
it is difficult to determine the market direction. Currently Rift CD-key it is difficult to determ

129834010424952500_50Yen/RMB view latest market report from (reporter Li Zhen) yesterday, the continued appreciation of the yen, Yen Yuan central parity rate rose 284 basis points, at 8.097. Experts say directly convertible currency two business days before the date in the active trading, but trading volumes smaller, effect is still difficult to get rid of $ anchor.From the 1st of the month, Sino-Japanese currencies can be exchanged directly. China's interbank foreign exchange market currency against the yen began trading in 1995, after the yen was the dollar, Hong Kong dollar in the interbank foreign exchange market up for the third currency. Currency trading directly with the yen opened the first two trading days, trading activity was better than expected. Capital markets analyst at CITIC Bank Lo RotarySaid, two days before transactions are active, but directly convertible currency in trading volume is too small for now, not yet independent pricing, in the short term, the quotations still need to refer to the US dollar against the yen, the dollar quotation, is still difficult to get rid of the dollar effect of anchor. According to latest data from the China foreign exchange Trade Center, interbank foreign exchange market yesterday the Yuan central parity rate for 100 Yen RMB 8.097 Yuan, up 284 basis points in the previous session. Two days before this month yen yuan central parity rate up 777 basis points. Luo Xuan said, with only two trading days, it is difficult to determine the market direction. Currently, Yen on currency movements more by the dollar against the yen, the dollar-Yuan exchange rate, And this effect is one-way.����As the Japanese currency exchange trading volume increased in the future, maybe will change this trend of unilateral effects. China Merchants Bank (micro-blogging) Head Office of financial markets senior analyst Liu Dongliang (microblogging), Sino-Japanese currencies direct exchange movements do not have a direct impact on the yen. First, because the yen was more mature international monetary, currencyMinimal impact of the yen itself; the second is because the yen is a refuge currency, at a time when global economic recovery is weak, favored by international hedge funds against the yen is a major factor in promoting the appreciation of the yen Rift CD-key, its effects are most important. China Japan innovation Takamashi bond holders to $ 1.45 trillion at present, has the world's largest foreign exchange reserves in China, as of 2012Months Diablo 3 power leveling, China's foreign exchange reserves totaled $ 3,304,971,000,000. To spread risk and foreign currency reserve diversification of investment in China has been promoting for many years.����Buying Japan bonds also becomes part of the diversified reserves. Japan Central Bank balance of payment statistics released yesterday shows that at the end of 2011, China's holdings of Japan government bonds (Treasury)Increased to about 18 trillion yen ($ 1.459 trillion yuan), increase of 71% compared with the previous year, a record high. This shows some of their dollar reserves held by the Government will transfer to the yen.����It is learnt that the China Japan government bonds from rapid growth in 2009 Diablo 3 Gold, in 2010 over United States and the United Kingdom became Japan the biggest holder of Treasury bonds. Luo rotary tableAs shown in the reserves currently dispersed and diversified is the willingness of central banks.����Because of the relatively large fluctuations of the dollar, a single dollar of risk is correspondingly larger, therefore, looking for non-US dollar currencies as part of the foreign exchange reserves of central banks consensus. It is understood that the Japan government bonds with internal characteristics of digestive tract. According to the end of 2011 Japan national debt amounted to 920Trillion yen (about US $ 11 trillion).����Among them, Japan domestic financial intermediaries such as banks, insurance companies, bond holds 601 trillion yen (about US $ 7.3 trillion), the proportion of total national debt 65.3%. Japan domestic economy in slow recovery after a major earthquake last year and last 3 months of the continued appreciation of the yen makes exports JapanEconomy faces more difficult. At present, China is Japan's biggest trading partner.����According to display wind, 2011 year Sino-Japanese bilateral trade amounted to us $ 343.1 billion. Many signs that Japan is strengthening Sino-Japanese bilateral trade. In March, Japan granted can be purchased up to 65 billion yuan bonds in China. In May, Japan and South Korea agreed in the year KaiIn the Japanese-ROK free trade negotiations, in June, the direct exchange of currency in China and Japan, market participants believe that, in the future or likely to increase between China and Japan hold each other's shares of the bond. Others:

