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129785410993593750_39"Double top" singer "Groove Assembly" activist is subject Judge Gao. (A) Xian evening news reported on April 10 to April 7 and 8th, two of the most famous pop music in China Awards 2012 Oriental music income and income in Shanghai and Shenzhen, respectively, and in previous years, this year's "double top" in addition to the announcement list, also be the aggregation of many singers in China "spit trough Assembly", Groove onLike, is just beginning to call for public suggestions of the People's Republic of China copyright law (draft amendment). Urge the concerned industry initiatives judge Gao recently published the book of the People's Republic of China copyright law (draft amendment) 46th in article: "sound recordings published for the first time after 3 months, other recordings made in accordance with this law article 48thConditions, without the permission of the copyright owner, making sound recordings using their music works. "This has led to wider questions of original music. Earlier, judge Gao (micro-blogging) has said in an interview with reporters, property of creative people like music, if you are deprived of the right to dispose of property is clearly not fair. So he will this week launch industry initiatives. Held in ShenzhenMusic on income, as Chairman of the jury, he and Lin XI, Zhang Ya Dong (micro-blogging) with musicians such as staging, about the recent release of the People's Republic of China copyright law (draft amendment) issued a statement with respect to the part of the draft articles is not conducive to protecting the legitimate rights and interests and the fight against infringement of copyright, urge relevant departments to consider carefully, and also at the awards ceremonyAll star appeal for signatures, advocate for them to fight for their rights. Yesterday, the reporter received this statement by Shenzhen counterparts, reads as follows: "in view of the currently known to the public is to seek the views of the People's Republic of China copyright law (draft amendment) involved in the copyright provisions of part of the music, not only seriously infringed music copyright owners rights, and involves the music sZuoren to dispose of private property rights as citizens, infringement of citizens ' rights TERA Gold, therefore urge national legislative bodies and administrative departments to consider carefully, listening to the voice of the music industry, amend the relevant provisions, promote the development and progress of intellectual property protection in China. "The environment many people responding to judge Gao, who initiated the proposal will soon be participating in music incomeMany music hot rally together to respond. Zhang Chu (microblogging), Shang Wenjie, and Chan, Sandee, and Wang Feng (microblogging), Kyung Han, week, Chang and other musicians have signed the appeal, and another in Shanghai, "income" on the income of the East, Cai Jianya, Hu Yan bin, Xu Song and other music people also expressed their dissatisfaction with the relevant provisions of the draft and to understand. Mainland singer Hu Yan�� telephone interview by reporters yesterday, expressed support for the initiative of judge Gao Diablo 3 power leveling, who made "for creative people, his work is his greatest asset, which is his personal assets TERA Power Leveling, a person is not eligible, without creative people I have permission to use it. This draft appears, writing worthless, who would like to worthless things to do sth Currently there is a draft, not yetAgreed, also would like to urge everyone to help, convey the sound of music. "As talented music creation, admitted in an interview Cai Jianya, is unfortunately for some provisions of the draft:" piracy over the years, we have been on the music people is the most terrible thing, good music in this so-called civilized society has not changed, but more disastrous degradation. "Hu Yan bin newFamous screenwriter Ning song lyrics God, but also because of the "cross-border", watching the dynamics of the music circle, when he told reporters: "(terms) is bad, change must be made, otherwise the creation of domestic conditions will be very negative. �� Others:

