
one is the first to reach the news site SWTOR Credits one is the first to reach the news site - QL

129823442315312500_21New media impact difficult to shake the media pattern of college students preferred TV Yesterday, the opening of Shanghai TV Festival of University students in East China Normal University, announced at the opening ceremony of the "survey of Shanghai TV University students concerned about" reports, Web TV, mobile TV, mobile TV, such as between traditional television and new media, Shanghai college students today are the most like traditional TV when in college students ' evaluation of TV news program, the main criterion is also the facilitatorOr reporter of the depth of thought and language, and the timeliness requirement of the news has been relegated to a secondary factor. Media landscape is not to subvert the "Shanghai University student television awareness survey" report was China Normal University College of communication by Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University, Tongji University, East China Normal University, and 13 over more than 2000 students in colleges and universities after the investigation of the draw. Because the students represent the trend of the contemporary young people's choice,So make this report particularly compelling. Report says, although with the rapid rise of mobile phones, networks, and other new media, traditional media of television as the most powerful, have been hit by increasing, but found that students in media use, 51% students will choose a traditional television, Internet TV is not more than 40%, mobile TV and mobile TVSnubbed, even less than 10%. This shows that traditional television still occupy the mainstream position within a certain time, which despite the strong impact of the new media, but life is still very strong. Zhiqian, it is expected that today's young people are moving away from traditional TV, and new media, the Internet has a pattern of subversive media capacity. But the reality is not. SurveyFound that even when you are watching a news program, up from 48% college students ' choice of traditional TV, more than a select network of nearly 10%. This precisely reflected the authority of traditional TV cannot be replaced by the new media. College students ' favorite program, arts and entertainment is one of the preferred Diablo 3 gold, 41%. Followed by 22% educational classes, news 21%, Talk 16%. Survey also found that boys like to watch news programs, over girl 20%. Girls prefer entertainment, 21% than boys. Depth of thought into benchmark "Shanghai University student television awareness survey" report also pointed out that the host and reporter of the depth of thought and language have become the main standard of students ' evaluation of a news program. Report showed that almostYears of college students to watch educational TV programs more and more, there is a growing trend, its main purpose Watch: first, in order to study Humanities and social science knowledge, rich connotation, 42 per cent. 5%, second is to broaden one's horizon, enhance the depth of thought, accounting for 32. 2%; three strong is interesting, fascinating, enlightening thought accounted for 18. 7%. Thus, pursuit of depth, KaiAndy thought has become a main feature of college students watch TV, while killing time, relax with only 5 per cent. 6%. In the subsequent industry elite Forum Diablo 3 power leveling, CCTV news anchor said Lang Yongchun, survey of college students, News TV channels of choice, CCTV to 52% ahead of other media. He said, to build a large influence on information,To rely on more accurate, more comprehensive and more authoritative information; the second relies on unique news review. SMG mouth Pan Tao believes that news reached there are two, one is the first to reach the news site, but with the rise of new media such as Twitter, mobile phones have become increasingly difficult. II reaches a certain depth, this requires the moderator and journalist with a depth of perspective and reflection. Chair He Jie said:And the rise of new media and media SWTOR Credits, everyone into the news, but news events require interpretation needs to have views, microblogging, Web hits is 20% higher, professional television news host, can provide valuable perspectives are important, the view will be like. Others:

