
"for ATT

129667750453896642_110Fenghuangwang Tech News Beijing time on November 26, according to Bloomberg, according to sources, ATT was considering selling more assets than the previous expected in return for acquisition of T-Mobile United States trading to get regulatory approval. The sources said, although the scale of the sale is uncertain, but almost as T-Mobile United States 40% of assets. The sale of assets aimed at addressing United States Justice Department for ATT takeover of blocking. On August 31, the Justice Department which filed suit to block the merger, and said the deal "will essentially decrease the competitive mobile markets". Then on October 22 the old republic power leveling, United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is also said to prevent the merger. Macquarie syndromeCoupon card *, an analyst the Smithsonian Institution (Kevin Smithen) says: "for ATT, find questions with the way of a successful sale of property. Collection and took over the company, not many even if they are interested in, but no chance. Department of Justice antitrust authorities are unlikely to allow big companies like Verizon ATT purchased the assets sold. "StopNow, ATT and t-mobile parent company Germany Telecom declined to comment. ATT proposal the sale of assets as early as November 30 swtor power leveling, that is, the new issue of the Ministry of Justice published before the hearing, it may be the company avoid litigation battles and to buy t-mobile United States the only option. Prior to this, ATT and Germany telecommunications applied to the FCC to withdrawMotion back to the mergers and acquisitions, in order to better focus the Ministry of Justice litigation. ATT also said that the one-time provision for us $ 4 billion as a break fee, if the takeover fails, paid Germany Telecom. (Compile/dawn)

