
such as PMI index has been veryClose to the critical point. In addition TERA Power Leveling such a

129834195737140000_73According to a report in the news aspect of Chinese domestic airline fuel surcharges from highest down. 5th adult passengers take the 800 km (inclusive) flight down to below $ 70; flight above 800 km down to $ 130. In addition, in June, Europe, oil prices plunged in the first session, and linked to the domestic oil price of Brent oil price fell below each$ 100 a barrel, hit record low since the beginning of January 2011. At present, international oil prices continued to drop, which also created space for domestic fuel price adjustment. International crude oil markets since late April has plunged five weeks in a row, the cumulative decline of up to 17%, hit a record of the longest decline after the 2008 financial crisis. Walk down international oil prices, domestic oil prices are "cool down”。 National development and Reform Commission notice on June 1, domestic sales of aviation kerosene prices, reduced from $ 7,976 per ton to $ 7,509, cut of 467 dollars per tonne. Follow the, is the reduction of domestic airline fuel surcharges. Civil Aviation University of China School of Economics and management Professor Li Xiaojin: performed under the national development and Reform Commission, the civil aviation authority on April 1, 2012New rules adjustments in oil prices of more than $ 250, per passenger fuel surcharges will adjust 0.6353 Yuan/kilometer. This round of aviation kerosene prices have decreased by more than 250 dollars a tonne, domestic fuel surcharge will therefore have come down. Fuel costs have risen this year to a total cost of 34% in the aviation industry, oil prices lowerSuffering through high oil prices of the airline "prolonged drought on rain". For passengers, and fuel surcharge reduction is also good news. Li Xiaojin said: aviation kerosene prices downward, airlines and passengers are able to reduce expenditure. According to the estimation of traffic from January to April this year, from June to December, airlines and passengers will have to reduce expenditure 3700 million Yuan, the airlines can be reduced by 700 million Yuan, passengers can reduce the 3 billion RMB. In other words, the average per passenger on domestic routes to reduce spending 17.6 million. Although is is cut under the background of global oil prices, fuel surcharge reduced domestic routes, airline fuel surcharges are bucked up, several foreign airlines have raised their fuelFee, and most significantly more than $ 30. Analysis of Li Xiaojin said this was mainly due to two reasons. Li Xiaojin: first, the international routes the fuel used by a significant number were not at home plus, has the potential to be abroad and, on overseas routes, particularly in the offshore oil, like other airports of rising oil prices are likely to be second in international aviationLine fuel price surcharge is imposed on market-regulated prices, airlines according to their market needs, based on competitive pricing conditions independent price adjustment. So, there may be inconsistent with domestic fuel surcharge adjustment direction of. June 1 United States report of non-agricultural employment data released lower-than-expected United States unemployment rate rose for the first time in the year, triggering cityPanic. At the same time, China manufacturing purchasing managers ' index (PMI) data record lowest levels during the year, it also intensified the market's worries. Under the influence of this in June, oil prices in Europe and America in the first session, "diving", both decreases of more than 3%. Brent oil prices closed at us $ 98.43 per barrel, dipped below $ 100 a barrel mark New York oil price per barrel fell to 8$ 3.23, to the lowest level since October last year. Brent oil price is below the hundred dollar more important psychologically, this energy grid in China Han Xiaoping, Chief Information Officer, said, this is not unexpected. Han Xiaoping: first or economy is in the doldrums. First, China's economic performance these data are not very good, such as PMI index has been veryClose to the critical point. In addition, our April electricity consumption is also a very low status. Not only is China, now India has faced a big problem, inflation, coupled with the rapid economic downturn, had a similar problem in other emerging economies, plus the European debt problem, which is the economic problems. From the other hand SWTOR Credits, Obama wants oil prices slightly downSo that is more favourable to his campaign. Coupled with a stronger dollar now, various factors led to the current global oil demand has slowed, slowed to a certain extent, reduce the price. Now, may soon be approaching the price adjustment window, this time we hope to have a relatively large adjustment. Special Chinese economic difficult times, such asFruit oil price adjustments, this is more favourable for promoting economic. Current domestic refined oil pricing mechanism has been criticized, price adjustment period and the change needs to be reformed. Under the international oil price volatility of the situation, when the new pricing mechanism on the agenda? Han Xiaoping believed that reform timing is important. Han Xiaoping: in principle to introduce aNew pricing mechanism reform best nodes should be in when oil prices down TERA Power Leveling, such as now you introduced this pricing mechanism TERA Gold, the next step may still continue downward, so that consumers in the short term to be able to enjoy certain benefits of this pricing change. But before that there were other reforms, ladder price reforms, these reforms have not yet fullyImplementation. A new reform push may have been some differences of opinion in the community, so it should be step by step, launch prices within a short time of reforms is still difficult. () Others:

