
private product release widespread extension of the phenomenon

129667889684365392_208Distance only 5 weeks to the end of 2011 market, Sun private equity annual ranking final sprint stage in the war. However, the economic situation at home and abroad with one climax following another context, financial market volatility, market this year with "bad" words. As of November 25, the Shanghai composite index has dropped 15.24% during the year. Thought justLast October, the a-share a strong rebound in private equity brought ray of sunshine at the end, but in recent weeks renewed dawn hit the line also erase is complete.   Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! The economic daily newsReporters found that many Sun performance losses, raising private equity faces difficulties, winding up three problems of the crisis. Many wound up facing the daily economic news from Chaoyang perpetual access to the latest statistics show that as of November 25, has had 173 private products, Sun found that wound up over last year was winding up 83 sunshine all year round private equity productsMore than 90; of these, non-structured products 35, 138 of structured products. From the perspective of nature of the liquidation, October compulsory winding up suddenly at the rate of warming.  October wound up in the product only, compulsory the number wound up as many as 7, 77.8%, whereas the first three quarters of this year compared to just 18.8%. Data show that as of November25th, running in the full year of 604 products, only 69 positive returns, accounts for more than just 11.42%. Losses this year to increase by more than 25% of non-structured products reach 82, less than 13.58%.  These products of high losses if not stop, also could face liquidation of bad luck. Many scene a moment of sunshine private equity productsCould face liquidation. As of Friday, strategy 1 year return to-when 52.77%; private product returns less than 50% during the year there are star, 2nd,-at 53.3%.  These products of high losses if not stop, also could face liquidation. According to the verge of winding up in private equity products, many new products. For example, thisWorldCom 5 issues of the year was established on April 11, as of November 18, their net worth is $ 0.6230, losing 37.7%; established on January 25 this year WorldCom 29.71% 9 losses, and one day (January 26) set up a stone goddess of the moon a loss of 36.79%. Guangzhou Li Shiyu private persons told reporters: "a few years ago the SunPrivate-equity firms experiencing crazy growth, this year's market downturn will cause Sun private reshuffling. To the end, Sun private equity products increases the probability of liquidation, after all, the investor is selected based on annual income investment products. "Net financing difficulties caused by huge losses since the beginning of this year, private issue as a whole remained low. Giant spirit information according to this August ~ October, Sunny private equity issue size respectively, and $ 1.631 billion to $, $ 1.556 billion.  From the results view, sunny private-equity firms suffer biggest loss since 2008 is a foregone conclusion: products do not achieve positive returns this year to 10%, and products are more than half of the loss of more than 10%. Product loss, significantly reduced attractive to investors,Sunshine private equity faces the product is harder, raise difficult situation. Sunshine private-only 25 of October this year, fell by 55%, up 60% drop and its lowest point since 2010.  As of November 21, sunny private in November only raised $ 17. Li Shiyu says: "Sun private equity financing is still very difficult in the short term, mainlyDue to the current domestic fiscal and monetary policies have not let go, the lack of liquidity in the market. The other hand, large losses of the small Sun private placement will be wound up, it will result in investors ' distrust of the private equity products, reason will lead to the Sun in two private placement more difficult. "Worry about the collapse of small private deposit due to the sharp drop in the finance function, the Sun will private equityCollapse of usher tide? Guangdong finance Research Institute, private networks, one Research Center Director Liu Jinyi, Deputy Secretary General, told the business daily said: "If the market remains weak, private product release has a lot of the negative effects of sunshine. Starting from March this year, private product release widespread extension of the phenomenon, generally postponed half a month to month, but now won'tOf their product. If the existing market continued until 7 August next year, may 1~2 small closure of private equity funds, and does not work like an online said Sun private situation of a large number of closures. There are two main reasons, is a private equity firm lower operational costs; on the other hand, whenever a private issue, Sun products, Fund Manager operations tend to be cautious the old republic power leveling, manyFund Manager keeps evading 70 (that is, the net drop of more than 30%) stop line. If the market remains weak and funds fell to 75, many fund managers will select a short action star wars the old republic power leveling, so as to avoid greater losses. "Guangdong investment managing director Wu Guoping told reporters President admits:" If the market remains weak, or the broader market fell below the 2000 levelThe whole market will shuffle. Not only is the Sun private, even the public fund, securities firms are facing financing difficulties. Private equity products at this time of the release will come under great pressure, this can lead to more and more sunshine private-equity firms face closure. "" For Sun private, and is currently an extremely difficult period, the key is to look at, well attract money back back toTo the capital markets. "Wu Guoping continued.

