues, except with the approval of the State or the State Council, finance and Administration Department, it must be reported to the provincial people's Government; provincial prior permission, you should seek the views of the joint meeting. Not according to the above provisions approved for the establishment or in violation of the foregoing used in the name "Exchange"Easy to place diablo 3 gold, the trade and Industry Department will be the processing business registration. The decision states that concentrated focus of rectification is resolutely correct illegal securities and futures trading activities, and to take effective measures to ensure that investors financial security and social stability. Engaged in illegal trading of stock futures trading activity places, is strictly prohibited in any way expand the business scope, no added transaction diablo 3 power leveling, no newIncrease investor, and deadline to cancel or close the deal activity; unauthorised trading place names used in the "Exchange" Exchange of words, you should cleanup code for the period.����During the reorganization, shall not establish a new standardized product or exchange of contracts. The decision called, under the Ministry of Commerce in the work of the joint mechanisms responsible for commodity forward tradingReorganization of supervision, inspection and direction of the market, step up the formulation of measures for administration of commodity trading markets, ensure the orderly return of forward trading of commodities market spot market. Financial institutions shall not be unlawful for securities and futures trading activities to provide underwriting, account setup, hosting, money transfer, sale, investment advice, insurance agent services; has been providing services of financial institutions, to timelyCarry out self-examination since Qing dynasty, and effectively deal with the aftermath.

textile holdings set a higher threshold. Transferee of intent must have strong economic strength

129667837462959142_398Fujian Nanping paper mill (600,163) equity textile holding officially by controlling shareholders. Textile holdings set a very high threshold for this transfer, requiring total assets of the transferee and 2011 1 operating income reached $ 3 billion and $ 4 billion. However, up for the upset of 5.341 dollars per share, representing a company stock$ 7.29 low over three of new market. Fujian Nanping paper today to disclose textile holding company shares held by listing matters. Notice display, light textile holdings on November 25, received a letter issued by a State-owned assets supervision in Fujian province, the letters agreed with textile transfer of holdings in an open call for agreement in Fujian Nanping paper 215 million shares held by, account for the total share capital of 29.8%. The share transfer price is not less than $ 5.341/unit, that is all the subject of the transfer price is not less than $ 1.148 billion.   Fujian Nanping paper mill, textile holdings currently holds 286 million shares, 39.66% per cent of the total share capital, while other shareholders do not exceed 1%, Fujian Nanping paper mill after the transfer is complete the actual controller will change. ForConditions under which the parties, textile holdings set a higher threshold. Transferee of intent must have strong economic strength, its total assets as at October 31, 2011, audited not less than $ 3 billion, 2011 1 operating income of not less than $ 4 billion, the registered capital of not less than 800 million Yuan. In addition, the transferee of intent should have clear business warSlightly. In fact diablo 3 power leveling, this is already the textile holding planned for the second time this year and Fujian Nanping paper introducing strategic investors. As early as April of this year, textile holding has deliberately to Fujian Nanping paper shares held by investors, introduced strategic investors through open market, which in turn form a new company building bamboo wood projects. However, both sides eventually due to some important matters not within the specified timeTerminate the operation of consensus.   It is learnt that the textile buyers this holding with a view to introducing the right of transfer of the holding strength, its purpose or through equity funds and other support as soon as possible in Fujian Nanping paper "pulp fiber integration" concept of changing our performance to decline. Fujian Nanping paper mill to notice disclosure, the company the first half of 2011 and the first three quartersNet profit-and-$ 76.6083 million, respectively. Even so, institutional investors still waiting for it. End of the third quarter, the company top shareholders in circulation including a Fund diablo 3 power leveling, three private equity firms and two insurance funds.

has been from fell to 28%

129667864526084142_545Vehicle "hard" quality is no longer a consumer purchases the sole criterion for Asia-Pacific recently published freelance writer Zhang Boshun J.D.Power "2011 new car quality survey in China", China quality average failure rate for each of hundreds of new cars car 162, 6% reduction over the previous year. Brand new cars in Europe and the quality of which the average failure rate isEach hundreds of car 131 times, more last year reduced 4%; day Department brand new car quality average fault rate for each hundreds of car 108 times, became quality best who; Han Department brand new car to 42% of fault rate fall, became quality upgrade most fast who; in China independent brand new car each hundreds of car of average fault rate, by last year of 224 times upgrade to 232 times, increased 8 times, growth3.5%.   Clearly, the Department of European and American, Japanese and Korean new car quality, are all examples of Chinese automobile enterprises pursue excellent quality, and Korean brands "quality the fastest" the guiding ideology and practical efforts, is China's independent automakers urgency to upgrade the quality of new cars, reducing the average failure rate of important references. In fact, improve vehicle quality in the ROK not been all smooth sailing。 Last century 90 's, United States there is a joke, said United States well-known talk show host David Letterman ridicule: "do you want to frighten the astronauts? Simply put on his spaceship on the control panel of a modern automobile signs on the line. "Last century 90 's, Korea imports to China's automobile, quality can hardly compliment," rotten "became the term for the importKorea cars Flash in the pan. To change this image, Hyundai group chairman Chung Mong-Koo after taking office in 2002, determined to make a determined effort to turn over a new leaf, decisively put forward the "quality management" philosophy and the "quality is the life of modern cars, at all costs to ensure quality! The slogan ", and in the United States launched a 10-year warranty period of the activity. At this point, Hyundai's image has in the United States turned on its head,Modern automobiles in the United States market share jumped from per cent in 2001 to the present 9.4%. Hyundai group is one of the main representatives of Korean companies, Hyundai and KIA is the main representative of Korean brand cars. In the global auto market, quality and quality of modern cars, from catching up with the changes to the role of leader, the big multinational corporations on theNew eyes.   Germany Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn said, modern high growth is not small, going to be their strong competitors. In China, Hyundai's two joint ventures, under the situation of widespread downturn in automobile market, Beijing modern play, Dongfeng yueda KIA becoming a dark horse. Old vehicle entertainment, new models Patrick Renna, furuidi and K2And the new Sonata, monthly sales into the ranks of the Club, up growth of up to two-or three-digit number. The ROK media reports that Hyundai Motor in the first 9 months of the year the second spot in the small car market in China, sell 162,500, 10.9% market share, pressure mass (154,600, 10.4%), closely followed by generic (191,600, 12.9%); sell 106,700 over the same period last year, came in sixth place, 52.2% sales growth this year. General Manager of Beijing modern Noh concludes: "the product quality is the most critical factor, it was for many years the Foundation adheres to the quality of the line of the modern world's fifth position.   "Hyundai's improving the quality of ' autonomous brand should be worth learning. In our countryOwn-brand cars as a rising star of world auto, some had instant success, once blind expansion, having produced slight sales service, negative comments about the product quality are not uncommon, is similar to the then Korean cars. Laugh or cry of derision, widely circulated: "buy a brand will have to prepare queued vehicle", "sat a brand to a hardship, IIAfraid to die ". "WTO entry" for ten years diablo 3 power leveling, Geely and Chery, brilliance, and other independent automakers, are implementing enterprise strategic transformation and strategic transformation of the product, "creating the safest, greenest, most energy-efficient car" from the scale and speed to the "quality and innovation" transformation. As "both" of private enterprise and independent automakers--great wall motor, in the regulation of China's economic cars market, Dark horse, the first 10 months of this year production and sales of more than 380,000 vehicles, growth rates higher than the industry-wide 26%. Deep knowledge of Hyundai's grab quality to grab brand essence is the great wall "bumps" of magic weapons, people think of the great wall: "built car consumers directly benefit from price, cost-effective, reliable quality, so that consumers really feel the brand has a very good car";"The category does the deeper the better, stronger pricing power, premium is also bigger", "dedication, professionalism, product quality is the market after the fever receded, organizations are able to survive at all." Practice has proven that the healthy development of the auto industry to low prices are not competitive, price/performance and product quality is a more powerful weapon. The prime concern is the quality of products, and to meetIncreasing demand for product quality. Market more complete and mature diablo 3 gold, price factors in consumer purchases and selected car in the process of the proportion of smaller, equally J.D.Power survey shows that 2000-2010 these 11 years, now the concerns of people buy "quality", is no longer the traditional meaning of the "hard quality",Instead of including security, appearance and overall quality and value for money, space and other factors. "The price" as reasons for car buyers, has been from fell to 28%, "automobile design" beauty rose from 3% to the cent, "interior space" concern rose from 2% to the cent.

000 is a favor from Heyuan city intermediate people's Court of first instance finds

129668732717031250_33Zhu Siyi (data) according to the Nanfang Dushi Bao, the yangcheng evening news reported on 25th, Guangdong Shaoguan Yi fuel Development Corporation Chairman, former national people's Congress, "the richest man in the North," Zhu Si Yi case, by the Guangdong higher court sent workers home second-instance court in Heyuan. Court, Zhu Siyi said heavy first instance sentencing, pleaded with judgment. No pronouncement in the present case. ZhuSI Yi Court seeking the original sentence on September 15 this year, Zhu Si Yi first instance sentencing in Heyuan, Shaoguan suitable company for bribery 16.93 million Yuan, guilty of bribery, a fine of $ 8 million; Zhu Si Yi personal bribe of $ 2.2 million, committed bribery and bribery of units, combine to 16 years ' imprisonment and confiscation of 500,000 yuan. 25th at 9 o'clock, Zhu Si YiWore masks walked into court. "I'm just bribe diablo 3 gold, why the sentence is heavier than bribery? "Zhu Siyi considered the Court of first instance of two heavy crime and punishment sentenced to 16 years. "A lot of people have reported many years are not the result, after I provide clues, Germany new cases were investigated and dealt with. "Zhu Siyi Court requested the Court to sentence. Not bribes are hot for the trial judgment, between 2002 and7 years, Yan Shunan Shaoguan iron and steel group during the first materials company Deputy Manager should be accumulated to Shaoguan iron and steel group company for more than 2.09 million tons of coal, by Zhu Siyi and Yang Zhongsheng Yan Shunan to a total of $ 14 million. In response, Zhu Siyi said he personally sent Yan Shunan only $ 1 million. Zhu Siyi explained that advised to supply coal quality, low price, but Yan Shunan always pickPricking difficult, "no way". Excuses sent Deputy Inspector 200,000 is a favor from Heyuan city intermediate people's Court of first instance finds, from May 2007 to the first half of 2008, Zhu Siyi 5 times gave Yang Chen-Yong (then Deputy Inspector of the Guangdong provincial people's Congress, the election liaison personnel working Board of Directors) of $ 200,000. In January 2008 and elected Zhu SiyiRepresentatives of the national people's Congress, Yang Chen-Yong to provide convenience and help. In 2010, the Guangzhou intermediate people's Court on charges of taking bribes in the first instance and sentenced Yang Chen-Yong to 3 years ' imprisonment, suspended for 4 years. Court diablo 3 power leveling, Zhu Siyi claimed that it was normal for "human contacts". Zhu Si Yi Defender Tian Wenchang, said of the second instance, Zhu Si Yi never asked Yang Chen-Yong help. Prosecutors said Yang Chengyong Zhu Si should be providedA real help. Yang Chengyong ahead of 2008 and the national people's Congress of Guangdong province to a general work and manpower deployment told Zhu Si Yi, Zhu Si Yi ahead of "active" space. Long sent Public Security Bureau is 2 million bribe units identified in the first instance, in May 2008, Zhu Siyi know Yan Shunan was placed on file for investigation, finds then leaves tree in Shaoguan City Public Security Bureau to help dredge shutThe Department. In late May, Zhu Siyi $ 2 million in cash to a leaf. First instance identified it as a personal bribe. "2 million belonging to a bribe. "Defence counsel submitted a copy of testimony, including Zhu Si Yi brothers, the driver said, Zhu Siyi sending $ 2 million to the trees is a suitable company stakeholders together to discuss decision Unit acts. Prosecutors said, New testimony made to Zhu Si Yi family and has no probative force, and Zhu Siyi has never been explained previously consulted before sending $ 2 million the company had met. The same day, Huang Tian Wenchang also be trial evidence submitted to the Tribunal of the decision. Artical, Mr Huang sent money to the official instructions of an action after the crime was committed, and Zhu Siyi sending money to leaf tree is identical to the behavior, Mr Huang related acts has been NorthBeijing city intermediate people's Court as a unit of entry into force of judgment the second bribery, the finds have significant reference value. Links of Shaoguan 8*14 series 8*14 series 2008 corruption case Shaoguan corruption case since the incident, involved 230 people, including 31 departmental-level cadres, baiyuming size, government officials, CEOs. Reportedly, 6 departmental-level cadres, 6 section-level cadres being charged a total of28 persons were criminal. At present, 6 departmental-level cadres were investigating the criminal, where the original in Shaoguan City Public Security Bureau Director Ye Shu was sentenced to death sentence in the first instance.



129614865078281250_800SINA entertainment Beijing time on September 26, according to the Hong Kong media, the singer Ella Koon (microblogging) yesterday to attend the event, happened to be caught with her male fans rushed on stage dressed in Orange, and cried out: "I want to send something to Ella Koon! "Fortunately he took office have been blocked on their way. Strong was the fan KissEnna says this confusion will panic. Ella Koon and Khalil (microblogging) yesterday to attend activities diablo 3 gold, such as when wearing orange dress of Enna when singing, suddenly a man rushed with wearing orange shirts took power, fortunately diablo 3 gold, has been more than the presence of security block on the way. At that time, the men and the fan with a gift and cried out: "I would like to send something to Ella Koon! "After he and left after security dispute for a while, and Enna continued to sing on the stage, calm down. Enna said security had called her own careful, also known as the most worried about casualties in the process, itself is not very clear what's going on. Asked whether the present fear? She said: "confusionFear, after all, the girls strength small. (The shadow? ) Nothing special shadow, as do have plenty of unforeseen, only careful! "Referred to Ella Koon often encounter this sort of thing, she denied that:" no, the last five years ago (attend the Moon Festival when men strong Kiss Fan, The indecent assault),Many people spend all ask me do you remember about it, I can't forget, you do not remember. "Wireless of the Jade solid gold to save the program on the program please topic character, asking up to Enna will mind if gossip boyfriend Ron Ng (Twitter)? She said: "do not want these, leaving decisions to the company�� "(Miao Fei)

its share price this year has risen 15%.

129614853204843750_553SINA Tech News September 26 Beijing time morning news diablo 3 power leveling, eBay CFO announcement on Saturday said, the company's CFO baobo・Siwang (Bob Swan) on September 8, sudden "slight" stroke, so will respectively at home and in Office during the rehabilitation process. eBAy spokesman yuehan・puluhuosiji (John Pluhowski), Swan took less than a week have been discharged after treatment.  The stroke that had an impact on his left arm and left leg, but he will remain active interaction with the company via e-mail and telephone channels. "Bob soonHas been partially restored diablo 3 power leveling, features also are expected to fully recover his arms and legs. "Puluhuosiji said.  Swan will receive physical therapy in the next few weeks, but will continue to work. EBay is the world's largest e-commerce market, its share price this year has risen 15%. (Siyuan)



129613089194531250_293日本超级赛1/4决赛,王适娴连丢两局不敌苏杯时击败过自己的申克,陈金内战憾负林丹,认为比赛的胜负取决于运气。 网易体育9月23日报道:日本羽毛球超级赛1/4决赛的争夺,刚刚夺取大师赛冠军的王适娴,连丢两局不敌苏杯时击败过自己的德国选手申克,则在与的内战中遗憾落败,不过他认为比赛的胜负取决于运气。王适娴对阵申克,苏杯的那场失利一度令王适娴险些丢掉主力位置,不过此后她在新加坡赛和上周的中国大师赛,王适娴两度复仇申克。日本赛再度相遇 diablo 3 power leveling,王适娴面对申克发挥欠佳,两局比赛都没有太多机会,以15-21和19-21连丢两局。赛后王适娴并没有因为失利而否认自己的表现。“我打的不算很差,但是申克打的很有耐心,整场比赛都很沉着冷静,而我却没法打出自己想要的状态。”赢得比赛的申克,得到了现场球迷的大力支持,她在赛后表示非常享受与中国高水平选手激烈对决的过程。“我已经和很多中国选手有过交手,并且也赢下了不少比赛,不过中国女单还是占据统治地位,我在面对中国选手时会很认真,重要的是享受比赛过程,和最好的选手打球感觉很不错。”击败王适娴后,申克将在半决赛对阵印度新锐内瓦尔。男单方面,林丹与陈金继中国大师赛后再度相遇。比赛的过程跌宕起伏,经过一番激战,林丹在20-22先丢一局的情况下,以21-14和22-20连扳两局艰难胜出,决胜局挽回赛点逆转获胜。赛后陈金表示:“这是一场艰苦的比赛,和队友打一直都很艰难,虽然输球,但陈金并没有太多遗憾。我和林丹都打出了最好的水平 diablo 3 gold,胜负取决于运气而已。”由于盖德击败桑托索晋级四强,陈金止步八强,奥运积分必然会被盖德进一步甩开。中国男单若想取得满额的三张奥运门票,陈金还需更加努力。

November 9

Facebook Climbs To No. 3 Video Site In U.S. | TechCrunch. Facebook is already the largest photo site in the U.S., and now it is climbing up the charts for online video. Facebook now ranks as the third largest video site on the Web in terms of unique viewers according to comScore, with an estimated 51.5 million people on Facebook watching a video during the month of July. The month before it was No. 6. It passed Microsoft, Yahoo, and Viacom. Only Vevo (with 62 million monthly viewers) and YouTube (158 million) are bigger.It is only a matter of time before Facebook passes Vevo, but can it ever take the crown from Google/Youtube? I'm not sure that will happen any time soon. ComScore estimates there were 3 billion viewing sessions on YouTube in July versus 186 million on Facebook. (Note that "viewing sessions" is different than "views" or "plays" and can include multiple videos watched). YouTube still accounts for 43 percent of all viewing sessions in the U.S. Hulu stayed at No. 9 on the list of most-watched video sites, with unique viewers slipping 8.6 percent to 24.4 million viewers in July. Viewing sessions diablo 3 power leveling, however, increased 2.5 percent to 161 million and Hulu served nearly 1 billion video ads diablo 3 gold, more than any other online video ad network. Crunchbase FACEBOOK YOUTUBE Company: Facebook Website: facebook.com Launch Date: January 2, 2004 Funding: $2.34B Facebook is the world's largest social network, with over 500 million users.Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004, initially as an exclusive network for Harvard students. It was a huge hit: in 2 weeks, half of the schools in the Boston area began demanding a Facebook network. Zuckerberg immediately recruited his friends Dustin Moskowitz and Chris Hughes to help build Facebook, and within four months, Facebook added 30 more college networks. The original idea for the term... Learn more Company: YouTube Website: youtube.com Launch Date: November 9, 2005 Funding: $11.5M YouTube was founded in 2005 by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim, who were all early employees of PayPal. YouTube is the leader in online video, sharing original videos worldwide through a Web experience. YouTube allows people to easily upload and share video clips across the Internet through websites, mobile devices, blogs, and email.Everyone can watch videos on YouTube. People can see first-hand accounts of current events, find videos about their hobbies and interests, and discover the quirky... Learn more. Facebook Climbs To No. 3 Video Site In U.S. | TechCrunch.


129613089156250000_181《倩女幽魂》全面内测今启 刘亦菲比武招亲送礼 - 倩女幽魂官网合作专区 - 网易游戏频道 ----------------搜索 新闻 网页//新闻'; var select_area = $_G("select_area"), selected = $_G("selected"), select_main = $_G("select_main"), select_list = select_main.getElementsByTagName("a"), len = select_list.length; select_area.onclick = select_main.onmouseover = function(){ select_main.style.display = "block"; } select_main.onmouseout = function(){ select_main.style.display = "none"; } for (var i = 0; i 倩女幽魂 正文 《倩女幽魂》全面内测今启 刘亦菲比武招亲送礼 2011-09-23 09:45:33 来源: 2011年最火爆新游,酷爽动作革新网游《倩女幽魂》正式于今日(9月23日)开启全面内测。 为感谢广大玩家朋友对《倩女幽魂》的支持和厚爱,刘亦菲会在今日11:00全面内测开启时登陆游戏,陪伴玩家共闯三界江湖,届时还准备了丰厚大礼送给各位朋友,请一定要记得准时到游戏里寻找亦菲的美丽倩影哦。#gallery27524 .nph_photo_view{ height:400px;} #gallery27524 .nph_stream, #gallery27524 .nph_search{ height:600px;}(/9)(共9张)找到相关图片(共张) 未找到相关图片|刘亦菲的清纯造型还是那么迷人 刘亦菲代言《倩女幽魂》唯美图片欣赏。 http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-23/7EKJHCG12RM20031.jpg http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-23/t_7EKJHCG12RM20031.jpg刘亦菲唯美图片 刘亦菲代言《倩女幽魂》唯美图片欣赏。 http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/7EIGPE5N2RM20031.jpg http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/t_7EIGPE5N2RM20031.jpg刘亦菲唯美图片 刘亦菲代言《倩女幽魂》唯美图片欣赏。 http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/7EIGPEC82RM20031.jpg http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/t_7EIGPEC82RM20031.jpg刘亦菲唯美图片 刘亦菲代言《倩女幽魂》唯美图片欣赏。 http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/7EIGPEFK2RM20031.jpg http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/t_7EIGPEFK2RM20031.jpg刘亦菲唯美图片 刘亦菲代言《倩女幽魂》唯美图片欣赏。 http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/7EIGPEI82RM20031.jpg http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/t_7EIGPEI82RM20031.jpg刘亦菲唯美图片 刘亦菲代言《倩女幽魂》唯美图片欣赏。 http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/7EIGPEK92RM20031.jpg http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/t_7EIGPEK92RM20031.jpg刘亦菲唯美图片 刘亦菲代言《倩女幽魂》唯美图片欣赏。 http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/7EIGPEMB2RM20031.jpg http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/t_7EIGPEMB2RM20031.jpg刘亦菲唯美图片 刘亦菲代言《倩女幽魂》唯美图片欣赏。 http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/7EIGPEOD2RM20031.jpg http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/t_7EIGPEOD2RM20031.jpg刘亦菲唯美图片 刘亦菲代言《倩女幽魂》唯美图片欣赏。 http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/7EIGPEQL2RM20031.jpg http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/t_7EIGPEQL2RM20031.jpgNTES.ready(function ($) { new nph.Gallery({ sn: "27524" }); }); 刘亦菲比武招亲求“伴侣” 玩家可以变身宁采臣和聂小倩,亲身经历他们的爱情传奇 《倩女幽魂》一直坚持以玩家为根本,这次的代言人刘亦菲也是经过玩家投票最终选出,人气非同一般。“神仙姐姐”本次造型前所未有的突破自我,首次尝试了暗黑系风格,用清纯和魅惑的形象分别精彩演绎了“黑白小倩”,给大家耳目一新的感觉。由她倾情演唱的《倩女幽魂》主题曲《兰若词》也红爆网络,拥有众多粉丝。 《倩女幽魂》全面内测之际,刘亦菲会与玩家来一次更贴身的亲密接触。她将在今日(9月23日)11点登陆游戏,进行“比武招亲”,寻找伴侣一同闯荡倩女神秘莫测的三界江湖。 只要玩家于本日报名参加比武招亲特别任务进入“亦菲擂台”,通过刘亦菲曾经饰演的三大经典角色“赵灵儿”、“小龙女”和“聂小倩”分别设置的三个难题考验,即可获得刘亦菲特别的祝福,并得到变身“宁采臣”、“聂小倩”、“小龙女”和“赵灵儿”的道具,从此与刘亦菲一同闯荡江湖,做一对人人称羡的神仙眷侣。 变身成小龙女的玩家,是在绝情谷边吗? 国际名导监制《倩女幽魂》3D剧场版 花絮视频: 花絮照片:#gallery27526 .nph_photo_view{ height:400px;} #gallery27526 .nph_stream, #gallery27526 .nph_search{ height:600px;}(/6)(共6张)找到相关图片(共张) 未找到相关图片|刘亦菲拍摄《倩女幽魂》剧场版花絮 近日再有《倩女幽魂》代言人刘亦菲的一组拍摄花絮流出,根据小编观察,场景疑似是拍摄电影或者大片之类,很可能跟日前传闻的《倩女幽魂》剧场版有关。 http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/7EIHJ5MI2RM20031.jpg http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/t_7EIHJ5MI2RM20031.jpg刘亦菲拍摄《倩女幽魂》剧场版花絮 近日再有《倩女幽魂》代言人刘亦菲的一组拍摄花絮流出,根据小编观察,场景疑似是拍摄电影或者大片之类,很可能跟日前传闻的《倩女幽魂》剧场版有关。 http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/7EIHJ5HV2RM20031.jpg http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/t_7EIHJ5HV2RM20031.jpg刘亦菲拍摄《倩女幽魂》剧场版花絮 近日再有《倩女幽魂》代言人刘亦菲的一组拍摄花絮流出,根据小编观察,场景疑似是拍摄电影或者大片之类,很可能跟日前传闻的《倩女幽魂》剧场版有关。 http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/7EIHJ5OM2RM20031.jpg http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/t_7EIHJ5OM2RM20031.jpg刘亦菲拍摄《倩女幽魂》剧场版花絮 近日再有《倩女幽魂》代言人刘亦菲的一组拍摄花絮流出,根据小编观察,场景疑似是拍摄电影或者大片之类,很可能跟日前传闻的《倩女幽魂》剧场版有关。 http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/7EIHJ5QM2RM20031.jpg http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/t_7EIHJ5QM2RM20031.jpg刘亦菲拍摄《倩女幽魂》剧场版花絮 近日再有《倩女幽魂》代言人刘亦菲的一组拍摄花絮流出,根据小编观察,场景疑似是拍摄电影或者大片之类,很可能跟日前传闻的《倩女幽魂》剧场版有关。 http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/7EIHJ5SO2RM20031.jpg http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/t_7EIHJ5SO2RM20031.jpg刘亦菲拍摄《倩女幽魂》剧场版花絮 近日再有《倩女幽魂》代言人刘亦菲的一组拍摄花絮流出 diablo 3 power leveling,根据小编观察,场景疑似是拍摄电影或者大片之类,很可能跟日前传闻的《倩女幽魂》剧场版有关。 http://img4.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/7EIHJ5VC2RM20031.jpg http://img3.cache.netease.com/photo/0031/2011-09-22/t_7EIHJ5VC2RM20031.jpgNTES.ready(function ($) { new nph.Gallery({ sn: "27526" }); }); 日前 diablo 3 gold,刘亦菲为网游《倩女幽魂》所拍摄的大型剧场版已进入制作尾声。 为了忠实于《倩女幽魂》原著,并且把游戏的多项全面革新更好的呈现在玩家面前,此次《倩女幽魂》剧场版大片,据知情人士透露,此举是网游界有史以来投入成本最大、使用CG最多的大片。 为 了突显《倩女幽魂》幽深诡秘的游戏风格和庞大的世界观,据传网易公司更是邀请了有“鬼王”之盛誉的国际著名导演彭顺亲自指导。《倩女幽魂》游戏玩法丰富多 样,这为导演提供了更大的创作空间。对刘亦菲来说,也因此得到了真正转型的空间和机遇,突破固有的清纯玉女形象,以天仙神女“白小倩”及魅惑妖女“黑小 倩”的造型分别登场,颠倒众生。 鬼才导演+天才美女的结合,《倩女幽魂》剧场版,即将轰动问世。


129613089141093750_13122日,在国家电网举办的“2011智能电网国际论坛”媒体座谈会上,中国电力科学研究院电工与新材料研究所高级工程师来小康表示,逐步降低电池成本将成电动汽车发展的思路之一,预计未来十年内动力电池价格可降到现在的三分之一。 证券报2011年9月23日报道 22日,在国家电网举办的“2011智能电网国际论坛”媒体座谈会上,中国电力科学研究院电工与新材料研究所高级工程师来小康表示,逐步降低电池成本将成电动发展的思路之一,预计未来十年内动力电池价格可降到现在的三分之一。 《节能与新能源汽车发展规划(2011-2020)》草案虽早已上报国家主管部门,但获批时间仍未有确切消息。这份由工信部牵头、广泛征集各方面意见的《规划》迟迟未能出台的原因主要集中在技术路线的分歧和未来保有量的预测上。 来小康对媒体介绍了电动汽车规模化发展与智能电网建设的双向驱动关系。他告诉记者,“电动汽车规模化发展会有力驱动智能电网的建设,而智能电网的全面建设也将为电动汽车的充换电设施提供极大保障 diablo 3 power leveling。” 然而,这种双向驱动关系正是上述《规划》迟迟未能出台的主因之一。记者从新能源汽车业内人士处得知,是先生产出上规模的纯电动汽车还是先建好完善的充换电站一直在业内广受争议,而《规划》对未来新能源汽车保有量预测也因此困难重重。尽管这种“鸡和蛋”先后关系的博弈还在继续,但来小康对记者表示,“国家电网将配合科技部此前制定的‘百城千辆’路线 diablo 3 gold,保证充换电设施的建设比汽车发展路线‘适度超前’。”这意味着,虽然未来几年充换电站数量规模尚未敲定,但已建成数目肯定能满足电动汽车的充换电需求。 “电动汽车普通电池一次充满电的续航大约在60-150公里,由于一辆车的电池寿命是有限的,虽然在时能享受较大的国家补贴,但更换电池的巨大代价往往让消费者难以接受,因为一块电池的价格往往占到售价的百分之四十之多。”业内人士向记者表示。 这意味着目前还是动力电池技术突破、寿命延长比较困难的时期。来小康表示,我国将制定政策计划未来十年内动力电池价格下降到现在的三分之一。


129614873018750000_889SINA technology hearing Beijing time on September 25, United States Space Agency said diablo 3 power leveling, in the Atlantic dive trips to the asteroid for astronauts performing the first human task of providing the necessary practice. A by the United States, and Japan and Canada international research group consisting of the cosmonauts intend to begin on October 17This 13-day underwater expeditions. The Council in the description of the extreme environment mission operations (NEEMO) diablo 3 gold, said: "on an asteroid's gravity is negligible, and therefore cannot be in a random walk on such a celestial body. "Asteroid will help astronauts in the scheme simulation environmentPractice, they use a submarine as "spacecraft", located in United States coastal waters of Florida as an underwater laboratory "asteroids".  Visit asteroid idea faced many logistical challenges, this extreme environment task action first needs to address problems. United States NASA says because they lack gravity, YuAirlines need to throw a series of anchor to fixing them. Surface of the asteroid with the Earth are very different, they are made of solid rock or dust, so to fixed anchor is not easy. Expedition staff must put these anchors connected in a network so that you can walk around. Extreme environment mission operations programManager Bill Todd said: "the NEEMO 15 tasks of complex skills needed to move through the submarine, divers must be able to live and work in their undersea home of clever. "NEEMO 15 mission directive is strong-Walker, he was United States NASA astronaut, he worked in the countryWorked on the international space station. Crew members including the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Onishi Zhuo Zai (Takuya Onishi) and the Canada Space Agency astronaut David-Saint Jacques. Steven-Squiers, head of the Mars Exploration Rover program is also the a member of the scientific research group.In addition, the Group of experts from the Aquarius undersea laboratory with astronauts James-Talak and Knut-Bonder from the University of Washington, North Carolina. The University together with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration business Aquarius undersea laboratory, it is the only such laboratory in the world. The laboratory is a national seaOcean and Atmospheric Administration all. The harbour watch Key Largo, Florida, located offshore about 4.5 km, beginning in 1993 for scientists under the water in the area provide shelter and life support systems. Experienced spacewalk Stein-La dimension, Richard Arnold-Mike Gernhardt were toSelf United States NASA, they are aboard a submarine "DeepWorker" perform this task,, the yacht as deep space ship underwater alternatives. Whole research group from May work for initially first near Earth asteroids exercises prepare task--NEEMO 15. 2001Year United States NASA has located 19 metres underwater into Aquarius undersea laboratory, used for space exploration practice tasks up to several weeks. First human exploration of the asteroid mission is expected to commence in 2025. (Qiu ling)


they're increasingly moving north

Founders Den: A Private Clubhouse For Entrepreneurs Opens In San Francisco | TechCrunch. Over the past several months, there's been a shift happening in the Bay Area. Whereas a lot of startups used to be centrally located in actual Silicon Valley diablo 3 power leveling, near the tech giants, Stanford, and the venture capitalists, they're increasingly moving north, to the city of San Francisco. (Technically diablo 3 gold, TechCrunch was one of those startups,?we moved to the city in June from Palo Alto.) So it should be no surprise that a number of incubators are popping up in the city. But Founders Den, which is opening its doors today, is attempting to be a bit different.Founders Den isn't actually an incubator at all. Instead, it's a shared office/club for?entrepreneurs?— all types of entrepreneurs, from experienced ones who have sold companies, to those just starting out. The idea is for them to all come together in this new, large 8,500 square foot space in the SoMa area of San Francisco. We got a chance to tour the place last week — it's very, very nice (check out the video below).But it's a private club. You have to be invited to join. The idea there is so it's a comfortable environment for all those who are there.So who is there?Well the Founders Den is the brainchild of four entrepreneurs: Jason Johnson, Jonathan Abrams, Michael Levit, and Zachary Bogue. Given the amount of experience between the four (and they're all working on new startups themselves), they were able to pull together an impressive list of advisors who will also regularly be in the Den. These include people like Drew Houston, Elad Gil, Ethan Beard, Gil Penchina, James Hong, Jay Adelson, Justin Kan, Keith Rabois, Michael Birch, Michael Marquez, Philip Kaplan, Rick Marini, Rusty Rueff, Shervin Pishevar, and Tim Ferriss.This is the perfect spot for a joke about the Founders Den having more Angels than Heaven.The Den will also feature four initial sponsors: DLA Piper, Norwest Venture Partners, SecondMarket, and Turnstone/Steelcase. Each of these companies are free to come and go from the Den as they please as well. The money they contribute to the Den will go towards paying the rent and putting on events.But the key to the Founders Den may the actual startups that are able to get inside. Already, there are ten such pre-launch startups that have moved in and are working in the space:Bionic PandaDotCloudInporiaiSpeechJungleCentsOpenAppMktProximityWareRethink BooksRevel SystemsSpigotEach came by way of referral from the network of the individuals listed above. That's how you get in: referral. There's no strict application process — someone with clout in the Founders Den just has to vouch for you.And if you get in, you'll have about 6 months to work on your startup while paying a low rent and getting access to all the?amenities: the space, the people, and the events. Typically, startups working out of the Founders Den will be post-seed funding but working on raising their first proper round. And while there is no formal funding policy, with that many angels regularly hanging around, you can bet there will be a lot of action going on.Learn more in our video below.. Founders Den: A Private Clubhouse For Entrepreneurs Opens In San Francisco | TechCrunch.

" Systrom says. "I'd imagine photos you take with Instagram will get sync'd as well

At 5 Million Users, It's Hard Not To View Instagram Through A Rose-Colored Filter | TechCrunch. When we first previewed Instagram nine months ago, most of theinitialcomments predicted it would be dead on arrival. To say those people were wrong is a vast understatement. And Instagram now has five million ways to prove it.Yes, Instagram now has five million users. That's 625,000 users for every month they've been in existence — with the growth accelerating. Just this past weekend they added 100,000 new users, for example.Even more amazing, there are now 1.25 million users for every one employee of Instagram.I got a chance to catch up with Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom this morning to talk about the milestone and the bigger picture for the service. Beyond the five million user mark (which they actually hit yesterday), Instagram is about to hit another huge milestone: 100 million photos. They're at 95 million right now, and they're adding roughly 860,000 a day. In other words, by the end of this week diablo 3 gold, the total number of pictures should cross 100 million.For comparisons sake, it took Flickr two years to hit 100 million photos. Again, Instagram, just eight months. If you still had any doubts that a mobile photo revolution is happening, there you go.As for the burgeoning Instagram ecosystem, Systrom says that there are now 2,500 unique apps out there accessing their APIs. Remarkably, they are also seeing some 350,000 connections across their API, meaning that some of the apps connected are massively popular. Which are the most popular? Webstagram and Flipboard were the top two the last time he looked, Systrom says. There are also now applications pushing photos into Instagram — not through the API, but through more creative means.The emergence of Webstagram, which is a web-based viewer for Instagram photos, leads to the question of when Instagram might finally release their own web app? Systrom declined to comment on that, but did confirm that work continues in that area. As for the all-important Android question, same deal — nothing to share yet, but work continues.Systrom will say that the top priorities right now are to scale the service, scale the team, and improve the core parts of the existing iPhone app.One of the most remarkable things about Instagram is that they'veachievedsuch success while only being on one platform: iOS. There is no way to sign up on the web. No way to sign up on Android. They're currently a mainstay in the top social networking apps list in the App Store. And that's big because they're not spending anything on marketing, and Apple has only promoted them a few times. In other words, the growth and traction has been largely organic.Instagram has scored some deals with partners to help promote the app. But in terms of bringing in revenue, "We're much more interested at growing the ecosystem right now," Systrom says. And they have plenty of money in the bank from nice funding round this past February to continue growing for some time.He also says that they have a lot more work to do on the current iPhone app. "Lots of very cool new stuff coming soon," is all he'll vaguely say. Though I did get him to admit that yes, more filters, are in the works. He also says there will be some "fundamental shifts in the underlying technology," coming soon."We want to give people the tools to tell the story of their lives in a visual way — we're working hard on making those tools top-notch," Systrom says.Giving their size and the rate at which they're growing, Instagram clearly has a lot of competitors gunning for them. So far, most have failed to gain any meaningful traction. But Twitter just recently put themselves in the photo-sharing game in partnership with Photobucket. Given that Twitter is such an important social discovery mechanism for Instagram, does this worry Systrom? "I'm excited to see how a more first-class experience of photos on Twitter will allow people to have a better Instagram experience within Twitter," he says. In other words diablo 3 power leveling, he think the rising tide will boost all boats, including his.There are also a number of apps popping up that areattemptingto be the "Instagram of video". That's interesting since Instagram does not currently support the sharing of videos — might they move in that direction? "I still think it's early — mobile video will always be slower to download and consume than photos," Systrom notes. "Instagram is about fast, beautiful experiences. Short snippets of friends' lives," he continues.At the same time, "video is something that I think fits naturally into our roadmap — just not at the moment," Systrom says.Earlier, I alluded to the fact (with math!) that despite their size, Instagram still has only four employees. That's insane. "Hiring great people is a top priority for me right now," Systrom says. "We clearly have something special, and we want to make sure to have the best of the best to help us to the opportunity," he continues.But they're not going to rush. "The thing we don't want to do is to hire just because we're big.Building a company is about building a product, but it's also about building a team.They're both very important to us," he says.Given that Instagram is still iOS-only, surely they must have some thoughts about the just-announced iOS 5. "iOS5 provides some really awesome new tools for Instagram users. Twitter integration makes it easier than ever for users to share their photos with their followers," Systrom says. Since they have no need for DM access, Instagram should be one of the key apps helped by the new, deep iOS Twitter integration.When I pointed out that I saw Instagram make a few appearances on stage during the keynote (in the background in demo images), this clearly made Systrom happy. "It was awesome to see Instagram on stage behind Steve during the keynote. It's humbling to think that we only started 8 mos ago and Instagram is now part of the de-facto set of apps that people use on the iPhone."It's pretty well known as this point that Apple executive Phil Schiller is a big time user of Instagram. But we've heard other Apple executives are hooked on the service too — though more under the radar."It's not surprising that notification demos featured Instagram — we send over 10 million Push Notifications per day," Systrom says. "And I think having a home for all those pushes to be out of the way and usefully grouped makes total sense," he says of the new notifications system in iOS 5.As for Apple's new Photostream feature (which shares pictures you take on your devices automatically with your other devices over iCloud), "Photostream is really awesome. I think there was a big focus on unity between your Apple devices this year.So it totally makes sense for photos to sync between devices," Systrom says. "I'd imagine photos you take with Instagram will get sync'd as well, but I'm unaware of exactly how it works," he continues.Assuming that Instagram's huge growth keeps up, they could very well hit 6 million users before the end of June. And 10 million before the end of the year looks like a shoo-in. And none of that is taking into account the possibility of an Android app before the end of the year. Let's just hope Instagram finds a fifth employee before then. Crunchbase INSTAGRAM Company: Instagram Website: instagr.am Launch Date: October 1, 2011 Funding: $7.5M Instagram is a photo sharing application for the iPhone. It allows you to quickly take pictures, apply a filter, and share it on the service or with a number of other services.The team behind it is also behind Burbn, a location-based service that works with HTML5-compatible web browsers. Learn more. At 5 Million Users, It's Hard Not To View Instagram Through A Rose-Colored Filter | TechCrunch.

it's also about fixing what's long been broken.You see

With OS X Lion, Apple Touches Upon The Next Decade Of The OS | TechCrunch. Ten years ago, I was not a Mac user. I had never owned a Mac. I thought I probably would never own a Mac. I was a Windows guy all the way. Sure, Windows Me sucked, but Windows 95 and 98 were solid. And we were on the verge of Windows XP. The Mac was something I was forced to use at school.Then, on March 24, 2001, OS X hit. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before. It was beautiful.I was a freshman in college at the time. I recall riding my bike to the engineering school to see a demo of the new OS that was being put on by Apple. I stood and watched a few demos, but mostly I just played with the new OS. And I remember thinking that I really wished Windows looked like this.But I wasn't entirely sold. This initial version of OS X Lion called "Cheetah" seemed buggy, and slow. And it was. By September, Apple has already rolled out the first big upgrade, OS X 10.1 "Puma". I recall going to check the new version out at a CompUSA. Much better. Still wasn't sold though, Windows XP was coming out the following month.I bought Windows XP the day it came out �� exactly one month after Puma �� October 25, 2001. I got a free MP3 player with my purchase at Best Buy. It was an Intel one. It sucked, but it was free. The iPod was announced just two days prior, but it wouldn't launch until November.Even ten years ago, it was a different time.I basically didn't think about Apple, OS X, or even the iPod until almost three years later when I broke down and bought a 40 GB iPod so I would have all my music with me on a drive out to California. It was the first Apple product I had ever bought. It would not be the last.A few months later, I was working in California, in Hollywood. In case you couldn't tell from popular television shows and movies, Hollywood is a Mac-dominated town. I had a job on Warner Bros' lot, where the computer at my desk was a Mac. After a few weeks of using it on a daily basis, I bought myself one �� the cheapest iBook I could find. It wasn't for the hardware, which I found slow and outdated compared to my relatively decked-out Dell laptop. It was for OS X �� 10.3 "Panther" at the time, to be exact �� I was addicted.Fast forward to today. Here we are a full ten years after the launch of OS X. And now the latest version is upon us, OS X Lion (or "10.7″ in the old parlance) �� the big cat nicknames have now been formalized. And it shouldn't be surprising that Apple chose to name this version after the king of the jungle. It's both the pinnacle of OS X as we've known it, and it points to what's coming in the next ten years.A Touch Of LionWhen Apple first unveiled OS X Lion last fall, it was billed as "OS X meets iOS". The truth is that it's still much closer to the OS X side of things, but it's a newer flavor of OS X. It's a flavor that favors notebook PCs and touch/gesture-based environments.This shouldn't be the least bit surprising considering that nearly three-quarters of Apple's Mac sales are now notebooks. And the iOS devices, themselves built entirely around touch/gesture based environments, now far trump Mac sales. This is how the majority of users now interact with and experience Apple products. OS X needed to catch up or get out of the way.With Lion, OS X does catch up. As a heavy iPad user diablo 3 power leveling, I feel much more at home switching between that device and a laptop running Lion. Whereas the iPad/computer switch used to break my brain, the smallest little tweak has fixed it: inverted scrolling.It's funny that what is really one of the smaller tweaks to the OS is the one that's going to be talked about the most and will have some users totally up in arms. Yes, scrolling has been reversed in Lion. But as much as it is about matching iOS, it's also about fixing what's long been broken.You see, it used to be that on small screens with windows (lowercase, not necessarily Windows), you were really using a mouse to move the viewport. When you think about it, that doesn't make a ton of sense �� but it was the only way because you had to move the scrollbar. Now we can actually moving the content.Yes, it will take users a little bit of time to get used to this. But it does feel more natural once you are used to it. It took me maybe 15 minutes, and I was set. Of course diablo 3 power leveling, switching back to an older OS X Snow Leopard machine now drives me absolutely insane �� the lengths I go to in order to review products. Luckily, that won't be an issue after today.And yes, if you really, really hate it, there is an option to go back to the old way (but the new way is the default in Lion).Backing up slightly for a second, another big aesthetic change you'll notice in Lion is that there are no more scrollbars in windows where you'd normally see them. Again, this is a relic of the past. Fluid scrolling didn't truly come about until the 1990s, so scrollbars were still needed to fully see content (again, really by moving the viewport). But now, with multi-touch and gestures, we rarely use them. So they're not there until you need to see them in Lion. And that's basically just to orient yourself on a page (though you can still click and scroll them manually). When you are done scrolling, they disappear again. All content, whether on the web or elsewhere, just looks so much better this way.The Lion's FeaturesApple says that Lion has over 250 new features. Of course, the majority of these are smaller things that many users will gloss over at first, but eventually grow to appreciate. At WWDC, Apple chose to outline ten of the bigger ones. If you've been excited for Lion, you likely already know them, so instead I thought I'd talk a bit about actually using a few of them and more generally about what it's like to use Lion as a daily user of OS X for the past six-plus years.First of all, as a person who mainly uses a notebook, I love full-screen apps. I wasn't entirely sold on this concept when I first heard about it because there have long been apps with full screen mode �� Google Chrome, for example �� and I never got into using the feature. But because it's fully baked into Lion, making transitions in and out of full-screen apps seems much more natural, and it feels like a well-thought-out part of the entire environment instead of a tacked-on feature.The iPad/iPhone has also likely made me more appreciative of full-screen app usage. There are many cases where having multiple windows open is still preferred, but full-screen apps plus multi-touch gestures to quickly switch between various running programs now seems ideal to me in many circumstances.Speaking of multi-touch, that is really at the core of OS X Lion. Multi-touch and gestures have gradually become a part of OS X as Apple has continued to expand the size of the trackpad on MacBooks. And now these gestures are finally vital to the system.Getting access to all of the content running on your system is now as easy as swiping three fingers up on the trackpad. This launches Mission Control, which is more or less a "bird's eye view" of your system. It's like a more robust version of the longtime OS X feature, Expose.Mission Control does take a little getting used to, but once you do, you won't want to manage your running apps any other way. In fact, it will be awesome when you can manage iOS apps in a way more like this.The one element of Lion that is most iOS-like has to be Launchpad. This is essentially an overlay screen that shows you all of your apps and allows you to click on one to run it. It essentially gives your Mac an iPad home screen interface.Again, this took some getting used to �� I kept looking for my Applications folder (which isn't installed by default). But once you get the four-finger pinch down (the gesture that launches Launchpad), it's great.AutoSave and Versions are the types of features that are so obvious, you can't believe they haven't been in place for years. There's long been this inherent fear of even simple computing like word processing because you think you'll forget to save something and lose all of your work �� or worse, that you'll overwrite something you did not mean to. It has happened to all of us. These features remove that fear.One reason why something like this hasn't been more commonplace is because the idea of versioning is complex to users. OS X Lion attempts to get around this by giving Versions a Time Machine-like interface. It works pretty well, though I've found performance to be a bit of an issue. Often while in Versions for Pages, my machine's fan would kick into overdrive. A few times, I was able to lock up the system for a couple of minutes simply by clicking around.More often than not, Versions worked as expected, but users on older machines should still be careful about entering this state. I was using a brand new machine when I ran into some trouble (though I did have several other apps open, to be fair).Those concerned about AutoSave and Versions taking up too much space on your hard drive shouldn't worry. OS X Lion is smart enough to only track and record the changes between different copies of documents. This means that 400 full copies aren't saved, just the partial changes from version to version.Along the lines of the fears of computing, Resume is a feature that allows you to pick up right where you left off in every app after you've restarted your machine (either on purpose or by force). To be honest, I'm still getting used to this feature. I'm a person who likes to start up anew when I turn on my computer each day (and if I don't want to, I just leave it on). Of course, a simple check-box at shutdown dialogue gives you this option too.AirDrop sounds like one of the cooler, subtle features of Lion. Because I only have one Lion machine right now, I couldn't fully try it out. But I saw a demo of it working perfectly. The best part about it is that none of the parties making a connection need to be connected (or even near) WiFi to transfer files. It's all peer-to-peer from the local machines themselves using WiFi radios.Thinking back to my Windows days, there's also a new Windows Migration tool that sounds useful. I didn't try it out since I no longer use Windows, but again, it sounds great.The Lion FeelOkay, but all of this?sounds great. How does it actually feel to use Lion versus the other versions of OS X? Again, a few of the features take some getting used to, but once you do, it's a more graceful experience than ever before �� and that's especially true if you're an iOS user (which most Mac users likely are by now).As I suspected, Lion really does seem as if it's the beginning of a major transition from point & click to flick & swipe. That is to say, the move away from the mouse and towards the trackpad. While OS X Lion will work with a regular mouse, I would suggest that you at least get a Magic Mouse (with the multi-touch top) to take advantage of many of the navigational features.And the truth is that the Magic Mouse is also not quite as robust as something like the Magic Trackpad will be with Lion if you're using a desktop machine. (Really, it's just different since one-finger touch on a trackpad is the same thing as moving a mouse around �� but the trackpad offers more surface area for gestures.) But again, the vast majority of Mac users now have notebooks, and those notebooks have multi-touch trackpads already built-in.Perhaps my favorite Lion-based gesture is swiping between screens (with three-fingers or four) to quickly jump between "Desktops" and apps. You used to be able to switch between Spaces in the previous versions of OS X, but this linear mode that heavily relies on multi-touch makes more sense in an iOS world. iOS 5 will bring similar functionality for the iPad as well.Even Dashboard has been made into it's own vertical space in Lion �� all the way to the far left (sort of like Search in iOS). I suspect this has to do with the fact that it used to be an overlay and now that Launchpad is an overlay, that would be confusing. But you can still change the settings to make Dashboard into the overlay if you wish.Swiping comes into play in the latest version of Safari within Lion too. You can now seamlessly swipe back and forth between webpages to peek at other content. It's one of those tiny attention-to-detail features that makes Apple products, Apple products.In terms of stability, OS X Lion seems solid. I was not able to find any of my old apps built for OS X Snow Leopard that wouldn't run on Lion. There were a few that had small bugs (Twitter for Mac's tray icon isn't clickable when you're in a full-screen mode app, for example), but nothing major.The bigger issue will likely be apps like Quicken, which won't work on Lion because app makers like Intuit haven't updated them in years.Overall, the OS itself seems polished. Some developers complained that early builds of Lion were filled with bugs and bogged down by slowness, but this final version feels snappy and mostly trouble-free. Yes, there are a few tiny bugs here and there (such as the dock getting stuck sometimes when transitioning between full-screen apps and Desktops, for example), but I haven't found any bug that would make me tell people to hold off until the first update.OS X Lion optimized apps are already hitting the App Store. One I know about and was able to test is the email client Sparrow. It now has a very nice, Lion-optimized full-screen mode, for example.The Lion's ApproachAlso notable about OS X Lion is the way it's being distributed. Whereas the last seven versions of OS X all were delivered via the standard optical disc. OS X Lion will be available in the Mac App Store only. This mean that users of OS X Snow Leopard will need to make sure they have the latest version of the software with the App Store included. And OS X Leopard users will have to install Snow Leopard first, in order to install Lion.That is a bit inconvenient, but it's a relatively small subset of users who would be affected, I'm told. Also, while Apple isn't really playing it up, users will be able to take machine into Apple Stores to get Lion installed for them (undoubtedly for a fee).Also interesting: I'm told there will be a USB version of OS X Lion available in August. Apple declined to give more details except to suggest that the pricing is still being worked out for that. Some of you may recall that last year's MacBook Airs came with a USB restore key rather than an optical disc (since the Air has no optical drive). This is a similar idea.Yes, like it or not, Apple really is going all-in on the optical-disc-is-dead thing. As regular readers will know, I'm all for that. (Also, told you so.)But how do you restore your computer? When installed, Lion creates a recovery partition on your hard disk that will allow you to do limited things in the event of a system failure �� things like fix your system, and yes, even get to a web browser. OS X Lion pre-installed on newer Macs will go even further, because they'll be able to talk to the cloud to automatically re-install Lion as need be, I'm told.In order to install Lion, you'll have to have at least an Intel Core 2 Duo system. In other words, you'll need a 64-bit Mac. You'll also need at least 2 GB of RAM and 7 GB of hard disk space. Lion itself is only a 4 GB download �� which is roughly the size of an HD movie �� but you'll need a bit more for the install itself.To install Lion if you have Snow Leopard with the Mac App Store, all you'll need to do is click on the Lion link in the Mac App Store, pay $29.99, and wait for it to download. It can install as-is, without being burned to a disc or any of that nonsense. And the $29.99 price will allow you to install it on all of your machines �� yes, no more family packs needed.A Proud LionWith all the changes based around touch, one can't help but feel that OS X Lion could be the last of its breed in the OS X family. OS X Lion still feels like OS X, but I'm not sure the Mac OS that comes next will. That's not a bad thing, it's just inevitable as mobile, touch-based computing increases in popularity.If that's the case, OS X Lion is a great send-off for what has been a fantastic OS. And it's also an appropriate first step towards the next decade of what will likely be seen as "traditional" computing. Touch and gestures are ready to hit the mainstream.Update: OS X Lion is now live in the Mac App Store. You can find it here. Crunchbase APPLE Company: Apple Website: apple.com Launch Date: January 4, 1976 IPO: October 1, 1980, NASDAQ:AAPL Started by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, Apple has expanded from computers to consumer electronics over the last 30 years, officially changing their name from Apple Computer, Inc. to Apple, Inc. in January 2007.Among the key offerings from Apple's product line are: Pro line laptops (MacBook Pro) and desktops (Mac Pro), consumer line laptops (MacBook) and desktops (iMac), servers (Xserve), Apple TV, the Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server operating systems, the iPod (offered with... Learn more. With OS X Lion, Apple Touches Upon The Next Decade Of The OS | TechCrunch.

classes and specs

Ghostcrawler on the success of "bring the player not the class". You have heard Blizzard's motto for raiding in Wrath of the Lich King, "bring the player not the class." The intent is to steer away from strict raid composition and shake things up. Encounters are being designed so that no one single class is necessary, although the 25-man Razuvious fight currently requires at least one priest, preferably two or three, with at least one specced shadow. Classes are being designed so that many necessary buffs, such as Replenishment, can be acquired through a variety of classes, rather than just one. The rigidity that came with Sunwell is one of the reasons that development has taken this direction. The motto sparked high hopes, and not all players are convinced that the implementation has been successful. In response diablo 3 power leveling, Ghostcrawler points out that just like everything in WoW, it is a process. It's not going to be perfect diablo 3 power leveling, because things are always changing.In fact, the development teams learn a lot about class balance by watching us play the content. GC mentions that they expect Ulduar, specifically in heroic mode, "to shine a much harsher light on class balance." This equates to admitting that they do not intent for content to be perfect on first release. It should work bug-free, ideally, and be balanced fairly well, but new raid content liek Ulduar is also an opportunity for study. GC expects "great debates" about the necessity of various buffs, debuffs, classes and specs, and while it will be "interesting, perhaps a bit rocky...we're also prepared to make whatever changes we need to make." I don't know about you, but this has renewed my excitement for patch 3.1 and Ulduar's release. This sounds tough, challenging, and our own performances will directly affect class balance and raid composition. On the bright side, Ghostcrawler confirms that there is no current trend where certain classes are being shunned out of raid slots, and that classes that used to be ignored by raid leaders in BC are now working competitively alongside their raidmates.Finally, he reminds us that the motto "does not mean class is irrelevant." What it does allow for is increased flexibility and creativity. Raid composition shouldn't be an exact science. Patch 3.1 brings us Ulduar, dual specs, significant changes to all the classes, and more! We've got you covered from top to bottom with our Guide to Patch 3.1.Email This. Ghostcrawler on the success of "bring the player not the class".

— and for a security/emergency-management app

Guardly Watches Your Back, From The Mean Streets Of Toronto | TechCrunch. I can't help but be amused that the personal-security platform Guardly, which launches today, was born in virtually-crime-free Toronto, where I live, and where I've never encountered anything more fearsome than bad weather. (Q: How do you get 20 Canadians out of a pool? A: "C'mon, guys diablo 3 gold, get out of the pool.")Security is a big market, though: there are a lot of people out there who do have reason to feel unsafe. For instance, a few years ago I visited a friend who had to vary her routes to and from work every day, and check in with security by radio every night, for fear of kidnapping—because she worked for UNICEF in troubled Port-au-Prince, Haiti. A personal-security app that integrated into UNICEF's systems would have been a big help. I expect NGOs and multinational corporations would be eager to deploy such a system for staff in crime-ridden cities like Nairobi, Port Moresby, and (God help them) Oakland.Guardly is both platform and app. The platform will let authorities and a person's "personal security network"—maybe friends and family, maybe corporate security—collaborate with them in real-time during an emergency situation; the app lets you alert both groups with the push of a button when something goes wrong. You can also use it to message your? emergency contacts, and share photos or other media with them. (Yes, that's right, it's both YAGMA (Yet Another Group Messaging App) and YAPSA (Yet Another Photo Sharing App). Would someone please write some common protocols for the YAGMAs and YAPSAs? This is getting ridiculous.) The iPhone version is available now, and Android and Blackberry are on tap shortly.The platform is more interesting than the app: it makes sense not just for personal security, but for medical crises, natural disasters, and the like. (The vast majority of those rescued from the terrible earthquake that hit Haiti in 2010 were saved by friends, family, and neighbors, not emergency responders.) Their freemium app model probably won't sell like hotcakes in Toronto… but Guardly are wisely planning to internationalize to places like Mexico and Venezuela. Personal security networks—and apps—suddenly make a lot of sense in nations where the wealthiest 10-15% of the population have First World income and Third World security concerns, including corrupt and/or incompetent police.Guardly are funded by a seed round raised from made-in-Canada consortion of Extreme Venture Partners and seven angel investors. Competitors: SOS Link (created in response to Vancouver's nonstop random violence), Rave Mobile (spawned from the brutal gunplay of Framingham, Massachussetts), and JTrek (born of the bloody suburban horrors of Barrington, Illinois) all play in this space too. Guardly seems to be working hardest to integrate their app with security agencies, police services, the National Emergency Number Association, and corporate/university operations around the world, though?— and for a security/emergency-management app, that integration is the killer feature. So to speak.. Guardly Watches Your Back diablo 3 power leveling, From The Mean Streets Of Toronto | TechCrunch.